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It's been weeks since anything has happened with Josh, Josh didn't let his guard down but Tyler did and begged him into sleeping. He needed sleep, he needed so much sleep. Tyler's plan did work anyways, he told him to come to bed and watch a movie and he soon fell right to sleep with his head on Tyler's chest.

Safe. Safe. Safe.

Tyler now started to say 'I'm coming home. I'm in my bed. We are low on food'

Tyler has been staying with him for 2 months now, nothing has happened besides Josh's panic attacks, nightmares, and when Josh's eyes bled and he went to the woods without knowing. He started to get some peace and truly thought they were safe.

Until in the middle of the night, Josh started to whisper apologies to Tyler which woke up him. It was almost like a nightmare, Josh stood at the end of the bed with a knife to his neck. It looked like the same thing of what his mother did to herself, Josh mumbled 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry' and Tyler felt he couldn't get out of bed quick enough, he had to tackle him and carefully make sure he got the knife out of his hands and had to hold him down for 2 hours.

The screaming, the crying, the pleading from Tyler and all of the loud noises. It was hell, Josh snapped out of it soon enough and Tyler's heart fell right to the bottom of his stomach. He felt so upset for Josh that he wanted to puke, he was also so upset from the fact his best friend was close to killing himself.

"I'm- i'm- I'm sorry- sorry- mom" Josh choked multiple times, Tyler could only be there for him and tell him how brave Josh was and that he can fight this. That it would be okay.

Josh pushed Tyler away to run to the bathroom and to puke, Josh couldn't leave the house anymore. He was trapped, he would get bruises and one time his workers and boss thought Tyler was abusing him.

The days went fast, the mornings were too short, they didn't even notice the afternoons and the night was too slow. Josh knew he was going insane until Tyler said he noticed it as well.

That night went different then the rest, Josh didn't stay awake nor did Tyler beg him to sleep.

Josh just kissed his cheek and mumbled out an 'i love you' and went to sleep.

Tyler was too shocked to even say the words back, thank god that Josh was already asleep so he wouldn't be hurt by Tyler's actions. The poor boy still cried in his sleep, but he wanted to sleep. He wanted to make Tyler proud.


"Breathe Tyler.. Breathe"

"J-josh.. Josh.. josh.. jo..jo..Josh.." He sobs out, the smoke from the fire still burned his lungs. It was like the fire was still there, it was in his head just like Blurry was. But Blurry was gone, it was like light and darkness shined into Tyler's life after Josh had passed.

He didn't want Josh to end this way, no. He wanted him to grow old with him, he wanted to at least die in his sleep with Josh. But no.

"He had to die in a fire... burned.. he didn't... didn't even scream"

"He didn't scream?."

"No. He didn't. But I knew he wanted to. He cried a lot, he was in a lot of pain. The only thing he screamed was how much he loved me.. but I think he also wanted to let some type of noise of pain out.."

"Are you.. calm now, Tyler?"

Tyler laughed bitterly "you dumb fuck. I'm going mad, i lost the only light I had in my life. The only hope. How am I ever gonna be calm?"

The man just ignored that "are you safe, Tyler?"


"Yes, Safe.."

Tyler leaned over the table, as much as the cuff would let him and he smacked the man across the face.

The man let him.

Safe (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now