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"What are we?.."

Josh turned on his side and faced Tyler, Tyler just shuffled him a bit and helped him lay onto his chest, Josh sighed trying to find an answer. "Well..?" Tyler said, a bit rude but he didn't  intend for it to be that way, Josh blushed a bit as his finger tips danced along his bottom lip and then spoke "I wanna be super best friends" Tyler snorts and lightly smacked him which made Josh chuckle "hmm how about.. boyfriend?"

Tyler grins big "I really.. really would like that"

"What's that? You don't like that idea?"

Tyler sat up "Joshua!" He grabbed a pillow and lightly smacked him, Josh smirked and sat up as well and grabbed his own pillow and hit him with it, both boys continued to smack each other with the pillows until Tyler was grabbed by his shirt and pulled into a kiss, his body relaxed and he let go of the pillow.

"Boyfriend.. it is.." Tyler spoke between breaths once Josh pulled away, both boys a blushing mess and in love.

Soon glass falling echoed to the upstairs, Josh immediately went downstairs "Josh.. wait!.." He whispers out, going down with him and grabbing his arm "are you crazy? Someone could be breaking in..!"

"No.. it's  just.. a vase." Josh said uneasy, both walking downstairs hand in hand as they stare at the broken vase "guess we should clean.." His voice trailed off when he heard bubbling coming from the sink in the kitchen, Tyler went pale as he gave a squeeze to Josh's arm.

The bubbling got louder and it seemed like the sink was getting all clogged up, Tyler tugged on Josh's arm "lets.. let's go back-"

"No.. no let me see. Let's see if could drain the water"

Tyler had a funny feeling about this but instead of leaving him, he followed right behind him and as soon as Josh went over to the sink, the bubbling stopped and ounces of blood squirted right out from the sink, both of the males backed up as Tyler let out a scream. Josh tucked Tyler's face in his chest and made his to the door to leave. That was it. They had to start doing something.

Blood started to flood in the kitchen and right into the living room, their bare feet now soaked in blood as Tyler started to gag. Josh rushing to the door but it was like everything was in slow motion and the pool of blood kept on flooding and filling up, Josh tripped of course and fell right into the blood as he brought Tyler down with him on accident. "TYLER..!" He moves to stand up, the blood now reaching to go over their heads. "TYLER!.."

Tyler let out a cry, blood reaching into his mouth and clogging his throat. "TYLER BLINK" He screams, blink? Blink?! Blink his eyes?!

Tyler let out a cry of frustration, not understanding him but Josh started to blink his eyes rapidly and Tyler followed the action. The blood staining their body and clothing, the walls and floor painted in blood and the smell was horrific and as they blinked..

Tyler screams, kicking and crying in the bedsheets. "Tyler! Tyler!"

"No! No more! No more blood!"

"It's over! It's over! It's not here anymore!"

Tyler let out a sob and sat up and cried right into his chest "no! No more blood..! I can taste it! I can still taste it!.."

"It's gone, Ty. It's gone.. it's safe.. it's safe.. "

Tyler let out a whimper "Safe?"

"Safe." Josh nods but he started to cry as well "how.. how..?" Tyler asked, all shaky and traumatized "how did you know blinking would work?.."

"It's an illusion..he's trying to make us go insane"

"It was all real.. so real.. I.. i was choking on it. I was drowning and I couldn't reach you.. I.. I couldn't grab onto you.. needed you safe.. I needed you safe"

"I'm safe, Tyler. I'm safe."

"Was.. was the boyfriend thing real?.."

Josh let out a weak laugh "Yes, Tyler.. that was real. You're my boyfriend.."

"I..i like being your boyfriend.."


"So what was it? A dream?"

"An illusion. It was real.. but.. it wasn't at the same time. Just like when Josh was crying blood"

The man nods, Tyler won't say his name.

"What? You aren't gonna make a comment on it?" Tyler asked bitterly and the man frowned "no, I won't say much on something I won't understand and it looks like you still don't understand it either"

"I never will.. choking on blood.. tasting it.. drowning in it.. and on the same day he asked me to be his boyfriend. It's like.. he was mad at the fact we were becoming happy"

"Who's 'he' again?"

" satan, the devil, Lucifer, the fallen angel, God's worst enemy, you know him"

"Ah right.. I can't believe I forgot"

"He must be getting into your head" Tyler smirked and the man's blood ran cold and soon he laughed "I'm kidding"

"Not funny." He said sternly, Tyler rolled his eyes "oh shut up"

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