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When the morning was rising, Josh fell right to sleep. He didn't sleep, how could he? His mind was racing and now he can't tell if this is his thoughts or it's the devil himself messing with his head.

When Tyler woke up, he stared at Josh just for what seemed like an hour. The boy was memorizing, he enjoyed his company even with all of these things happening. He felt like it was bringing them closer as stupid as it sounded.

"Josh.. " He shook him softly making the boy let out a sleepy whine which made Tyler smile, Josh slowly opened his eyes and Tyler flinched away at the flash of bloody red in his eyes. Josh raised an eyebrow and yawned, rubbing his eyes and soon the redness went away. "You okay..?" Josh asked in his rough morning voice that was kinda slurred, he only got an hour of sleep really.

"I..i.. your eyes..?" It came out more as a question, he can't even think about if the chances were that he was dreaming.

Josh stumbled out of the bed, going to the bathroom and looking in the mirror to only see how honey brown eyes, his body physically relaxed as Tyler frowned. "I saw them just flash.. it didn't stay for long."

"God Tyler.." He ran his fingers through his hair "I'm so fucked."

"No.. no.. it's gonna be okay. We can do this.."

It's like they both were switched, Josh was always the positive one when Tyler would mostly lose hope in many problems but now that Tyler is caring for Josh..he needs all the hope he can get from himself. He can't be negative about this, he really can't lose him.

"I.. i trust you." He was pulling the words out of his ass, he loved Tyler and knew he meant well but this is being with all crazy kind of strong dark powers and it seems like god isn't on his side. If god was.. wouldn't he be okay? Wouldn't he at least get a sign that he was going to be alright? He had this feeling now of always being watched and he can't sleep when his dreams are only Tyler burning in the woods.

Speaking of woods.

"Do you wanna go take a hike in the woods? Just to walk and get some air?"

"No, I don't wanna go there anymore"

"You love that place.." Tyler mumbled out and Josh bit his lip hard "Yeah, he's taking away everything I love. Starting with that place, I can't go there and I won't and I don't want you anywhere near that place!"

Tyler flinched and nodded "understood.. want me to make you some coffee?"

"No.. no.. I'll make it.." He yawned out, his body now tense but Tyler already had an idea. "Let's.. get you back into bed"

"Bed? No, I'll be fine..I can't sleep. Won't sleep.."

"Joshua.. those dreams you are having.. they aren't real. You're safe"

"Actually.. you aren't safe and it's keeping me awake! I can't close my eyes! Don't you understand that?!"

Tyler didn't say anything, Josh growled "don't you get it?! How can I sleep when I see you burning every damn minute I close my fucking eyes!! It's all too real!"

"He wants you to not get sleep.. he's.. he's torturing you" Tyler spoke carefully, like he was scared of saying the wrong thing and just piss him off more.

"Well then he can win for this round." His voice cracked, grabbing Tyler by the shoulder with glassy eyes "When I dream it.. see it.. I can feel the heat and hear the screams. I can see your skin burn and see.. see the fear in your eyes and you beg for me. Tyler I can't. Please don't make me see that again"


"Josh barely got any sleep after that conversation. He ran on coffee and energy drinks. He was slowly killing himself.."

"He never slept?"

"Only when he would pass out.." He spoke weakly "and when he woke up.. he woke up screaming." He whispers out "It hurts me to see that.. trying to get him to calm down. Trying to tell him that I was here and it was safe.."


"No! No! Make it stop! Please! Please no more fire no more!"

"It's okay! It's okay! It's not real..! It's over! Josh! Josh breathe!"

"No! No!.." He sobs out, hysterical and squirming "Joshua!."

"Please! No more..! The fire..! Can't breathe!.."

"Josh! JOSH..! "

"I can't! I can't! PLEASE..!"


"I hated what happen to him." Tyler mumbled out "I did whatever I could..I just wanted him to be okay.."

The man nodded "what was with this 'safe' thing?"

"It was just 'safe'. That's all.."

"So you won't explain?"

"There is nothing to explain!"

Safe (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now