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"Tell me, Tyler" The man clicks his pen, another thing that was starting to make Tyler's eye twitch, he snarled "can you stop that?!"

The man seemed a bit taken back, he sheepishly put the pen down and then cleared his throat "Tell me.. do you ever still hear Blurry?"

"Haven't we been over this? He's gone, all the evil was gone when Josh died"

The man let out a hum "Well then.. continue on"

"Thanks.." Tyler mutters out.


"So I guess this park is the new woods.." Tyler spoke a bit loud as he started to swing high, Josh follows and nodded "Yeah.. it's fine! It's fun here anyways!"

"God we are such children!" Tyler laughs out, he then smirked "whoever goes  higher gets.. to go pet all the animals at the pet store!" Tyler bets "You're on!" Josh yelled out and both boys started to swing, Josh squeals out of joy when he's been going higher then Tyler.

"No fair!" Tyler pouts as he tries to speed up his swing but Josh turned to him and just stuck out his tongue and soon slowed down as he digs his boot a bit into the dirt.

Once both boys come to a stop, Josh smirked "show me the all the cats!"


Going there was the worst thing to do, animals can sense evil and every cat hissed at Josh and every dog barked and growled at him. It actually made him tear up, the store owner was confused but didn't help at all by saying "guess they aren't fond of you"

" screw you too!" Tyler snaps and rubs Josh's back as both of them left the store, he let out a small sigh and Tyler frowned "I'm sorry.. "

"That wasn't your fault.." Josh whispers out and Tyler played with his hands "it was my idea.." The red hair boy grabbed his hand gently since of the cuts and burns still healing, he pressed a kiss to his hand. Something that has and will always make Tyler blush.

"I should head to my house.. throw out the food and then get my stuff and.."

"And move in with me?" He grins and Tyler nods back "yes Josh, and move in with you" He gave a goofy grin back to him.


"So I'm guessing that day went well even after what happen at the store?"

Tyler squeezes his eyes shut "no.. no.. after I packed my things.. cleaned out my house.. we went back to his and.. and the day started to go fast again and.. "

"Do you still live in Josh's house?"

"It's.. it's mine now.. I pay for it and all.." He whispers out, a tear falling down his face even with his eyes closed. He can't hold any more tears and it's shocking that he even has anymore tears left.

"Do you feel safe now that you live in Josh's house?"

Tyler nods as he choked out a sob "his sheets and pillows still smell like him.. all of his shirts smell like him.. it's him...I..wanna see him again."

"Are you suicidal?"

Tyler let out a laugh "nooo!! I love living this life!"

"No need for sarcasm.. just.. tell me what happen that night"


"Josh?! Are you coming to bed!?" He yells out from the bedroom, he heard nothing. At first, he thought it was Josh just having his headphones in so he jumped off the bed a bit, humming as he started to walk down the stairs "Josh you know how I feel when the lights are turned..." His voice trailed off, he saw a figure of a beautiful woman who was roaming the downstairs, her neck wide open and blood just pouring and pouring out.

"Who are you?!" He yelled out, the woman turned to Tyler "Josh?" Her voice delicate and soft "have you seen my son?"

He let out a yelp, "Josh??!" He calls out, what could he do anyways?! He's never talked to a.. ghost before.

"Joshua, my son" She spoke with a gasp as she turns to the side of the living room, Tyler followed her and watched her slowly point to him, he was on the floor. His eyes were rolled into the back and he was spitting out foam, shaking and twitching.

"JOSH..!" He ran to him, cupping his face and wiping foam from his mouth. Should he call an ambulance or was this another illusion?

"Josh! Josh! Please! What do i do?!.."

The woman kneeled down, putting her bloody hand on her son's forehead as she gave a weak smile to Tyler "tell my son..I forgive him"



Tyler weakly sat up from the bed, tears gathering in his eyes as he tackled him into a hug and weakly cried into his chest "i was so scared.." he cries out, Josh rubbed his back "I don't even remember what happen.."

"You.. you...you were dying. You looked like you were dying.. I can't lose you.. josh please."

"I'm here.." He mumbled out softly, picking his chin up and kissing him softly and once he pulled away he asked "how did you.. you know. save me?"

"I..i didn't. Your mother did.."

"My mother?!"

"I saw her, Josh..! I saw her neck wide open and she was bleeding and she looked confused and she was looking for you. She kept asking for you." Now it was Josh's turn to cry "it was just an illusion.."

"No..no.." Tyler started to play with the now faded red hair "I swear it was her.. she told me to tell you that.. that she forgives you."

Josh just sobbed even harder.


"You saw.. his mother?"

Tyler nodded "yes.. that's the first ever spirit I have ever seen.. she was gorgeous even with her neck cut open" The man's face filled with disgust and he shook his head "I wouldn't understand.. how do you know it wasn't an illusion?"

"Because.. she wasn't evil."

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