Untitled Part 1

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Present Day

A.R.G.U.S. Stronghold - United States

Amanda watched the blonde Omega through a thick pane of glass. Even with the strong barrier between them Waller had some hesitation. The Omega was strong, and each year she had grown stronger. She knew keeping her from her child was making her agitated, but she needed leverage over her to ensure she did not escape.

Maybe she could schedule her a visitation for later today. Waller turned to the agent standing next to her. "How close are we to isolating the gene Agent Daniels?"

"We are closer Miss Waller, but we had some issues with Miss Smoak cooperating. She was able to make tiny shifts in her DNA which was affecting our procedure. I think we have collected enough now to get started."

Waller looked back at the blonde woman, sitting on her bed, her knees drawn to her chest, her eyes blazing green.

"Good. Because I don't know how much longer we will be able to keep her alive.", Waller said, before she turned and walked out of the room.

5 Years Earlier

MIT Campus

Felicity looked down at her phone as she hurried to her next class. Professor Davis had kept her late, and now she was having to rush to her computer science class. Seeing a text from Sara, Felicity smiled down at her phone.

S: A bunch of us are meeting for drinks at Tap Out tonight around 8:00 p.m. I will pick you up at 7:45 p.m. No excuses!

F: That is fine. But if that creep Cooper is there and hits on me one more time. I swear to god Sara, I will rip his throat out!

S: I get to watch! See you later.

Felicity grinned and slipped her phone into her pocket as she sat down just in time for class to start. Time to get to work!

Harvard University

Oliver shifted his backpack to his left arm as he made his way down the hall. He saw the Omega and Beta girls that lined the halls looking his way, his Alpha scent was strong, but he had a class to get to, and he could not be distracted. That is until his best friend Tommy slapped him on the shoulder.

"Oliver!! Glad I caught you. You, me and Slade are hitting up Tap Out tonight for drinks. Gotta celebrate your "maturity"!", Tommy grinned, moving in front of him to stop him from walking off.

"What time?", Oliver asked, rolling his eyes.

"I will pick you up at 8:30 p.m. my friend.", Tommy said as he started to walk off. "The girls will be like shooting fish in a barrel!", Tommy said, then turned and headed down the hall.

Oliver looked his watch, "Shit!"

He ran down the hall. He was late for class.

Tap Out

Felicity and Sara walked into the bar and Felicity felt slightly uncomfortable. As a newly matured Omega, she was becoming very aware of the Alpha's that were in her vicinity, and there were a lot at the bar tonight. She saw Sara shift beside her and knew she was having the same feelings. The Alpha scent was strong in the air. She glanced around and groaned when she saw Cooper Seldon, a cocky Alpha that went to MIT and a group of his friends across the room. He immediately looked up when he smelled Felicity's scent and she groaned.

"Great. Now I have to deal with that jackass.", she told Sara as they sat at the table their friends had reserved.

"Don't worry. Just ignore the ass-hat.", Sara said as she ordered two drinks from the waitress. Sara knew Felicity normally drank wine, but tonight she ordered her something stronger.

Felicity decided to relax and started talking to Tom, who was sitting to her left. He was a nice Beta that she and Sara had met when they first starting coming to Tap Out. They talked about school and Felicity laughed when he started bickering with Sara about his taste in women. He did not have a good track record. Felicity took a sip of the rum and coke that Sara had ordered for her, and wrinkled her nose. She was not much of a drinker, but it wasn't bad. As she turned to hear something that Tom was saying, she suddenly felt her skin prickle and an Alpha scent assailed her nostrils causing her to shiver. She immediately looked up and started searching the room. Her eyes drifted over the Alpha's in the room and then came to rest on a beautiful Alpha that had just entered the bar. He was 6'1, with brownish blonde hair and the bluest eyes Felicity had ever seen. And she knew his eye color because he was staring straight at her. She saw a good looking dark haired Alpha get the guys attention and then they made their way to a table on the other side of the pool tables.

Felicity turned back to her friend and tried to ignore the awareness that coursed through her body. She had never reacted to an Alpha like this, so why was he different? As the evening progressed she felt his eyes on her on and off through the night. He was unnerving her, but deliciously so.

"I am going to run to the ladies room.", she told Sara. Getting up she made her way to the back of the club, his eyes following her every step. She gave him a slight smile as she passed close by before turning down the hall.

Jesus! He was magnificent. And his scent!

As soon as Oliver had entered the bar, an Omega scent had hit his nostrils that made his body react with a predatory growl. His eyes had immediately scanned the room, and landed on a beautiful blonde Omega, sitting toward the back with a group of people. He knew right away it was her scent he was smelling and when she had looked up at him and their eyes had met. He knew he had one goal tonight. To meet her!

Felicity washed her hands, and headed down the hall toward her table, and as she exited the hallway, she groaned. Cooper was blocking her path.

He looked her over as if he was starving and she was prime rib and it made her skin crawl.

"What do you want Cooper?", she asked, already annoyed.

"Now that's a loaded question Smoak.", he said, sidling closer to her.

"I don't have time for you tonight Cooper.", she said and tried to pass him. He grabbed her arm.

"Now is that any way to talk to your Alpha, Smoak?" he said as his eyes slid down to her cleavage and he licked his lips.

Felicity tried to pull her arm away but he would not let go.

"You are NOT my Alpha Cooper and you have about one second to let me go, or you will lose that small sack you call a dick.", she said, turning angry.

She saw Cooper's eyes flare and his grip tightened causing her cry out. Suddenly Cooper was pulled backwards, and shoved against the wall. The magnificent Alpha that had been watching her had him shoved up against the wall, and Cooper's face was turning red.

"I think she told you to let her go.", he said. His voice ice cold.

Cooper looked at the guy, and Felicity could see a little bit of fear behind his eyes.

The guy released his hold on him, and Cooper straightened his shirt. He wasn't stupid enough to stay and challenge the strong Alpha, so he gave Felicity a telling look before he walked back over to his table.

Felicity's blue eyes looked up at the stranger, and she felt her heart skipped a beat. She couldn't look away.

"Um, thank you.", she said. His scent was intoxicating to her and she finally was able to lower her gaze, not wanting him to see just how much she wanted him.

"You are welcome. My name is Oliver Queen.", he said, holding out his hand. His voice was like sin and sex all rolled into one, and Felicity was hooked.

"Felicity Smoak!", she said placing her hand into his. The jolt was immediate and as they stared at each other Oliver's fingers tightened slightly around her small hand.

She was absolutely breathtaking, and he knew at that moment she was going to be his.

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