Untitled Part 22

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Felicity woke the next morning, Sophie snuggled into her side. They needed to go get Roy today. She was not going to let him stay in that awful place any longer than she had to. Sliding quietly out from under Sophie, Felicity took a shower, brushed out her hair, and threw her clothes on before she headed downstairs. The needed to figure things out this morning and she had an idea.

Felicity saw Thea in the kitchen working on breakfast and she walked up behind her.

"Can I help with anything Thea?", she asked softly. She was talking about breakfast but they both knew she also meant more.

"I didn't sleep much last night.", Thea admitted with a shrug.

"We are going to get him out. I promise you that." Felicity said, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Can I ask you something?", Thea said, sitting at the breakfast bar. "Did Roy ever tell you why Waller took him? I mean we know they wanted you for your IQ, and my brother for many reasons. But why Roy? He was just a kid on the streets.", she said baffled.

"I always believed it was Roy's tenacity that put him on their radar. Growing up on streets built a character in Roy that I have seen in few people. He's tough and I think they wanted that street smarts.", Felicity said, leaning against the counter and sipping her coffee.

They heard footsteps on the stairs and turned to see John and Lyla coming down, followed close behind by Oliver.

Oliver looked at Felicity and signaled for Sophie. "She is still sleeping.", Felicity said with a soft smile. Oliver gave her a kiss on the cheek as he passed, going for the coffee.

"So, since we are all here, I think I have an idea on how to get Roy out of there AND get to Waller.", she said.

They all looked at her in surprise. She continued.

"We show up at A.R.G.U.S., and I will hack the cameras and the alarm system. If we can shut it down it will allow us to be able to sneak in mostly undetected and grab Roy."

"Mostly?", Lyla said, amused.

"Well we still need to get Wallers attention. But we need it to cause her to come and check on things herself instead of sending her goons.", she said.

"So how do you recommend we do that?", Oliver asked.

"I will call her out.", she said, giving him a look that dared him to argue with her.

"No without me you won't.", Oliver said.

"Ok, WE will call her out. We need to make our way to her research lab and basically hold her research hostage.", Felicity said with a grin. "And we will destroy it. She just won't know that until it's too late."

"Ok, well John and I can go after Roy and then circle back for you guys once he is with us.", Lyla said.

Oliver looked at Thea. "Thea can you stay with Sophie?", Oliver asked.

"Do you even have to ask me that?", she said with a slight smile. "I would love nothing more than to spend time with that little munchkin. You guys focus on getting Roy.", she said before turning and heading to her room.

Felicity looked at Oliver. "We need to go talk to Sophie.", she said. He nodded and drained his coffee before taking hand as they headed up the stairs to her bedroom.

Felicity opened the door to the bedroom and smiled as she saw Sophie sitting up rubbing her eyes. "Mommy!! Daddy!!", she said, her face puffy from sleep.

Felicity and Oliver walked over and sat on the bed next to her. "Mommy and Daddy need to talk to you sweetheart.", Felicity said.

Sophie crawled onto Oliver's lap, and he beamed as she snuggled into his chest. "So, Mommy and Daddy have to go do something today, and you are going to stay with Aunt Thea.", she said.

Sophie looked at her quizzically. "Are you going after Uncle Roy?", she asked. Felicity gave her a smile. She was too smart for her own good.

"Yes baby, we are going to go bring Uncle Roy home.", Oliver said softly.

"Good. Because Aunt Thea would be sad without Uncle Roy...", she paused. "And so, would George and I." She gave them a sheepish look.

"So, would we baby." Felicity said, kissing her on the forehead. "Now, come on. Let's get you dressed."

Oliver headed back down and Felicity helped Sophie get dressed. Oliver approached John, "So what time do you want to head out?"

"I say in the next fifteen minutes. We have a long drive.", he said. Oliver nodded.

Thea came back down followed by Felicity and Sophie. Sophie ran over and started eating some cereal that Thea made her as John passed out the burner phones. He gave the last one to Thea. "Just in case.", he said as he handed it to her. She nodded and placed it in her pocket.

"Everyone's numbers are coded into the phone, but only use it if you absolutely have to.", he said.

They all agreed and Oliver walked over to Felicity. "Can we talk for a second?", he said, indicating they go out on the porch. Felicity followed him outside.

"I just want you to know before we go, that I don't like this. I don't like you having to put yourself back in Waller's orbit.", he said. His jaw clenching and his eyes glowing as he thought of protecting her. "But I understand your need to help. But please make me one promise.", he said, taking her hands into his.

"Anything!", she said with a soft smile.

"If anything goes south you will get out of there immediately. You need to be here for Sophie.", he said, his expression earnest.

Felicity looked at the worry on his face, and she gently cupped his cheek with her hand. "I will make that promise on one condition.", she said. "That you make me the same promise. Sophie and I, we need you Oliver.", she said. Her eyes shown back at him green and soft. He kissed her softly and laid his forehead against hers. "I promise.", he said. He gave her one more soft kiss, and then they headed back inside. It was time to change clothes and head out. They went to their rooms and changed into all black clothing. Oliver grabbed his guns from his gun case and strapping them to his shoulder and placing one at his back. He waited for Felicity to emerge from her room and took her hand as they headed down the stairs.

It was time to roll.

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