Untitled Part 8

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Oliver slowly got himself under control as he turned back to John and Lyla. John was standing by his desk but was allowing Oliver to have what time he needed. Oliver looked at John letting him know he was good.

"The other thing we need to tell you, I think you might want to sit down for." John said, hesitantly. Oliver walked back over but did not take a seat.

"Please, just tell me John." John looked at Lyla as she stood and walked closer.

"We have reason to believe that Felicity was taken against her will. And we think she might still be alive.", she said.

Oliver's body went completely numb as he looked at them. Felicity was taken against her will? And the second part finally sunk into his mind. She might still be alive.

He looked at Lyla and John in disbelief. They had to be wrong.

"I don't believe that. If she was still alive I would have felt her. It's been five years."

Lyla nodded. "I know and that is one mystery I cannot seem to figure out. You didn't feel her from the day she was taken. That is odd for bonded mates.", she said thinking.

"Unless someone was purposefully keeping your connection separated.", John said and looked at Lyla. She nodded writing something down on her notepad.

Oliver was floored. Could she really still be alive?

He had to go. He had to leave. This was too much. He gave John a look before turning and storming out of the office. It was all overwhelming. Oliver walked to his car and sped off. The had so many thoughts running through is mind right now. So many feelings were coming to the surface, again! He didn't know how much more he could take. A large part of him wanted to drive to Cooper's house and rip him limb from limb. But they needed him. They needed him to tell them what happened to Felicity.

Oliver raced up to his penthouse, and started taking his clothes off as soon as he hit the doorway. He placed his clothes on the bed, putting on his sweats, t-shirt and tennis shoes and heading to the gym. He put on his gloves and grabbed the bar of the salmon ladder pulling his body up from a dead weight into a chin up before swinging down and back up, causing the bar to move up the ladder. Oliver worked himself to exhaustion his memories played in his mind. He remember how worried he had been when he found out she had disappeared. And then the anger, rage and betrayal he felt as the years had passed. He thought she had left him. And it had hardened his heart. To think that she might actually be alive and that she had been taken against her will. Oliver didn't know if he could handle it. He jumped down from the ladder, his body covered in sweat, his muscles sore and burning from his activity. He walked over and punched the bag hard, before grabbing it, his forehead leaning against it, as his mind raged. Someone had separated them. They had taken her away from him. They would pay.

A.R.G.U.S. Stronghold - United States

Lyla walked through security and headed to her office. She was going to meet with her contact from floor eight who had platinum level security clearance. Lyla was a step below and she was hoping her friend Ashley could help her do some tracking. Ashley arrived at her office and smiled. She and Lyla had become friends when Ashley had been hired by Waller to help with a super confidential project and even though Ashley was a higher level than Lyla, they had hit it off immediately.

Lyla gave her a hug. "Thank you so much for coming down. It is so good to see you.", she said with a smile.

"It is good to see you too Lyla. With this place being such a testosterone fest, it is always nice to get to spend some time with another woman.", Ashley said. "So what is gong on?

"I need your help. John has just recently received a case involving a young woman that disappeared five years ago by the name of Felicity Smoak.", she said. Ashley immediately tensed and Lyla noticed the change.

"Ashley?", she said hesitantly. "Do you know something about Miss Smoak?", she asked, looking at her friend intently. Ashley gave Lyla a look that said she could not talk. Lyla knew eyes and ear were everywhere.

"No, I don't.", Ashely said. "And unfortunately I am too busy to help you right now. Maybe another time.", she said and got up from her seat. She gave Lyla a meaningful look that said they would talk later and walked out.

Lyla was surprised. Why would Ashley know something about Felicity, unless.......Shit! Was A.R.G.U.S., involved in her disappearance? Lyla sat down and got to work. She would call John on her lunch. Lyla was surprised when an hour later she got a summons from Waller. What could she possibly want? Lyla worked a little with Waller when she had first started but most of her projects were above Lyla's clearance so their paths had only crossed a handful of times since then.

Lyla walked to her office and knocked.

"Come in Agent Michaels.", Waller said, sitting intimidatingly behind her desk.

Lyla walked in and shut the door behind her. "Waller. It has been awhile.", she said, taking a seat across from her.

"I am going to get right to the point.", Waller said, interlacing her fingers on top of her desk. "It has come to my attention that you have asking around about Felicity Smoak."

Lyla was floored. Wow, news traveled fast. Or at least it did when your office was bugged.

"Yes. My husband has been asked to re-open the case. What concern is that to A.R.G.U.S.?", Lyla asked shrewdly.

Waller gave her a look meant to scare even the most hardened Agent, it didn't faze Lyla. "All I am going to say is drop this, and tell John to do the same."

Lyla stood to her feet. "Not unless you tell me why."

"That is classified Miss Michaels. Now I have work to do.", Waller said, dismissing her.

"Waller, what happened to Miss Smoak?", Lyla asked growing aggitated.

"I would watch myself Michaels. Now I have work to do." Waller said coldly and dismissed her.

Lyla gave her one more look before she left, shutting the door behind her. She headed to her car, and pulled out her phone as soon as she got on the road.

"John it's Lyla. Meet me at your office. I have some news that you are going to want to hear.", she said and then hung up the phone. If A.R.G.U.S., was involved then how did they find out about Felicity in the first place. and what happened to her? What would they want with the young Omega? She hoped Ashley contacted her soon.

She felt that Ashley would give her some much needed answers.

John and Lyla met at his office and she walked in and shut the door. She didn't waste any time.

"I think A.R.G.U.S., is somehow involved in Felicity's disappearance. And my gut tells me it is not good.", she said.

John looked at her in surprise. "Why would you think that?'

"Because I talked to Ashley today, and when I mentioned Felicity's name she looked like I had punched her. Then an hour later I got called into Waller's office and warned off. She told me to tell you to drop the case.", she said, placing her hands on her hips.

"What would A.R.G.U.S., want with Felicity?, he asked, perplexed.

"I don't know. Whatever is going on is over my security level.", she said.

John sat down with a sigh. This was becoming bigger than just a kidnapping. He needed to talk to Cooper again, and he needed to do it soon.

He just hoped that whatever A.R.G.U.S., had needed with Felicity had required her being kept alive.

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