Untitled Part 6

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Oliver entered his penthouse later that evening and shrugged off his suit coat. He undid the knot of his tie and sat on the couch, closing his eyes. The memories were coming back like a flood of emotion. He had locked it down into a small part of himself. It had been the only way he could get through the years after she had vanished. He had wanted to continue looking for her, but he had been young, and family responsibilities had gotten in the way. The day the police had informed him that the case was officially cold had been the most difficult of all for him. Oliver stood and walked down the hall to his bedroom. He needed to work out. It was a release that allowed him to wear himself out so he could sleep at night. Sleeping had not come easy after she was gone. Changing into his sweats and a t-shirt and tennis shoes, he walked down the hall to his gym. Oliver immediately headed to the punching bag. He needed to hit something, and he needed to hit it hard. He pushed the button on his stereo system and then grabbed the gloves pulling them on his hands. As he let the music flood his mind, he started punching. Before he knew it, he was punching harder and harder, the emotions hitting him as he punched. He never felt the tears flowing down his cheeks. He only felt the sweet release of exhaustion and burning muscles. It was all he could let himself feel for now.

A.R.G.U.S. Stronghold – United States

Amanda walked into the lab, her suit and hair impeccable as always. She needed her team to have made some progress and as she approached Agent Daniels, she hoped he had good news for her.

"Where are we Daniels?", she asked, glancing at the subject that was strapped to the medical table. She seemed so small but looks could be deceiving. Felicity Smoak was a force to be reckoned with, and as a mated Omega, she had been exactly what they needed for their "project".

"Going much better today. Making the sedative stronger has helped our progress. She has been out for 30 minutes.", he said as he worked with the vial of blood in his hand. "I think we just might be able to isolate the gene we need."

Waller smiled coldly. Good. She needed her project to move forward as soon as possible. They had "volunteers" coming in three days and she wanted to make sure the formula was ready for testing. If this project worked, Waller knew two good things would come of it. They would have the Alpha's and Omega's they needed for their use, and she would get a promotion. It was a win win.

"Thanks Daniels!", she said. "Keep me informed.", She gave one last look at Felicity before walking out.

Star City Detective Agency – Star City

John sat at his desk, his fingers absently strumming on the desktop as he looked at his computer monitor. He had found a picture of Felicity Smoak, from the day she disappeared. She looked happy, her arms around a friend and they were in their graduation gowns. She was smiling and seemed so full of life. John could see why Oliver had fallen for the petite blonde. Hearing a knock on his door, he looked up as his wife Lyla entered. She was an agent for A.R.G.U.S., and sometimes stopped by to help when cases seemed at a standstill.

She walked over and kissed him on the forehead, before taking a seat next to him. "What's going on John? Your call has me curious.", she said with a smile.

"Well, as I told you I have been hired by Oliver Queen to find a woman by the name of Felicity Smoak.", he said, still staring at her picture. Lyla's eyebrows raised.

"THE Oliver Queen?", she said with a look of surprise. She knew of the man. He had been in the tabloids a few times but stories of him were few and far between. He would be seen periodically with a beautiful woman on his arm, but was never the same woman, and the sightings were rare.

"It seems this Felicity Smoak was his bonded mate and she vanished without a trace about five years ago.", John said, turning his seat to face her. "There has not been a trace of her Lyla. No communication, no sightings, nothing!", he said. "I was wondering if you could use some of you're A.R.G.U.S., contacts and see if anything comes up on your end.", he said.

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