Untitled Part 20

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Thea took over playing with Sophie as Oliver hurried into the house. He thought about grabbing Felicity but wanted to speak with John and Lyla alone before pulling her and Roy into the mix.

"John, Lyla, so glad you guys made it.", he said, striding across the living room. "Did you get what we needed?"

John nodded, pulling out five burner phones."Each one has an untraceable number and a direct dial to the other phones."

"Good!", they sat down, and Oliver leaned forward, placing his arms on his knees. "Before Felicity and Roy come in, I wanted to talk to you about Waller."

"I have not seen her but my sources have told me that she has not stopped her "project", Lyla said as they took their seats. "Has Felicity told you anything about it."

"All she has said was that Waller and A.R.G.U.S., were trying to create a superior species of Alphas and Omegas. They took Felicity because of her I.Q., and wanted me as well for some reason. But they felt if they took me it would bring down too much attention due to my family.", he said. His eyes glowed green as he thought of Felicity's face when she spoke of their "experiments".

"Oliver I have thought of this every which way I can think of, and you are not going to like what I am going to tell you.", John said. "The only way we can legitimately get to Waller and stop this thing is if someone goes in undercover."

Oliver looked at John in surprise. "You mean turn themselves over to Waller?"

"That is exactly what I mean. Think about it man. She is not going to come out into the open. She is only going to send her lackey's to try and catch one of us off guard. This is not going to be over until Waller is gone.", John said.

Oliver immediately looked at John. "Felicity and Roy have been through enough. I will not allow her to go back in that hell hole.", he said, clenching his fists. "Plus, she has Sophie now."

He took a deep breath and then gave John a determined look. "I will do it. I will go in."

John said nothing as they heard the back doors open. Felicity and Roy walked in and felt a tension in the air. Felicity looked at Oliver with a question in her eyes, but he just gave her a brief smile. It didn't reach his eyes. He knew she was not going to be happy with what needed to be done. But he needed to get Waller away from his family, for good.

Felicity gave John and Lyla a hug before sitting down on the couch next to Oliver. Roy took the chair next to her.

"So what is going on in here?", she asked lightly. "Is it Waller?", she asked immediately tensing.

"Yes, we were talking about the best strategy to get Waller.", Oliver said. He couldn't put off telling her for long.

"Oh? So what is the plan?'", she asked cautiously.

"I am going to offer myself to Waller and go in under cover.", he said.

"Like hell you are!", Felicity said, the words exploding from her mouth. Felicity stood, her eyes blazing green, anger radiating from every pore in her body. Oliver had to admit she looked magnificent, but now was not the time for that.

"Umm, could you guys give us a minute?", he asked, looking around the room. Lyla, John and Roy all got up and left, and Oliver turned to Felicity.

"We can't continue to tip toe around her Felicity and she is not going to leave us alone. We have to stop her and this is the best way to do it.", he said, his jaw clenching.

"Says who?", Felicity said, her fists clenched at her sides.

"John has gone over every scenario in the book. We can't lure Waller out so someone has to go in.", he said tensely.

"Oliver I am not going to let you turn yourself over to Waller!", she said.

"You don't have any choice Felicity.", he said, their anger growing as each looked at the other. "You have Sophie, plus you and Roy have been through enough. I need to go end this."

"Oliver, first of all, let me make something clear to you. I don't answer to you. You are my mate, and as such we should discuss this and come up with a plan that we both agree on.", she said tightly.

"Believe me Felicity, I want nothing more than to move on with our lives and forget this whole thing. But we can't! And while Waller is still alive, we will constantly be looking over our shoulder. What about Sophie? We can't ask her to live moving from house to house while we try to stay one step ahead of A.R.G.U.S.", he said

Felicity stepped closer, her eyes flashing, "Oliver! I am not the little damsel in distress that you want to think I am. I learned in the five years that she had me that I was strong. Stronger then I ever thought. I should be in on this!", she said.

"No Felicity! You are not going anywhere near her.", he said, his possessive side showing through.

"Oliver? Do you want things to work out between us?", she asked.

"Of course I do, why would you ask that?", he said getting irritated.

"Then you have to trust me.", she said, crossing her arms.

Oliver sighed. He wanted to tell her no. He wanted to take her upstairs and lock her in her room until this whole stupid mess was over. But he couldn't. Felicity was her own person and if he had learned one thing since she had been back in his life it was that she WAS strong. She was the strongest person he had ever met.

"Why don't we sleep on this tonight and we can talk about it more in the morning?", he said. He needed time. The thought of her placing herself in danger made his skin crawl.

Felicity looked at him smugly. "We can sleep on it but nothing is going to change. I will be involved in this whether you like it or not.", she said, and then went upstairs.

Oliver groaned. This was not going to be easy.

Oliver looked up at John and he quirked an eyebrow, "You hear any of that?", he asked.

"It was hard not to hear all of that.", John said with an understanding smile. "Can I give you some advice Oliver?"

"Please!", Oliver said sinking onto the couch with his head in his hands.

"Felicity has been through a hell of a lot, and right now she feels like a victim. Victims need some sort of control, and I think she needs to help take Waller down so that she can continue to heal.", he said. 'Now I get you want to protect her. I mean you just got her back after five years. But don't lose her because your Alpha ego can't see what she needs."

Oliver looked at John in surprise. He had not thought of that. He would go up and talk to her shortly, but for now he and John had some details to get ironed out.

Felicity walked into her room and closed her door loudly. She was fuming. How dare he try to make a decision like this without talking to her? The thought of Waller getting her hands on Oliver made her sick to her stomach. She was not going to let him do this alone. They would do this together or not at all. And she felt a sadness wash over as she thought of the alternative. What if he refused? If he refused to let her help then what type of future did they have together?

She couldn't think like that. Oliver would come to his senses and see she was right. He had to trust her, as god is her witness they would put an end to Waller, once and for all.

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