Untitled Part 9

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A.R.G.U.S. Stronghold - United States

Felicity smiled as Sophie talked about her classes and what she was learning. She was such a smart little girl. She knew she got that from her.

"Mommy? When do you think they will let me move back in with you?", she asked as she colored her picture.

"Soon baby. Hopefully soon. Sophie, come here baby. I want you to listen to me carefully.", Felicity said, holding her hands out to her. Sophie walked over and sat on her lap laying her head on her shoulder.

Felicity whispered, "Mommy is working on getting us out of here. I want you to keep being a good girl and do what you are told ok? Mommy loves you so very much and I am so proud of you." Felicity sat hugging her daughter. Felicity knew that time was running out for her. She believed that once her usefulness was done for Waller that Waller would kill her. She had to keep their experiments off kilter until she could figure out a way to get her, Roy and Sophie out, and she had to do it soon. She hugged her daughter, and rocked her slowly, not noticing the flashes of light that came through the glass.

Lyla, sat her desk, her mind not on her work. The fact that Waller knew about Felicity was disturbing to say the least. Deciding to go grab some lunch, she walked out to her car, sending a text to John to meet her at Big Belly Burger. Opening her door, she looked down to see a sealed envelope laying on the seat. She looked around, not seeing anyone in the parking lot. That was odd. There was no name on the envelope. She got into her car and closed the door, turning on the engine before tearing the envelope open. She gasped when she saw what was inside. There were photos and a note.


I hope this gets to you. As you know there are eyes and ears everywhere in this place. Felicity Smoak is alive, and Waller has her in the basement of the A.R.G.U.S., facility. She was taken for the Omega Project. I was able to get a couple of pictures of her and her daughter. I am taking a big risk in getting this to you, but I am a mother and the fact that they are using this beautiful little girl makes me sick. I need to do something to help. This is all I can do so please do what you can to help them.

A concerned friend.

Lyla's stomach dropped when she looked at the photos. There was one of Felicity holding a little girl who looked to be about 4 years old. Both looked healthy overall. The next picture showed Felicity lying on a medical table with a line into her arm. Dear God, what were they doing to her?

Lyla shifted gears and peeled out of the parking lot. She had to get this information to John fast. John arrived at Big Belly and took a seat in a booth. He was hoping to visit Cooper today. He wanted to surprise him, so he was going to fly out and surprise him. He just hoped A.R.G.U.S., had not gotten to him.

Lyla came rushing into the restaurant and John looked at her in concern. Her face was pale and she looked scared.

"Lyla, what's wrong?", he asked, as she sat down. She pushed a manila envelope over to him.

"This was in my car when I left to come meet you. Look inside."

John opened the envelope and read the note, his eyes growing wider as he looked at the pictures. Jesus! His gaze flew to Lyla.

"I have a suspicion it was Ashley that took these.", Lyla said. "John they have Felicity at A.R.G.U.S., right under me.", she said, her voice slightly choked.

"We have to show these to Oliver.", John said, immediately getting out his phone. He called Oliver and asked him to meet them at his office. They grabbed their lunches to go and sped out.

Queen Consolidated

It had been a long morning, and Oliver had been in back to back meetings. He headed back to his desk, his stomach grumbling. He needed to eat some lunch. He heard his phone ringing and saw John's face.


"Oliver, listen to me carefully. I need you to get to my office right now. Lyla and I will meet you there." John said.

Oliver could hear a little bit of panic in his voice, and he frowned. "Is everything ok John?"

"Just get there.", John said before hanging up.

Oliver grabbed his keys and told his Assistant to cancel his afternoon appointments. He raced down to his car and headed to Star City Detective Agency.

Star City Detective Agency

Pulling into a parking space, he jumped out of his car and hurried into the office. John and Lyla were waiting in his office, and Oliver closed the door behind him.

"John! What is going on.", he said, looking between them. Lyla looked pale.

John silently handed him a manila folder. Oliver looked at it and then John before slowly opening it. His eyes went immediately to the photos. Felicity!

He quickly read the note, and then dropped it as his eyes went back to the pictures. He numbly sat down in the chair behind him, his eyes riveted. Felicity and a little girl? Four years old? He gasped and looked at John, his eyes showing a mixture of pain and disbelief.

"That envelope was sitting in Lyla's car when she left to meet me for lunch today. We have reason to believe it was her friend Ashley that took the photos. The Omega Project is obviously a top secret assignment headed up by Waller." John said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oliver....I had no idea.", Lylas said softly.

Oliver could only shake his head. His eyes not leaving the photos. Felicity was alive. And he might have a daughter. His eyes flashed such a shade of green that it took John back a little.

"The fact that she is being held in the basement could help explain your lack of connection with her. They could easily have the area set up with dampeners.", John said. "Look Oliver, I know this is a lot for you to take in, but we need to focus here. Getting them out of A.R.G.U.S., is not going to be easy."

"And we don't know what has been done to her. She and the little girl seem in good health, but the second pictures suggests something has been or is being done to Felicity. We don't know what kind of shape we will find her in when we get to her.", Lyla said, getting control of her emotions. They needed to figure this out.

Oliver stood and headed to the door, the pictures held tightly in his hand. "I have to go!"

"Oliver!!! Wait!!", John said. But he was gone.

"Dammit. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid." John said, looking at Lyla.

"Just give him some time Johnny. He just found out his mate is alive and that he might have a daughter. That is a lot to take in.", she said, taking his hand.

Oliver slowly drove back to his penthouse. As he walked in he walked to the couch and collapsed, his hands tightly gripping the pictures. Felicity! His eyes drank in her image. She looked a little older, but the same all at once. His eyes drifted to the little girl and he felt tears slipping down his cheeks. He knew deep in his soul the little girl was his and Felicity's. His rage became so all encompassing that he stood and knocked the lamp off the table in front of him. His cries of rage echoing off the walls as he tore the room apart. He finally collapsed against the wall, the sobs wracking his body as all the pain, anger, desperation, fear poured out of him.

He took some deep gulping breaths, trying to focus his anger and his rage. His eyes glowing green. They were hard and he picked the pictures up lovingly off the floor gazing at them.

"I am coming for you and our daughter Felicity!", he whispered.

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