Untitled Part 17

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After driving for four hours, they arrived at the cabin. Sophie looked on in awe at the large wooden structure. It sat before a backdrop of pine trees with a huge lake just a few hundred yards away.

"Are you sure this is a lake house?", Roy asked sarcastically. "It is bigger than your penthouse."

Oliver gave him a wry look, before pulling up in front. Felicity looked at the beautiful home and imagined a young Oliver running around the yard. Fishing in the lake. She imagined Sophie running around the same way, and it tugged at her heart.

They exited the car and Oliver led them up the stairs, unlocking the door. Felicity looked around at the beautiful room and smiled. There was a huge rock fireplace flanked by two couches, The wood walls had been shaved smooth and glowed softly in the lamplight and there were what seemed like family pictures along the mantle. The back wall was all windows and overlooked the hills and lake behind it. As they set their bags down, Felicity looked at the stairs and saw a beautiful Omega hurrying down. She had short brown hair, brown eyes and when she smiled, Felicity saw flashes of Oliver.

"You made it!", she said, running down and throwing herself into his arms. He hugged her tight, and Felicity had to fight her inner Omega, not to rip her out of his arms and stake her claim.

She clenched her fists as Oliver smiled at the young woman and then turned to them. When he saw the look on Felicity's face, he immediately started talking.

"Felicity, Sophie, Roy, I would like for you to meet my sister Thea.", he said proudly. He had called Thea when he found out they needed to change locations, and she had readied the cabin for their arrival. The cabin had not been used in a couple of years, and he wanted to make sure it was aired out before they arrived.

Felicity relaxed feeling slightly foolish. Thea, Oliver's sister.

"Thea, this is Felicity, Sophie and Roy.", he said proudly.

Thea walked over and shook Felicity's hand with wonder. "Felicity! I am so very happy to finally meet you." Suddenly Felicity was pulled into a tight hug. She was taken by surprise but then returned the hug. She had waited a long time to meet Thea and she was everything Felicity thought she would be. Thea pulled away and leaned down to Sophie, and smiled. "Hi Sophie. I am your Aunt Thea.", she said. Sophie looked at her with her head tilted to the side. "Your my Aunt?"

"Yes.", Thea said. She was already in love with the little girl. "And who is this?", she asked, tugging on the bears ear.

Sophie stepped forward, "This is George.", she said and gave her a tight hug. "I have always wanted an Aunt.", Sophie said. Thea hugged her back and looked at Oliver with wonder.

Thea then stood and looked at the young man standing to Felicity's right. She held out her hand. He was quite handsome, and she blushed when he took her hand. "Roy Harper.", he said.

"Thea Queen.", she said, as she stared up at him.

His Alpha felt a jolt as their hands touched, and his eyes glowed green. He saw Thea's eyes respond, and finally let go of her hand after Oliver cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Thea, why don't we show them to their rooms."

"Yes, I have everything taken care of.", she said before leading them up the stairs.

She showed them to their rooms, and then left so they could get settled in and unpack. Thea walked to Oliver's room, and knocked, walking in and shutting the door behind her.

"So that is her.", she said softly. "Your mate!"

Oliver had filled her in on the basic details when they had spoke on the phone, and he nodded, unpacking his clothes. Thea crossed her arms, and looked at her brother with interest. "Why didn't you ever tell us about her Oliver?"

He stopped what he was doing and took a deep breath. He had planned on taking her home with him that Christmas and introducing her to his family, his jaw ticked as he thought why it never happened. "Because it was too hard Thea. And Mom and Dad had enough going on with the business.", he said, giving her a shuttered look.

"Sophie is beautiful!", Thea said. "She looks like you."

Oliver smiled softly. "She is amazing. And so very smart. Just like her mother.", he said wistfully.

"Am I seeing things or did I just see my brother look like a sap?", she teased.

Oliver gave her a glare, before continuing to unpack his clothes. "So what is the story with Roy?", she tried to ask casually. Oliver raised his eyebrow as he looked at her.

He explained how Roy and Felicity met, and Thea looked at him in shock. "Have Felicity and Roy.....???".

"No, Even though Roy is an Alpha he and Felicity have a brother sister relationship.", he said, and watched as she relaxed.

"Oh good.", she said with a small smile.

"Good?", Oliver teased.

"I am going to go check on lunch.", she said, and hurried out of the room. Oliver shook his head and smiled.

Felicity unpacked their clothes as Sophie bounced on the bed. "Mommy, can I go down and see Aunt Thea?", she asked. Felicity smiled.

"Yes, but don't go outside, Ok?"

"Ok!", Sophie hopped off the bed and ran out of the room.

"Don't run!!", Felicity yelled after her, shaking her head.

Oliver smiled as he saw Sophie run down the hallway. He hoped he could get some time with her later today. He had so many things he wanted to show her. He had many good memories here as a child growing up and he wanted the same for Sophie. He walked up to Felicity's door and knocked, leaning against the door jamb.

"Hi!", he said softly when she looked at him.

Felicity caught her breath. He looked so handsome. The blue in his shirt brought out the blue in his eyes and Felicity found it hard to look away.

"Hi!", she said softly, before turning back to continue unpacking.

Oliver walked over to her and she tensed. He wanted to touch her but he refrained.

"I was hoping we could take a walk later, and talk.", he said. They had already lost five years. He was not wasting any more time.

Felicity studied him for a moment, trying to decide. Finally she nodded.

"Yes. I would like that." She didn't smile, but turned and continued unpacking. She could not look at him right now.

Oliver watched her for another moment before turning and heading down stairs. Felicity let go of her breath when he left and sank onto the bed.

She hoped she was ready for this, and she hoped he was too.

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