Untitled Part 5

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Oliver heard her name trip off of his tongue. It has been over five years since she had vanished. In the beginning he had been desperate to find her. But there had been no trace of her. Nothing. It was if she had never existed, and as days turned to months, his worry had turned to anger. They had bonded, they were soulmates. He had known that from their first night together. But then she had left. No note. No goodbye. No reason. It tore at his chest until the years had past and the wounds had hardened his heart. He had tried to go on with his life. He had graduated, and then eventually took over as CEO of Queen Consolidated when his dad had a debilitating stroke two years ago. He was one of the youngest CEO's and that coupled with his raw sexuality and looks had pushed him to the front of the pack for most eligible bachelor. Oliver had poured himself into his work. Trying to forget her eyes, her hair, the feel of her beneath him, the feel of her beside him. And even though he had slept with a few Omegas and Betas over the years it had always been for release and nothing else. So as he said her name to John, he felt his old emotions coming to the surface. He needed closure.

Five Years Ago

MIT Campus

Felicity hurried out of the door as soon as her class was over. A huge grin spread across her face as she saw Oliver, leaning against his car, waiting for her. HIs beautiful smile lit his face when he saw her, and she ran up and threw her arms around him, kissing his face, his cheeks, his jaw. Anywhere she could reach with her lips.

"I did it!", she squealed as he laughed and held her close to him. "I finished my last class!!" This woman, this Omega had become his life, his heart and his soul. They had been together every spare moment that they could since that amazing weekend, and they were both excited because Felicity had been exhibiting signs of her first heat coming on soon.

"I knew you could do it beautiful!", Oliver said, giving her a kiss before turning and opening the car door for her. As Oliver walked around the car, he felt eyes on him, and his gaze immediately scanned the parking lot landing on Cooper Seldon. He had not bothered Felicity in the five months she and Oliver had been together, but he still kept his eye on him. Oliver gave him a cold stare, before getting into the car, and driving out of the parking lot.

"Well now that both of our classes are over, we need to decide what we are going to do once graduation is over.", Oliver said, almost hesitantly.

"I have been thinking about that Oliver, and I think we should just move to Star City, and get an apartment. You need to be there for Queen Consolidated, and I can get a tech job there.", she said with a grin.

Oliver felt a lightness flood his chest. He had wanted to her ask her to come with him to Star City but he had not wanted to pressure her. Now she would be there with him.

Oliver grinned as he drove to his apartment. He had gotten his own place two months after they had started dating and Felicity had so much of her stuff there that they were practically living together.

Oliver took her book bag as they headed up the stairs, and he unlocked the door, letting Felicity enter before him. She gasped when she saw candles all around the room, and a big bouquet of flowers sitting on the table.

"Oliver!!", she exclaimed as he closed the door behind him. "What is all of this?"

"Well", he drawled. "You are going to be going into your first heat soon, and I thought it would be a good time for us to bond." he said, holding her face gently in his hands. "I love you Felicity Megan Smoak.", he said, his love evident in his eyes.

Felicity melted. She had been secretly hoping for this day since she knew her heat would be coming soon. She felt tears fall from her eyes as she looked at the man who had become her other half.

"I love you too Oliver, so very much." She leaned forward and kissed him gently. "And your timing could not be better. Because according to my records, I should start going into my heat tonight.", she whispered seductively.

Oliver pulled her closer and kissed her sweetly. He couldn't wait for his family to meet her. They were going to love her as much as he did, and Thea could not stop talking about her mushy big brother every time he called her.

Oliver took her hand and led her to the table, and as she was sitting down there was a knock at the door. Oliver grinned, "Ah good! Right on time.", he said. He opened the door and paid the delivery man and Felicity laughed when she saw him holding a box of pizza. Oliver opened it with a flourish showing pepperoni and cheese with pineapple added to one side. She laughed even harder knowing how much Oliver hated pineapple on his pizza, hence the two halves.

"It is perfect Mr. Queen.", she grinned, taking a slice. Oliver sat the pizza down and grabbed two glasses and the bottle of wine he had been airing from the kitchen.

He poured them each a glass of wine and held his glass up to her in a toast. "Felicity, the night I met you was the most amazing night of my life. I knew, deep in my heart that you would change everything for me, and you did. You are my Omega, my soul mate, the woman that holds my heart and soul.", Oliver said giving her a soft loving look. "You have it always!", he said clinking his glass to hers.

They both could not wait to start a new chapter of their lives together.

Present Day

Queen Consolidated

John took his notepad and pen from his jacket pocket. He jotted down the information that Oliver had already given him. Name, date of birth, last known location, parents names. Oliver had told him of how they had met five years ago, of their time together, and then of how she had vanished. His tone was cold and impersonal, and John looked at him curiously. He had heard of Oliver Queen, and knew his reputation as being a cold shrewd business man. But as he talked some pieces started to fall into place for John. Oliver's heart had been ripped from his chest. He could say the words as coldly as he wanted, but John knew a wounded soul when he saw one. He was looking forward to taking this case.

"So there has been no sign of her in over five years?", John asked curiously.

"No. I have kept in touch with her Mother Donna, and there has been no contact with her either.", Oliver said, his hands slowly curling into fists on the arm of his chair.

"And this guy Cooper Seldon, you said. The one that was bothering Felicity. Was he ever questioned in her disappearance?", John asked, writing down his name.

"SCPD kept her case open for three years before placing it into their cold case files. From what I understand Seldon was questioned the first year of her disappearance, but they cleared him. Said he had an alibi.", Oliver said, but his voice was tight.

"Oliver, have you ever considered that this woman could have been playing you? That she might have wanted to disappear?", John asked. Oliver reacted immediately.

"Felicity would never do that John.", he said harshly. His mask of indifference, slipping.

John let those questions drop.

"Look John. Money is no object. Whatever you need to get me some closure on this is at your disposal.", Oliver said, coldly, methodically. His mask had slipped back into place.

John stood, placing his notepad and pen in his pocket. "I think I have everything I need for now Oliver.", John said. He held out his hand and Oliver stood, shaking it. "I will be in touch.", John said, giving Oliver a nod before turning and walking out of the office.

Oliver sat back down in his chair gazing back out the window with a sigh. That had been harder than he had thought it would be, the emotions almost feeling raw again. His jaw ticked as he controlled his emotions once again. He would deal with whatever John could uncover for him and then he could hopefully move on with his life.

But as he thought those words, he knew it would never be true. His life was cold, meaningless without her in it.

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