Untitled Part 23

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Felicity and Oliver climbed into the back seat of John's SUV. They had a four hour drive in front of them, so they settled back in their seats, their minds going over what they had ahead of them. Oliver looked over at Felicity and he felt his protective urges coming to the surface. Felicity noticed Oliver tense beside her, and she reached over, taking his hand. They kept their hands clasped together the whole drive, neither one inclined to let go right away.

John pulled up behind the A.R.G.U.S., building and he parked, and as they all got out of the SUV, each one checked their weapons and communication devices. John gave Felicity a gun, and she checked the safety before putting it into the waistband of her pants.

Oliver walked over, and placed his hand gently on her face. "Before we go in, I just want you to know, I love you Felicity." He kissed her softly on the lips. Felicity smiled, "I love you too."

Oliver headed back over to John as Felicity pulled out her pad. She started typing quickly and pretty soon, she had the alarm system disengaged. Felicity placed the pad back in the car, and then they all headed inside. As they skated along the hallway, their eyes darting around, looking for any agents, they headed down the stairs and then split up. John and Lyla went looking for Roy, while Oliver and Felicity moved toward the research lab.

John and Lyla communicated through hand signals and John signaled for her to stop, as he looked into a room. Roy was sitting in the middle of the room, his hands tied behind his back and he was unconscious. John slowly opened the door with his gun drawn, and glancing around, walked over to Roy and started to undo his ties. Roy groaned as John tried to get him to wake up.

"Roy, come on man! Wake up.", John said, finally getting the ties off. Roy raised his head groggily, and he smiled at Lyla.

"It took you guys long enough.", he said.

"Can you walk?", John asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about me.", Roy said, standing on shakey feet. John signaled to Oliver and Felicity that they had Roy before leading him outside.

Oliver and Felicity moved quickly down the hallway, and finally came to the door that held the lab. Felicity immediatley set to work downloading the research that Waller was conducting, and as it finished she pushed delete on the system. It felt really good to see it disappear. Now they had her research. Felicity used the computer system and turned the security back on, and sent a message to Waller. They waited but received no reply. Felicity frowned and messaged Waller again, and suddenly they saw her face on the screen.

Their faces both drained of color when Waller had the camera pan out and she was standing in the cabin with Thea and Sophie sitting on the couch huddled together.

"Oliver and Felicity! It's about time.", she said. Felicity's legs grew weak.

Oliver's eyes turned a ferocious green, as he clenched his fists.

"What are you doing Waller?", he growled.

"Oh I just was hedging my bets Queen. And when Roy showed up yesterday and "turned himself in", I knew something was about to happen. So I waited until you left and came to visit my two insurance policies.", she said smugly.

Felicity's eyes glowed just as green as Oliver's and she about went through the screen. Oliver pulled her back.

"So I am guessing that you are feeling pretty smug because you have the project data.", Waller said, walking over to sit next to Sophie. "What you didn't count on was that I already had the data copies over to another, more secure system.", she said. "Now, what I need from you two is to head back down to the cabin, so we can discuss your use to me moving forward." she said as she played with Sophie's hair.

Oliver and Felicity took off down the hall. They raced up the stairs and out the door, and Oliver yelled at John to start the car as they all piled in.

"We need to get back to the cabin now! Waller has Thea and Sophie.", he said. Roy's jaw clenched and his eyes shifted to green as she thought of Waller touching Thea or Sophie.

It was the longest four hours of their life. No one spoke. But everyone had thoughts running through their mind. Felicity's and Oliver's were of the same vane. Waller needed to die!

Amanda had her agents spread out over the property as she anticipated the groups arrival. She finally had them exactly where she wanted them and they would help her complete her project, or their daughter and sister would die, plain and simple.

Lyla had John pull off the road about a half mile down. She knew Waller would not come to the property by herself, and she was sure that agents were crawling all over the place.

Oliver and Felicity took off through the right side of the woods, as John and Roy took off through the left. Lyla stayed behind and drove the SUV, pulling it slowly forward as they cleared each section they crossed. As Oliver approached the tree house, he saw two agents standing at the railing. Signaling Felicity to stay put, he took off, using his Alpha speed. He knew the tree house like the back of his hand and before the agents knew what hit them. They were both dead. Their necks snapped easily.

Oliver heard John clearing the front of the house, and he signaled for Felicity to move forward. They entered the house through the back door and Felicity froze as she saw Waller sitting next to Sophie with a gun in one hand and her other hand softly stroking her hair. Felicity and Oliver both saw red, but they stayed calm for Sophie's sake.

"Mommy! Daddy!", she said, and tried to stand to run to them. Waller grabbed her arm and held her back.

"Oh Sophie sweetie! Please stay put darling. I need to have a talk with your Mommy and Daddy, ok?", she said and stood. John and Roy came busting in the front door, guns drawn, but Waller had her gun trained right on Sophie. They stopped in their tracks.

"Drop your guns boys!", she said, her eyes narrowing.

Oliver nodded at John and he and Roy slowly placed their guns to the floor. Roy looked at Thea and she indicated she was ok.

Two agents came down from upstairs and Oliver tensed, moving slightly in front of Felicity. He could not control his possessive need to protect her any longer. She was his mate. The urge was too strong.

"So!", Waller said, smiling at Oliver and Felicity. "Let's talk."

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