Untitled Part 15

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Roy said goodnight and headed to his room, as Oliver waited nervously for Felicity to return. He poured himself a whiskey and sipped as he looked out the window into the night. His life had changed so dramatically the last few weeks. All of the emotions and feelings that he had kept pushed down, had surfaced and dealing with them was not coming easy. He had been cold for so long that actually feeling something was foreign to him. But it was also nice.

Felicity made sure Sophie was asleep before she changed into her pajamas and closed the door, heading back to the living room. She slowed as she saw Oliver, standing looking out over the city. He looked so strong, so handsome that Felicity felt her body respond. Her attraction to him had not diminished at all, and she smiled shyly as he looked over at her when she walked up to him. She looked beautiful. Her hair was down around her shoulders, and she was wearing her glasses with a tank top and pajama pants.

"Would you like a glass of red wine?", Oliver asked. Felicity looked at him in surprise. He remembered she loved red wine.

"I would love some.", she said as she walked over and sat on the couch. Oliver poured her a glass of wine and walked back into the living room. He sat on the couch across from her, his arm along the back and handed her the glass.

"We have a lot to talk about." she said softly, taking a sip of her wine.

"Yes, we do.", he said, sipping his scotch. He felt the warmth of the alcohol slide down his throat, and Felicity could not help her eyes flashing green as she watched him swallow. The movement had her mesmerized. She finally tore her gaze away, and looked at him.

"How is your family?", she asked. She had never gotten to meet them. She wanted to so bad.

"My father had a stroke two years ago, which was when I took over running Queen Consolidated.", he said. Felicity gasped.

"Oh Oliver.", she said, and placed her hand onto his.

"He is doing better, but he had to retire.", he said. "Thea graduated from fashion school, and is working for a small boutique in town."

Felicity smiled, "Good for her."

He looked at her intently. "No one knows you are alive Felicity, not even my family. I have not told anyone. When I hired John I had no idea if he would find anything. The police had given up and the case was cold. I was trying to get some closure.", he said. He hated saying the last part.

She had a question she was dreading asking, but she needed to know.

"Can I ask you something?", she said softly.

"Anything!", he said. He hoped he was ready for her question. He was not.

"Were you with anyone else in the last five years?", she asked. Her heart skipped a beat, and she took a drink of her wine, waiting.

"Felicity....I just want you to know...", he started. Felicity just looked at him. She removed her hand from his.

"Just answer the question.", she said, growing worried.


"Answer the question Oliver!"

"Yes!", he said and the air left her lungs. She stood and walked over to the window.

"Felicity please.....", he started again. But she needed to know more.

"How many?', she asked. She was shaking, and Oliver's eyes were tormented as he watched her.


"How many?", she asked, and turned back to look at him.

"Three.", he bit out. It tasted like poison on his tongue and he was sick to his stomach as he looked at her face. Her eyes were blazing green, and she was stiff, just looking at him.

"Three...", she said.

"Yes, but you have to understand Felicity. After you were gone, I broke. I thought you were gone forever, and for a brief period of time, I thought you had left me on your own. I was angry.", he said. But even to him it sounded shallow.

"So you just decided to go fuck three women to get over me?", she said, her anger starting to come through.

Oliver was growing angry as well. It wasn't that simple.

"Do you really think it was that simple Felicity?", he asked standing, his eyes glowing. "You don't think I didn't hate myself those times I did? You were gone!! I had no idea where you were, if you were coming back. For all I knew you could have been dead. I couldn't feel you!", he said, angry, frustrated.

"So that is just suppose to make it ok?", she asked, her voice raising and then dropping. She didn't want to wake Sophie.

"By the way, the walls here are sound proof.", he said as he noticed her temper her anger. "And no it does not make it ok. I hate it Felicity! I hate everything about this whole damn situation. I have a daughter, whose life I missed four years of already. I had a mate who was taken from me and I couldn't do anything to stop it!", he said. His body was shaking as the anger coursed through him again.

She knew she needed to calm down and think rationally but she could not. All the anger, all the fear from the past five years was coming to the surface, and she couldn't stop it even it she tried.

"I was your mate Oliver! We bonded!", she cried. "You fucked three women, while I was stuck in that hell hole, being poked and prodded and being kept away from my daughter.", she said as she stormed over to him and slapped him hard across the face.

Oliver grabbed her arm, his nostrils flaring and his eyes blazing. The Oliver he had become crept back in as their emotions were on high alert, and he looked down at her with a look that had intimidated men in the past.

"I would advise you not to do that again Felicity.", he growled.

She yanked her arm away, standing toe to toe with him, her eyes blazing just as green. The depths deep with unspoken emotions, and he could see the hurt.

"My mate slept with three other women Oliver..", she growled.

Oliver lost it, all his anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, hurt came spilling out as he yelled, "You...were gone! Gone Felicity! You were everything to me and then one day I turned around and you were gone. I spent over a year looking for you. Trying to find you.", he said, tears starting to slide down his face, his hands grabbing her arms, trying to get her to understand. "My heart was ripped from my chest. The woman that I loved more than life itself was GONE! Do you get that?! I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat for weeks after you were gone!", he said, his chest heaving as the emotions poured out.

He suddenly pulled her to him and kissed her. His hands were in her hair, holding her to him as he kissed her with such raw need that she responded immediately, her hands moving up into his hair, pulling him down to her, as they kissed, hard, deep and passionately. But then Felicity tore herself from his arms.

"I can't do this right now Oliver.", she said. "I need some time to think.",she said, her chest heaving in passion. She looked at him once more before she turned and ran to her room.

Oliver watched her go gritting his teeth, and then he turned and punched the wall. "Dammit!!!"

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