Chapter 1 - A lost boy

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X's PoV:

First sunbeams came into the old bar where I worked, showing three men lying unconsciously on the floor and two on the counter in front of me. They all had long beards and tattoos all over their bodies. The three men on the floor just loved to get into fights when they were drunk. The others just watched them and didn't even try to separate them.

All of them smelled like alcohol and I wished someone else's job would be to wake them up.

They all were fishermen and always stunk like dead fish. Now the additional smell of digested alcohol made me sick.

They were spending here every single night. Supposedly if they could, they would spend here whole days too. I could imagine they never got really sober. Before the last traces of alcohol made it to evaporate from their bodies, they were pouring new amounts of fresh liquid. I couldn't imagine what their wives and children felt when they finally got home.

It was a small town with a single pub, and only Paul and I worked here. Paul was the owner, so it was my job to deal with the mess and people who made it. I hated it.

I worked here since more than two years and these five have been the only costumers ever.

To be honest, I hated this job, I hated these men and I hated this island. It was so small that there was only one town and a small forest on it. I didn't even like the people of the town. It was so small that I knew everyone by name.  I felt like I was being narrowed down by them.

I remember when I first arrived on Mirai Helven, the island. Well to be exactly I'd been wash ashore, without any memories who I even was.

Paul and his daughters Lea and Helena took care of me when they found me. When I woke up without any memory Paul said that I could stay as long as I wanted to.

Because I forgot my real name I was named X cuz my white and black clothes let me look like a giant X with legs.

The inhabitants noticed me very soon after that, I mean it wasn't ordinary in that town that someone new arrived.

Especially not someone like me.

I was a monster, a Skeleton to be exactly. I had mismatched eyelights and a blood red scar under my right eye socket. This eye was red too, and the other one was white.
And I had a tattoo on my breastbone, it had the form of a skeleton-dragon skull with empty eye sockets.

It wasn't extraordinary to meet a monster, since we coexisted with humans in this world but we were a rare kind and in the past we used to be slaves for the humans.

It was different today but sometimes humans just couldn't accept monsters in their society.

I was the only monster in this town and the humans weren't the nicest. I often had to deal with racist comments or disgusted looks but I got used to it.

Only Paul, Helena and Lea treated me like a normal person.

They were like family to me.

Lea had the kindest smile I've ever seen and Helena could always bring me to laugh when I heard the other inhabitants. And Paul treated me like his real son.

He let me live with them, even that they knew nothing about me and the only thing I could do to pay that kindness back was this job that nobody else wanted.

These three really were the only reason why I hadn't left this island years ago.

I sighed and looked out of the window. It was time to wake these bastards.

I bowed under the counter and took the object that could solve my problem with waking them up.

I kept my non-existing ear and pressed the button.

A loud honk was to hear and all of the men winced and jumped up on their feet. All of them were half asleep and a few of them wanted to go back to sleep, once the loud sound disappeared. But I couldn't let that happen.

I slammed the hooter at the table and said:

"Thank you gentlemen that you stayed the night and I hope you find out alone. Now our bar will close and open again at 7pm. See you soon!"

A few muttered things like "you fuckin' monster" or "go the hell, where you belong, you freak".

I just ignored it. I was used to something like this and as long they disappeared and I cleaned this mess, I could let out my anger on them on my training dummy.

Growling, they payed and left and I was finally alone.


Hey, hope you enjoyed the first chapter!


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