Chapter 19 - Otaku and an Emo

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??? PoV.:

I sat in an abandoned library, only a bit of moonlight gave me sight on the thousands of books and shelves. The moon shined through the great glass dome, the ceiling of the most part of the library. But the outside of the dome was covered by leafs, inches thick earth and roots.

Well, maybe because the library was under a huge forest, on a island where nobody lived. Which was weird, on the outside this island looked like a forest, only woods and a beach but nothing else.

But it hold a secret and I was the only one who knew about it. Well, besides the Captain. Under the island were buildings, tunnels of something that ones had to be streets. I'd found this town through accident, when I walked in the forest I just stepped on an instabil plate and fell through the ceiling in the ghostly city.

I was scared at first, not knowing where I was but mostly because of the long rooted corpses on a few places.

Just imagine: You just take a walk through a forest, ain't gonna do anything bad, and in the next moment ya hear a crack under ya and ya fall few feet, just to see a dead human skeleton next to you. That was a shock!

And as the brave monster I am, I didn't scream and run as fast as I could on the search for an exit, nooooo not me!

Let's just say I had a little panic attack. I was used to such scenarios, I've been forced watching horror movies enough times to build a resistance against such things.

Or that's at least what I thought before I fell in this hell hole.

The truth is that even if you consume horror movies like oxygen, you would never be prepared if something like that happens in real life and you're the protagonist in it.

Or I'm wrong and just a crybaby, that's possible too. I mean, that's the first thing I did when-

Brother, stop embarrassing yourself, it's enough if I'm the only one aware of your pathetic actions that day.

"Bro, you're right, I'm sorry. So where to continue?"

You really want continue talking to yourself and telling for the thousands time how we ended down here? But go on, I'm not the one to stop you from thinking about your miserable life.

"Man, bro, you're the best!"

So, where was I? Oh yes! I found this library during my little 'marathon' through the catacombs. I couldn't find an exit, so I decided that I could live here! I had books to entertain me, my bro as company and here weren't any corpses. I didn't need any food or water, I thought because the reset in the end of the day, my body was affected by it too, and so I didn't need nutriments because my body only thought that one day passed. And I could go without any food for a day or such.

But this theory was shattered when boss came along and found me. He was disgusted by my way of life, but I didn't actually care. I felt comfortable here, alone with nobody else around, nobody who could get hurt because of me.

Boss explained me how this time loop thing actually worked and which role the Marine force played in the new government. It wasn't a surprise for me, I already knew what these bastards were doing.

But if the tattoo really protects from the time loop, than it can't be that my body was being affected by it. That means there was another reason why my body didn't need to eat or drink anymore.

But boss left before I realized these things, so I couldn't ask him anymore. He left me with the words that I could live my useless 'otaku potato' life till he'd send me a signal.

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