Chapter 27 - Point Zero

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Oof, this got darker than I expected^^,

But anyway, hope you enjoy!


Third PoV.:

There was only one word that could describe the headquarter of the Marine force. It seemed like this word was just made for its description and nobody was able to not to agree how well it fitted.

The headquarter was the bare definition of the word swanky.

It was gigantic, with dozens of floors, each of them holding a different department. The facade was embellished with engraves, making the build looking older than it actually was. It also had big, open areas that were used for training, but most importantly for executions. But honestly, those two things weren't that much apart because those who couldn't stand the hard training would get killed immediately.

The MFH stood on a fake island, built with old human technology that was used to make more space for the fairly poor population. But that was only an excuse to use such islands as factories, not caring about the immense environmental pollution they caused.

Islands like those were called "Interchangeable Slums", where the poorest and most money needy people lived, the only ones who were desperate enough to work with the poorest safeguards, only to be able to support their families.

A ship cost more money then the people could ever get together, and it was prohibited to leave the island without an own boat. There were some who tried to sneak out on factory ships, which was almost impossible as how many guards only one ship had. The punishment for trying to leave the island without permission was immediate execution, and especially the Marine force soldiers were known for their cruelty. But manny took this risk, hoping to find a job and get enough money to get their families out of there. But but not many left such a ship alive.

Those slums were simply prisons for those who got the misfortune to get born there. And if a disease got discovered, caused by the chemicals of the factories, the whole island would get locked up and it'd become a ghetto. The people in charge built another island and moved the factory, leaving the sick in their suffering.

There were exceptions, some "fake islands" were built for rich people who wanted an own island. Those were big, showing the power the resident hold. But the biggest of them was the MFH.

Even though the murderous training, many thousands of people, both of human and monsterkind, worked there, but not many were in high positions. The Mf graduated you if you could show your skills outside of training. The more stronger and smarter you were, and the more experience you had, the higher would your rank become. It was the most hardest and desired thing to graduate, and those who were in charge and had a higher title than a Captain were treated like celebs and everyone wanted to become one of them.

The only exception was Officer G, who used to be a Rear Admiral, but who stepped back to a much more lower rank, before the time loop even started.

Officers trained new recruits and got less important missions. It wasn't a low position, but sure as hell nobody would have thrown the rank of a Rear Admiral away for it. And it wasn't a secret that G had even more potential, before he ranked down it was even discussed to rank him up to an Admiral. Even now the Commander sometimes tried to bring this subject back, but G always refused.

He argued that he liked the job, it was less stressful and only sometimes he had to work abroad. And now he had time to give his wife Frisk the affection she deserved.

Frisk worked under Dr. Alphys in the science & chemical weapons department. Here were those who only barely succeeded graduating and get a job in the Marine force, but were smart enough to not get killed. Alphys herself only got the job because of her fiancé Undyne, who was a Captain.

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