Chapter 15 - "I don't believe you"

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Nightmare's PoV.:

We saw a girl and this barkeeper dude on the floor, both crying. The girl because of pain and shock, and the other because of hopelessness. He was trying to help her but didn't know what to do in such a situation.

I kinda felt bad for him, even if I didn't really care. But suddenly, I felt like something was wrong, I mean besides by the knife injured girl.

I could feel the anxiety in that girl increasing by the appearance of Cross, without any reason. The barkeeper was confused and Cross was filled with worry about that girl. Why would she be scared of him?

No wait, it wasn't only fear, she was horrified! She immediately backed away by the sight of him, her eyes widened and she hissed in pain. I could tell that she lost a lot of blood and her chances of survival weren't that great, she would die because of blood lost in an hour or something.

Probably less.

Ok, who am I kidding, she would be dead in a few minutes.

I mean, it wasn't that tragic for me, I knew that tomorrow she would be alive again, but for Cross was it a big deal. He cared for that girl and he already had seen someone near him dying and he wouldn't take another death well. I had to get him out of here immediately.

Cross took a step forward and the injured yelled. Cross frowned and stopped, looking hurt. The girl's fear grew and I knew, it was too late.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!", she shouted at Cross and hold her bleeding shoulder. He was confused and hurt, didn't know what to do. This wasn't good if it would continue like this...

Suddenly something else caught my attention and my upper lip twisted in disgust. I had an intuition about what could have caused this situation and I grabbed the thing from the floor with one of my tentacles.

I put the weapon in my right hand, cleaned it from the blood and as I took a closer look at it, I was confirmed in my hunch.

I looked at the engraving on the blade of the knife, above the handle, I knew what that meant.

I looked back at the hysterical girl at the floor, she shouted something about that her sister was dead and blah blah blah.

"Hey, pathetic crybaby!", I called and she reacted at the name, she turned her tearful face towards me. I chuckled to myself, 'hehe, caught her'.

"How did this murderer look like?"

She gulped and her gaze turned back to Cross. "I-It w-was y-you, YOU mu-murdered them!", she yelled shuttering. Cross took a step back hurt and unbelievably confused.

"I-I haven't!", he shuttered too and looked desperate at the barkeeper. "I would never-, Paul you know me, I would never do something like that!" Paul just stared a few seconds into the others eye until he looked to the side, avoiding his gaze.

"N-No", Cross took another step back, hurt that they couldn't believe him.

It hurt me too, seeing him going through this, I hadn't expected such an answer, but I hadn't much time, I had to ask further, so we could know the truth.

"How did his eyes look like?", I asked coldly, trying to get this over with as fast as possible.

The injured tipped her head in confusion and trying to remember. "I-I don't know." My calmness was really put to the test, I took a deep breath to calm down. "What was his eye color?", I asked, calm at the outside, or so I hoped. It was hard to work with scared AND traumatized people when you try to get informations from them, I knew that of experience.

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