Chapter 7 - Answers and Questions

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Cross PoV:

I sat in shock, not believing what I've just heard.

Pirates, echoed in my head.

I was a criminal, even without knowing it.

How would Paul, Lea or Helena react, if they knew, that they gave a wanted criminal a home, hell even a family!

My world just fell apart by this one sentence and I glared at the cause.

"Why should I believe you?"

He smirked and lifted his shirt. My eyes widened as I saw the same tattoo as mine on his breastbone. It was clearly recognizable, as the single white thing on his black bones. It was exactly like mine, except that the right eye of the skull had a blue pupil, which seemed to glow and above the skull was a banner, where was written "captain".

"I never lie."

In my head was a total mess and I tried to process, what I just heard.
But I noticed something about his answer, that made me suspicious.

"If that's true, why haven't I ever seen a wanted poster, or anything like that? Why haven't I even heard of pirates, whose captain is a skeleton with tentacles on the back? And you still hasn't answered my question."

"That's really good questions, it shows you haven't lost your intelligence during the time", he smirked.

"Oh please", I rolled my eyes. "It was just two years."

He gave me a disbelieving look.

"What?", I asked confused.

"Have you really not noticed it?"

"What not noticed?"

Nightmare sighed and massaged his eyes lids. "Oh god, this is going to be so confusing...", he mumbled.

He again looked at me and his look showed, how tiered he was. It was full of resignation and hopelessness.

But as he met my glare, his look changed and was full of determination. He clearly wasn't the type, who gave up easily, just because something seems to be difficult.

When this look met my eyes, I felt a feeling I couldn't recognize, but it wasn't uncongenial. It send shivers down my spine and it seemed like he noticed it, because he gave me a  playful smirk.

He took another sip.

"So basically monsters, Skeletons to be exactly, have supernatural powers. We call them skills. Each skill is unique for each Skeleton. Some have even two skills, but that's really rare and we don't actually know the reason."

"Wait, you and me are Skeletons too. Does that mean I have such a skill? And you too?"

"Exactly. We are the Sans Pirates, a group of Skeletons with skills, who had enough of these worlds rulers and decided to fight against them."

"But, why? What have they done to us?"

Nightmare was going to answer me, as the title music of Pirates of the Caribbean filled the silent bar.

I took my phone out. The screen showed that the calker was was Helena and I accepted it. Nightmare raised his non-existing eyebrow and gave me a "are-you-serious" look. I just ignored it.

"Hello?", I asked.

"X, I-I need you, please, can you come? I drove u-us into a total mess and I don't know how to fix it", she sobbed. This wasn't good, she panicked what normally never happened.

I immediately stood up and looked at Nightmare. He noticed that something was wrong and looked at me alert.

"Where are you now? What happened?"

"I-It's Vincent, h-he got angry after I rejected him a-and h-he broke Lea's arm yesterday and threatened, that if I'd say anyone what happened, he's gonna k-kill my family and now Lea's gone a-and I found the note, t-that  i-if I w-wouldn't come to the bakery and say yes to him,
h-he's g-going t-to k-k-kill Lea and I d-don't have any i-idea w-what t-to d-do n-now", Helena said, at the last part she sobbed so much, that I barely understood her.

"Helena, calm down, everything's gonna be alright", I said barely believing myself. "Where are you now?"

"A-at home."

"Good, stay there, don't you dare to go to the bakery, I'm going."

"A-and what are you gonna do?"

"I'll see, just don't go outside, ok?"


"Calm down, nothing's gonna happen to her."

"I-I'll try."


I ended the call and turned to Nightmare, who listened to the whole conversation. As I looked at him, he grinned, drank up and said:

"This is going to be fun."


This is how Nightmare's tattoo looks like:

This is how Nightmare's tattoo looks like:

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My art^^

And really thank you for 201 reads and 7 votes! This is the first book I've ever written and it's pretty hard to write it in english, but I try! I hope ya like it so far.


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