Chapter 3 - Outsider

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X's PoV:

The sun was already on it's highest spot, when I finished cleaning.
I sighed, this took longer than I excepted.

I looked around the bar and smiled, proud of what I've done.
At this moment Paul came into the bar and looked around.

"Wow, have you called a cleaning team? It looks like new! Like always when you're helping me, thank you!"

He send me a proud smirk and I smiled shyly back.

"Of corse I help you! I do it with pleasure. How was your sleep?"

That was an obvious lie and Paul knew and understood that.

Paul always slept after 5am and left me the work to take these idiots out. He had a second job too, on the market. Usually Lea and Helena changed the shifts but he helped out. I offered to help them too, but they protested.

"It's ok, we're already three people, we can handle it."

"I don't want you to overwork!"

"And when are you gonna sleep? At night you work at the bakery and in the morning you're cleaning the bar. You need a break too X!"

They were right and it was nice that they cared so much about me.
I worked at a bakery too cuz they mean that I need another job as only a help out. So I worked at the bakery of a friend of Lea and Helena, whose name was Vincent.
I had the feeling that he liked Helena, but she didn't like him back.

He seemed nice, even if he didn't talk much to me. Just when I had a question or he explained something. But I knew, it wasn't because he was like this. When Lea, Helena or any other was around, he talked pretty much and he was actually really unreserved to everyone, accept to me.
I had the feeling, he didn't like me, but tolerated me because of Helena.

But that was ok, as long as I had people, of them I knew they liked me, wasn't it important what others thought.

I was brought back from my thoughts as Paul answered my question.

"Well, not so good. Lea broke her arm and we have to go to the doctor, so I had to wake up earlier than normal."

"That's s bad, what happened?"

"Helena, Lea and a few other friends thought, it would be a wonderful idea to celebrate a birthday of their friend with alcohol", said Paul and rolled his eyes.

"But isn't Lea against alcohol?"

"That's the reason why I don't believe them. They're re into something and they don't wanna me to know what's going on. Could you try to figure out more? Normally I wouldn't care, but they got hurt and this crosses the line. But they'll hide it from me, no matter what, cuz they don't wanna to involve me into this. You're the only one who could get to them."

"I'll do", I said serious.

"Wonderful! By the way, could you take over after 11pm? At night comes a transport with new alc and I have to receive them."

"Of corse I can! How long will it take?"

"Maybe until 1, 2am?"

"Don't you need help with carrying the boxes?"

"I already asked a few old classmates from Lea and Helena, so don't be bothered with it. By the way I already said Vincent, that you're helping me, so you don't need to work there today."

"You said that before I even gave a yes that I'm helping you?"

"I knew your answer."  We laughed.

"Okay, come on X you need a break. I'll take you with me while I'm going to the market. Lea rest at home cuz of her arm, so I'll have to take her shift."

"Okay", I said and we walked out of the bar. It was maybe 2pm and the sun was shining. It was end of spring and no clouds were in sight.

We walked down the streets and joked around. While we walked, the inhabitants gave me even more weird looks than usual and whispered behind my back, but again I just ignored them.

Think about the dummy, X, I thought. After beating the dummy, you're gonna feel better.

Do you still believe that?

That was another voice in my head, one that I couldn't recognize. It was strange, the voice talked  sometimes, but not what I really thought. It was like having another person in your head, who talk to you from time to time, but isn't actually there. I tried to talk to that voice one time, but it didn't response. To be honest, it was weird trying to talk to a non-existing person inside of your head, so I didn't do that again.

We arrived at the house and I went inside, while Paul went in the direction of the market. I went to the backyard, where the old training dummy stood. It once belonged to Paul, but when he saw how close the comments from others got to me, he offered me to let out my anger on this dummy. Since then, it really got easier to just ignore them.

I took a deep breath and stared at the dummy. I took the familiar fighting pose and balled my fists. Like a wave, all the things that made me sad, angry and confused hit me.


My fist landed where usually the nose should be.

Fucking' monster.

Another hit, this time in the stomach.

The disgusted looks, when I go past them.

The whispers, why Paul hasn't gotten rid of me a long time ago.

A kid in the park is stumbling and lending on his knees. He's crying and I'm trying to help him. His mother comes running and is pushing me away. I don't need your help, you monster! She's taking her child and walks away.

With every new flash of memory, I landed a hit in the stomach, the head, chest, shoulders, and every single hit was harder than the other. I only stopped when I heard a loud sound of tearing fabric.

As awaking from a trance, I looked at the mess I made. The right arm of the puppet was ripped from his right place and was a few meters behind the dummy.

I sighed, it wasn't the first time, that I messed it up.

"I'm gonna to fix it later", I muttered.

I took the ripped arm and walked into the house. I took it to my room upstairs and placed it on the commode. My room wasn't big, but I had enough space. There were a bed, a commode, a desk and a closet with a mirror on the door. I even had my own bathroom!

It was once Helena's room, but after I moved in, she moved to Lea. Their room was across from mine.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After that I put black sweatpants and a white hoodie on.
I didn't know why, but I really liked these colors. My clothes, in witch Paul has found me, were black and white too, but I got rid of them a long time ago, no wonder. The sea has destroyed them so much, that you couldn't call them clothes anymore.

Tiered, I fell on my bed and lay down. Almost immediately, I fell asleep.


So this was the third chapter!

Poor X :(

Hope you enjoyed!


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