Chapter 29 - The Rolls

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Dust's PoV.:

The room was big with a great table in the middle and a big screen on the wall across the door. There were far too many chairs around the table than we needed and seemingly everyone was too lazy to put them away, so the room looked more empty than it actually was. The white walls didn't really help to make this effect disappear.

It was already impossible not to notice the shouting from outside, and it really wasn't a surprise to see Fell and Killer as the source. Fell looked like he wanted to attack the other, and would have probably done so by now, if he hadn't been hold back by Sci, the arms wrapped around the taller ones shoulders, stopping him from throwing himself on Kills and knocking him out. One foot was already on the table and Sci obviously needed help to stop him completely.

But did the others care? Of course not.

Killer on the other hand was relaxed, one arm behind his head and the other playing with his knife by throwing it in to air. He put his feet on the table and balanced on the hind legs, a shit-eating grin over his face, obviously proud of making the other furious. He didn't really shout, he knew that if he remained calm it made Fell even more aggressive and he just enjoyed the show the other made.

Scenes like this weren't uncommon and they always stared because of some dumb bullshit, so nobody actually paid attention to it. I didn't even listen and just looked at the others.

Horror sat hunched over his axe and used an edge of his claw to sharp it. Lust went to him right away and placed himself in his lap, leaning back and purring happily while Horror wrapped his big arms around him.

Error had summoned his glitchy screens and didn't even give a slight attention to what was happening around him.

Geno sat near the door, but he hadn't even looked up as we came in, his gaze focused down on the table, but I could see a faint blush on his face as Reaper sat down next to him. He kept staring though, so Reaper remained silent as well.

Boss sat at the head of the table (Geno sat as far away from him as possible) and looked at us, waiting for us to sit down. Cross st some seats away from him, his face buried in his hands to somehow ignore the others.

This sight was really weird for me to watch and I felt a faint pang in my soul that I couldn't quite place. I sat down some seats away from Kills and leaned back.

Sci finally managed to calm Fell down and they both sat down as well.

"So", Boss began and looked at Reaper, "what took you so long?"

But before Reaps could answer, Boss' gaze wandered to me and he smirked: "Don't bother answering, I think I can guess." I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, while Dyrus snickered from behind.

"As said, we have many things to discuss," he turned his gaze to Killer, "but I think it'd be best if we start with the basics."

Killer nodded. I think we start with the ship, he turned to Horror, who tilted his head. "It's a p'etty goo' ship. Fast, I still 'ave ta see after de mach'nery but it should be goo'. Much space, but 'e need mor' weapons."

"Please", Lust snorted. "Rorry, I don't wanna criticize yer ship knowledge", he nuzzled into his neck bend and his boyfriend snarled, "but these are really only basics. Ya can do better than that."

Well, if ya know so much more 'bout it, share!

"That's actually a good idea, as it's your current body, you should know the most about it", Boss smirked.

"With pleasure", Lust smiled forced. "Like I said, Rorry isn't wrong. The ship is fast, it has a good machinery and it has much space", he took a breath that he actually didn't need, "the problem is that we have too much space than we actually need.

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