Chapter 4 - Looking for someone

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??? PoV:

With every single minute that last, I felt like the panic and sadness grew. I asked almost everyone on that stupid island, if they knew him and the answer was always the same: "No I don't."

It was obvious, that they hated monster cuz they always gave me that look. I hated it and after three or more times I've seen it, I just murdered a guy.

Well, the world hasn't lost something great.

I got rid of the corpse at the port, even that it wouldn't matter tomorrow anyway.

I walked at the pier and watched the waves hitting the rocks of the port. The sun had set a long time ago. I heard the bells of a church, it was 9pm.

During the day, I searched the whole forest up and down, I asked everyone, I even broke inside a few houses! What else could I do?
What have I expected? The chances to find him here were virtually
non-existing since the beginning.

I felt a lump growing in my throat and tears in my eye socket. My breath was hard and I had to lean against a wall. With my back against it, I slowly slipped down, until I sat in the ground. I felt the tears running down my face.

No, I thought.

This isn't right. I should be the one that has control about negative feelings, they shouldn't have control over me!

I just felt like my body started to trembling with sobs.

"Come on, Nighty you aren't that weak, you're stronger than that and you know that!"

The memory hit me so hard, that I immediately stopped crying.

He was right, I wasn't weak, but couldn't I have one moment of weakness? One moment where I could just cry about loosing the one, I loved more than my live?

"What if I'd lost you and I wouldn't know what to do anymore?", I asked. "You'll find something else that will hold you", he answered. "But you have to promise me, to live on without me, it would break my soul to know that I was the reason of your death."
"I promise", I answered.

I stood up and wiped my tears. He was right, I would go on until the end.

Even if it means you aren't by my side.

I walked to the direction where I left my boat, but as I walked, I saw the lights of a bar. It was a long day and I definitely needed a drink.

I walked inside and saw six men. One was the barkeeper and the others were just some random old men. They glared at me as if I was a cockroach.

"If you don't stop looking at me like that, you're gonna have a really, really bad time."

Growling, they returned to drinking their drink. They were definitely drunk, even from the door was the stunk impossible to ignore. How could the barkeeper withstand that?

I walked to the counter, so far away from these men as I could. I sat down and I was right in front the barkeeper.

"Hey, buddy, what'll it be?"

I sighed and tried not to take too deep breaths.

"The strongest you have."

"You look like you had a long day", he said, taking a closer look at me.

"You can say that", was it really that obvious?

"I think, I know what you need."

With that he disappeared in the backroom. I took the time to look around. The bar looked old, but comfy. The furniture were made of wood and on the walls were bottle of whine and other alcohol.

This bar could get more costumers, without these five, I thought.

One of the men vomited at the floor. I looked disgusted at them, it wasn't even 10pm and they were already so full.

I felt really sorry for those who had to clean this mess.

The barkeeper came back with some blueberries, mint, vodka and a few other ingredients. He mixed them together and after some time, the drink was ready.

"So, one Frost Bite Martini, you're welcome!"

"Thanks", I said and took a sip. It tasted really good.

"So you're new, huh?"

"Yeah, but I'll don't stay long."

"From far away?"


"Why have you came here?"

"I was looking for someone I lost a long time ago", I didn't know why I just have said that to a random person, I knew for a few minutes, but I guess I just needed someone to talk. Besides, these barkeeper had something on it, that made me like him.

We heard yells and when we turned around to the men, three of them got into a fight and the rest ignored that. One man slammed another at the counter and wiped him over the table, so the drinks landed on the floor.

I felt anger growing inside me and I growled. I couldn't even drown my broken soul in alcohol without troublemakers. Four slimy tentacles grew from my back and wrapped around the waists of the men. The last one I grabbed by his
shirt-collar. My one eye glowed in cyan blue as I looked at all of them. I had a angry grin on my face as I said:

"Listen palls, I'm not in good mood today and don't feel like to deal with your shit and if I see you here ever again, you won't see the sun ever again, have I made myself clear?"

They nodded in fear, I have used a bit of my powers, but thinking back, wasn't this even necessary. All of them were cowards and just seeing a skeleton monster, covered in a black slimy substance all over his body and with deadly tentacles would make them shit themselves.

"Good." I walked with them to the exit, threw them outside and slammed the door behind them.

Just now realizing what I've done, I turned around to face the barkeeper. He looked a bit shocked and I tried to find an answer.


He saw my uneasiness and laughed, a bit shaky but not angry.

"Don't mind, you actually did me a favor. I've tried to get rid of them since a few years. So what's your name?"

I've just wanted to answer, as I heard that someone opened the door behind me and walked inside.
The barkeeper seemed happy to see that person.

"Ah, X! Just in time!"

"Heya Paul, so tonight I don't have to deal with the others?"

"Yeah, this guy was so nice to throw them out", the barkeeper, Paul answered.

When I heard the stranger's voice, I felt my soul skipping a beat and after that, beat so fast, that I thought it would jump out of my chest.

I turned around slowly and my glance landed on a skeleton. He was a bit smaller than me, had a blood red scar under his right eye socket and mismatched eye lights that watched me with curiosity.

I took a sharp breath, and I couldn't believe my eye. It was like everything around us disappeared and only him and me existed in this world. I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't. I felt tears in my eye  and a lump built in my throat again. It felt like an eternity until I managed to gulp them down and ask with a scratchy voice:


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