Chapter 2 - The search

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I've been so long on that boat, I don't even know how long I hadn't seen land. I was just glad that I didn't have to eat, when I didn't want to. Without that ability, I would have died a long time ago, even before I founded the first member of the crew. But since I had to live 2 years on a lonely island, I was used to not eating much.

I'd just wanted to feel the ground under my feet again and see something else than kilometers of blue.

Actually I hated water.

I don't know why, I just did.

But after years at sea, I got used to it and started to even enjoy the view from the ship.

But now, without my crew on my side, I felt the loneliness and fear that, back then, I hadn't felt in years.

I missed the old times, even if I'd never say it aloud.
I missed my friends and the adventures we had. Yes, my crew was annoying as heck and I couldn't count how many times I just wanted to throw one of them out of the ship, but they were my family and the reason why I hadn't gave up on that stupid island.

I wanted to see them again, all of them who survived that horrified night.

Especially one of them.

And I wouldn't rest until I hadn't found him. I was already a few years on the search for him and I could not imagine that he was dead.

He couldn't be dead, I couldn't accept it.

Even that I was so long without any success on the search for him, I wouldn't gave up. But I had doubts if he really survived. I'd looked everywhere for him, without any success and even Killer couldn't get any contact to him.

But I wouldn't give up until I searched on every single island and every single kilometer in this world.

My crew thought that I became insane in those years of unsuccessful search and maybe they were right, but until now we found every single member, that went over the plank, so why shouldn't he survived too?

But even with that determination, I was on almost every single island in this world and now only one left.

If he wasn't there, I would have to let go and live on with the pain and the knowledge that I couldn't save him that one night. I would tear my soul apart, but my crew needed a captain and I already took longer for the search as they had patience.

For my relief, I saw land.

"Finally", I muttered.

That island was my final chance, I believe it's name was Mirari Helven.

My soul beat hard in my chest and was full of fear. It was a feeling that I wasn't used to and I hated it.
I felt weak and it reminded me of the painful days, when all of us were kids.

I tried to distract myself and thought about that maybe he really was on that island, even if the chances that he drowned on that day were bigger, I wouldn't give up hope.

The sun began to rise and I arrived on the port of the island.

I tied the boat on the pier and looked over the small town. The search wouldn't last long, maybe six hours or ten, if I was profound.

I smirked and went down the narrow alleyways of the town.


Yeah, I know, this was a short chapter, but the next will be longer.

Hope you enjoyed!


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