Chapter 5 - Found

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Cross' PoV:

I looked at the skeleton with curiosity. I've never seen another monster, especially no skeleton like me. But he looked different.

He wore a black jacket, a black t-shirt and black basketball shorts. His whole body and clothes were covered in black goop and from his back grew four tentacles that flinched gently the whole time. To be honest, he looked like an octopus.

He had only one blaue eye, that was focused on me and scanned me. His glance was full of disbelief, hope and recognition.

I didn't know how to react. It seemed like he knew me, but I couldn't recognize him. How would he react, when he got to know, that I couldn't remember anything?

He called me Cross, could that be my real name? It didn't seem familiar, though.

"Eh... maybe?"

Paul saw how uneasy I felt and took over.

"You know him?", he asked the other skeleton.

"Aye, we're friends", he answered confused and didn't broke the eye contact.

Even more than that.

"That's just wonderful! You know, when me and my daughters found him two years ago, he woke up without any memories of who he was. Maybe you could tell him more?"

The stranger turned confused to Paul and then again to me. In his eye, I saw so many emotions changing, that I couldn't really assign them. But I saw confusion, anger, shock and infinite sadness.

"Is it true?"

I nodded and avoided his look.

This look let me feel a deep pain in my soul. I didn't know him, but I didn't want that this stranger to feel like this. And the thought that I was the reason, made it even worse.

Paul walked to the skeleton and placed the right hand on his shoulder. He mumbled something to the skeleton, who moved his head towards him and said: "I know that. It won't change anything."

Paul smirked and left us alone, with the words: "I'm sure you two will get along." He still had to be at the port, after all.

I felt really uncomfortable and the stranger saw that. He walked over to the counter and took his drink. The only good thing in this situation was that these idiots weren't here.

The guy turned around and pointed with the glass on a free table. I nodded and we set down, but there was an uncomfortable silence between us.
Suddenly he sighed and asked:

"Where should I start?"

"Maybe with your name?"

"Right, so my name is Nightmare."

"Ok, nice, and who am I? And how are we related?"

"Well, like I mentioned before your name is Cross and we're something like childhood friends, I guess? We know each other since a very long time. We grew up together blah, blah, blah and became best friends, even brothers."

"Ok, get it, but what else? How old am I? Do I have a family? What happened, that I ended up here?"

"I don't know, if you had one, but after we met, me, you and a few others grew into a family. We're around the same age, even if I'm a bit older than you, I guess. I don't know our exactly age, but maybe we're around 20? Doesn't matter. And about that last question of yours, well it's more complicated."

He took a huge sip of his drink, before he continued.

"First; we're pirates, Cross"


Did someone get the reference?

YoU'Re A wIzArD cRoSs-

Sorry, I know it's short.

But hey! They finally met!
And Nightmare finally found his oreo!


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