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Chapter 1 - Querencia

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Chapter 1 - Querencia

A place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self

"Not long now and we'll be there!" Hana had mumbled softly to me as I sat in the passenger seat of her mini, the name fitting the car perfectly as I'd had to squash myself into the tiny vehicle.

I didn't answer her sentence, just nodding absent-mindedly as we sped past the other cars on the surprisingly empty road.

With a slightly worried look on her face, Hana sighed and opened her mouth to say something before shutting again, appearing to have decided against it.

It was probably for the best anyways, it wasn't likely that she was going to get much conversation from me anyways. I was at my lowest at that point, life having completely torn me down until I could barely stand on my own two feet.

Indifferent would've been the perfect way to describe how I felt at that moment in time, having no particular interest in anything that i was faced with.

Not that I would've wanted to act as if I were okay, not having the energy to do so as I was completely drained of any life that I had possessed.

The events prior to our move had just knocked me off of my horse, leaving me to fend for myself in the desert that was my own mind.

"Aren't you even a little bit excited, Min? We're going to the place where dreams are made of, basic bitches would kill to be us right now. Come on, smile for me!" Hana attempted to joke, only receiving a short huff from me which was the most emotion I had showed during the entire journey.

My legs were aching and I kept getting back aches, a very uncomfortable mix that left me unenthusiastic and grumpy.

"Not really, s'not like we're moving anywhere really fancy, just good ol' Seoul." I replied whilst looking out of the window to my left, raising my eyebrow at all of the traffic that seemed to be making its way away from the capital.

What was the need for so much bloody traffic?

"Look, I know you're going through a hard time but at least try and be happy, it's the only way that things are going to get better. You can't let it hold you back from doing what you love!" Hana complained, flicking her indicators on as she took a sharp left and took us deeper into the city and further away from the tourist side of things.

When looking for an apartment we had tried to aim for as far away from the attractions as we possibly could and were quite happy with what we had ended up with.

"Whatever you say Hana."

The apartment itself was kind of impressive, a large, renovated building that looked as if it had been newly built. To have gotten this apartment anywhere else it would have been double the price so there was nothing to complain about.

Well, maybe the missing furniture was something I could complain about all day and night.

"What do you mean it's going to take three fucking days for our stuff to get here? I was told, specifically, that my belongings would be here today! How the hell does it take three days to get it here when it only took five hours for me to drive here myself!" Hana screamed down the phone in the kitchen as I decided to explore our new home, nodding at everything I liked about it.

It had high walls, a sophisticated vibe coming from the entirety of it as I made my way through.

Without the furniture in it the apartment looked huge but I knew it was just an illusion for the time being.

Especially my room as I tend to go a bit overboard with furniture and things of that sort. I guess you could call me an impulse buyer.

"If my stuff doesn't get here within 72 hours I swea- Ugh!" Hana groaned as she moved the phone away from her ear, the company seeming to have ended the call before any more abuse could be thrown their way.

I chuckled at her and shook my head, holding out her duffel bag that had her necessities in it as I'd had a feeling that something bad like this would happen.

"I'm sorry Minnie. This is supposed to be a fresh start for us but I can't even get the moving van right. God I shouldn't have ever tried, you're the one that specialises in this shit, not me." Hana sighed as she lifted herself up to sit on the kitchen counter, the only place we had to sit other than the floor, for the next three days.

I just shrugged nonchalantly, not really caring.

"S'not your fault, how could you have know that the company was slack and didn't have priorities?" I joked as I joined her, kicking my legs out as I did.

We both just sat there for a couple of minutes in complete silence, not really knowing what to do or say. What could have been said though?

"You must be starving Min, should we order takeout or go find a place? Now that you're eating for two I bet you could eat a ho- Shit, sorry Min I forgot." Hana said guiltily as she noticed my flinch, grabbing my hand in hers as a way to comfort me.

To try and show her that it didn't bother me, I smiled and stopped her from talking by moving so that I was stood on the actual floor and dusting my knees off.

"Come on Han, I'm pretty sure I saw a pretty little takeout shop on our way here. First one to the car has to pay the bill!" I shrieked, already making my way towards the door but not too quickly in case I tripped or overworked myself.

"You cheater!" Hana whined as she chased after me, much too late to catch up to me though.

Having already gotten myself strapped into the car with a triumphant grin, I couldn't help but laugh as Hana sulkily opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, still mumbling about how the race hadn't been fair but still starting the car.

I know she didn't mind really but if it had a big deal then I would've paid. Hana has done so much for me, things that only he should've had to do.

Unknown; K.NJ ✔️Where stories live. Discover now