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(A.N ~ Double update today!! Make sure to read chapter 19 before continuing)

N ~ Double update today!! Make sure to read chapter 19 before continuing)

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Chapter 19 - Torpe

a man who is desperately in love but cannot admit his feelings

"M-Minnie, I'm moving out." Hana had blurted out whilst we were watching a movie on the couch, knuckles having turned white from how hard she was clutching the wine glass that was perched in her hand. The TV played to itself, all attention taken from it as we stared at each other, my own mind racing with millions of thoughts as to why she would come to this decision without telling me or letting me know that she was thinking about it. It was silent for quite a while, purely because I just couldn't find the right words to say.

"Is it something that I've done? Are you leaving because I've annoyed you to the point where you can't take it anymore? Oh god Hana I'm so sorry I-" I began before a loud groan cut me off. Hana was shaking her head, lifting the glass up to her lips and tipping the wine down her throat in one large gulp. She had already drank quite a few glasses, the red tint on her cheeks showing me that she was becoming tipsy.

"Not everything is about you all of the time Minerva. I just want to be able to have my own space and maybe start a life of my own. Sorry...that came out harsher than I meant to say it. Nothing about my decision to move out is because of you Minnie so you really don't have to worry about it." Hana sighed with a downcast expression on her face. The girl didn't turn to look at me once and I knew that it was because if she did find herself making eye contact with me then she would cry.

"T-That's understandable, sorry. Look Hana, if you want to move out then really it's okay. You've done so much for me and Dawon and honestly you deserve the chance to have the experience for yourself. Just know that my door is always open for you at any time, yeah?" I whispered. There was a lump in the back of my throat that was starting to get even bigger, causing my words to become hoarse and quiet. I knew that I was going to cry but I attempted to fight it at first, needing to be strong so that Hana didn't feel bad for her decision.

Suddenly, Hana threw herself at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. From the way her body was shaking against mine, I knew that she was sobbing and that realisation caused my own set of tears to stream down my face. Before we knew what was happening we were crying into each others' bodies, clinging to each other as if the other was going to suddenly disappear. To be honest it was much more dramatic than what it needed to be but we had been relying on each other for well over a year as we didn't have anybody else.

"Come on, I'll help you pack your stuff." I mumbled once I saw that both of us had calmed down a little. I felt Hana nodded against my hair before she pulled her face away, frowning in discomfort as some of my hairs had stuck to her cheeks due to her tears. A soft chuckle came out of my mouth as I peeled my hair from her skin, shaking my head at the way I seemed to be a mother figure for her.

Once that was done, we both entered Hana's room and split up, beginning to carefully place some of her belongings into the suitcases we had brought when we first moved to Seoul. There photo albums stacked up on a shelf in the corner of the room but I stopped myself from opening them as I knew they were memories from the time we had spent in Seoul. I didn't want to be crying again or making Hana upset again.

"This isn't a goodbye, you know. I'm still going to be coming over and helping out whenever I can. It's just, I met someone that I really like and I want to maybe start a life with them." Hana began to speak from her closet, popping her head around the door to look at my reaction to her words. I simply nodded and smiled softly as I didn't really trust my voice to stay strong. Nothing else was said after that as we were still pretty emotional over what was happening.

It took just 45 minutes to pack Hana's essentials seeing as she was a simple person that didn't really need much. However, she had to leave most of her clothes behind as she didn't have enough cases to pack all of her clothes which meant that she would have to come back and get them whenever she had the time. The bags were stacked up by the door and were waiting to be carried down to her car, helped by whoever she was moving in with. There was a silence between us that wasn't usually present but hung over us like a dark rain cloud. I knew that things weren't going to be the same.

"I love you and I'm going to miss you so much!" I exclaimed before hugging Hana close to me, breathing deeply as to not burst into tears as my body wanted to do so badly. Hana chuckled and hugged me back even tighter than I was, rubbing my back comfortingly. "Y-You better call me every night okay a-and visit at least twice a week! I don't think Dawon could handle it if you just disappeared out of nowhere, she'll miss you too much."

"Are you sure it's Dawon that won't be able to handle it or you?" Hana teased, causing me to huff and lightly tap her on the top of her head. As we pulled apart, Hana's phone began to ring and she quickly pulled it out of her pocket. "Hey, I'm just saying bye to Minnie then I'll be right down. I-I love you."

I giggled at Hana's obvious embarrassment as her cheeks began to turn a soft pink. It was obvious to me that this person obviously meant a lot to her and I was excited to meet them. Hiding her face behind her palms, Hana also began to laugh along with me.

"Y-You better get going or I'll be forced to keep you here forever." I joked, wrapping my arms around myself and smiling awkwardly. There was no right way to handle a situation like that but I think that I dealt with it pretty well. Hana nodded once before turning and opening the front door, picking her bags up after she had done so. Then she was gone, walking down the hall and away from the apartment that we had got together when we first arrived in Seoul.

Though Hana was no longer living with me and keeping me company as she had before, I knew that I wasn't going to be lonely. I had Dawon with me and honestly, she's the only person I need in order to be happy. It took for me to lose people to realise this when I should've felt it all along.

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