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Chapter 12 - Kenopsia

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Chapter 12 - Kenopsia

The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.

"Don't act weird around Taehyung please Hana, I just want to be in and out without any drama." I warned Hana as we walked up Namjoon's driveway after driving all the way to his place to retrieve Dawon and take her home.

Hana made a noise of acknowledgement at the back of her throat but didn't make any attempt to say anything which put me on edge. She knew all about the situation with Taehyung and to say that she wasn't really a fan was more than an understatement.

"Yada yada. Why would you want to act all pleasant around someone who is the literal definition of homewrecker?" Hana grumbled moodily from behind me, an unusual pout on her lips which she only ever did when she was feeling especially confrontational.

I sighed and shrugged at her words before lifting my hand up to knock on the door, knuckles softly casting a small tune that would hopefully get Namjoon's attention - or Taehyung's.

Honestly, I could only pray that Namjoon would be the one to open the door.

But obviously I'm not that lucky.

"H-Hello! Please come in, Namjoon is just getting Dawon's coat on in the living room." Teahyung's fluffy self said sweetly after wrenching the door open, blond hair obviously damp from a shower.

If it were even possible for Hana's glare to deepen then it would've. She didn't necessarily look scary, more like a miffed puppy that didn't get a treat after giving its paw.

Both me and Hana made our way past Taehyung and into the home, making our way straight to the living room.

The soft gurgles that obviously belonged to Dawon were the first things I heard, causing me to move my feet even faster in order to get to her quicker. It had been a whole 14 hours without her and I had been going crazy.

"Dawon-ie!" I called excitedly without thinking, opening my arms to pick the salivating child, holding her close to my chest without even looking at Namjoon.

Hana soon joined the hug, pushing her face against mine whilst pinching Dawon's face lovingly as she always did. We must have looked pretty dramatic, all three of us hugging as if we hadn't seen each other in forever, but neither Taehyung or Namjoon said a word, letting us have our moment in peace without disturbing.

Once we had broken up the hug and Dawon was nestled in my arms, I turned to Namjoon and Taehyung who were stiffly sanding next to each other as if they didn't dare touch each other in front of me.

"Thank you Namjoon, for proving to me and Dawon that you're serious about being a part of her life," I began, subtly biting the inside of my cheek before then turning to look at Taehyung who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "And thank you to you too, Taehyung-ssi. I can only imagine that you tried your hardest with Dawon and that means a lot to me too. We may never be able to put what happened behind us but know this - I forgive you and hope that we can move past this, if not for us then for Dawon."

Before I could register what was happening, Taehyung had pulled me and Dawon in for a hug, being especially cautious as to not squash Dawon between us.

I looked over at Namjoon just in time to see a heart-warming grin spread over his face, one that disappeared as soon as he caught my gaze, a forlorn softness spreading across his gaze.

Nuzzling his face into my hair a little, Taehyung let out a content sigh as if he had been holding his breath for an extended amount of time. It weirded me out a little but I let it happen, thanking god silently once he finally pulled away.

Then it was silent between the group, all five of us not even making a sound -  even Dawon.

The tension in the room was very noticeable by then but I didn't want to point it out as I knew that it would only become even worse if I did.

"Well then, we had better get going. The car won't drive itself, right Minnie?" Hana said bluntly, no humour to her joking words.

Stiffly, I nodded and collected Dawon's bags, turning back to Namjoon and Taehyung so that I could attempt to smile in gratitude.

It was then that I realised how close they were standing, hands brushing together and shoulders slightly touching.  A familiar sadness crept into my eyes and I quickly looked away so that they wouldn't notice.

"Text whenever you want to see Dawon again but we can't next weekend. Goodbye." I said simply before walking myself out, needing to be away from them as quickly as I could.

The outside air hit me and suddenly my mind felt clear, clearer than it had been in a while. Hana had already securely strapped Dawon into her car seat so I quickly got into the car and sighed as Hana turned the radio on.

Maybe everything was going to turn out okay one day.


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