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Epilogue - Selenophile

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Epilogue - Selenophile

a person who loves the moon

"You're just like your mum, Dawon-ie~" Namjoon chuckled whilst stepping out into the back garden, watching as Dawon shifted slightly from where she sat. After not being able to sleep, she had gone outside to watch the moon in hopes that it would relax her and tire her out.

"How do you mean?" She asked, frowning slightly at his words. Dawon didn't want to think that she was anything like her mother, even though deep down she knew that his words were true. Namjoon sighed and made his way over to her, sitting on the seat next to her and taking some of her blanket for himself.

"She always loved the night sky, even when we were kids. We used to sit out on her roof for hours just to watch the stars because she loved it that much. The two of you are more alike than you'd imagine, it's uncanny." He explained to her, not using a harsh tone or scolding her for sounding so offended as he knew that the relationship between Dawon and her mother was a little strained at the moment.

"Yeah well, she found something that she loves more than anything." Dawon spat bitterly, resting her head on her knees whilst looking up at the moon. The way it seemed to shine down on her made her feel at ease with everything.

"I don't think it's like that honey. Just because your mum wants to get married doesn't mean that she loves you any less." Namjoon sighed, resting his right hand on her shoulder and stroking the skin softly. Tears were welling up in Dawon's eyes but she held them back, not wanting to show that her mother getting married bothered her.

"B-But it's supposed to just be me and her, Dad! She promised that it was me and her against the world." She admitted sourly.

"Did you ever think that sometimes your mum gets lonely? What about when you move out and go to college to start your own life? Do you expect her to stay alone, to wait for you to come back?" Namjoon asked curiously, not wanting to make Dawon feel guilty but wanting her to think about the logic behind her words.

With a soft pout on her lips, Dawon shook her head slowly. Just the thought of Minnie being alone without anyone with her scared Dawon.

"W-Why couldn't you and mum just have stayed together? None of this would've happened if-" She began but Namjoon quickly cut her off by placing one of his fingers over her lips. A disappointed expression crossed over Namjoon's features at her words, making Dawon wish she had never spoken at all.

"You'll upset Taehyung-ie if he hears you talking like that. There's no guarantee me and your mum would still be together even if we did try to hold on to each other. Your mum is happy with Yoongi hyung and i'm perfectly happy with Tae."

"I-I know, s-sorry dad." Dawon mumbled apologetically.

"It's fine honey. I can tell that you needed this talk, not that i'm not happy you're here because i'm ecstatic. It was just a bit of a surprise that you showed up here the other day. I had figured something happened with your mum." Namjoon told her, pulling her closer so that he could comfort her. Dawon sniffled, finally letting the tears fall down her face.

"D-Doesn't it bother you dad? I know that the two of you haven't been together since before I was even born but don't you get jealous sometimes?" Dawon asked innocently, no malice behind her words. Namjoon paused for a moment, trying to figure out a way to explain his feelings without making it seem as if he were still in love with Minerva because that definitely wasn't the case.

"It used to, right when they first began dating I mean. You weren't even one year old when this happened, but I had just come back into yours and your mum's lives when I began to feel like I had made the wrong choice, choosing Taehyung over your mum. Having a family with your mum was all I had ever wanted when I was younger and that confused me a lot at first, not being able to fully be part of your life because i wasn't a part of your mum's. No matter what though, I knew that me and your mum would never be happy together because, well, she wasn't Taehyung." Namjoon told Dawon, watching as her eyes widened slightly.

"You still loved mum?"

"Not in the way that you're thinking, Dawon. I will always care about your mum and love her but I wasn't in love with her, not like I am with Taehyung. The love I have for your mum is more like the love I would have for a best friend." Namjoon sighed.

Dawon nodded, wiping the stray tears that had managed to fall down her cheeks with the sleeve of her jumper. It made a lot of sense to her after Namjoon explained.

"D-Do you have any ill feelings towards me for being with Taehyung?" Namjoon asked hesitantly, not really wanting to know the answer but needing to at the same time.

"How could I? You and Taehyung have been together my entire life. Taehyung is as much my dad as you are in a sense." Dawon smiled softly, blinking slowly. A tired ache was beginning to spread across her brain, causing her eyes to become heavy and irritated as she fought to keep them open.

"Good. Now then, come on lazy bones, let's get you up to bed. If you want to, we can call your mum tomorrow morning so that the two of you can talk." Namjoon said softly, standing up and holding his hand out for his daughter to take. With a tired smile, she took it and stood up next to him, following as Namjoon led her up the stairs and into her room.

After tucking her in and turning off the lights, Namjoon made his way back into his own room to get into bed with Taehyung.

"Everything ok?" Taehyung mumbled, still half asleep with just one eye barely open. Namjoon chuckled at how cute Taehyung looked, moving closer to him so that he could wrap an arm around his waist.

"It is now." He replied, closing his eyes and kissing the side of Taehyung's neck. This caused the man to keen softly and hum happily, stretching his neck slightly so that Namjoon had more area to work with. When he heard the pattern of Taehyung's breathing even out and become heavy, Namjoon halted his assault on his neck and settled down himself, falling asleep soon after.

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