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Chapter 11 - Boketto

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Chapter 11 - Boketto

The act of gazing vacantly into the distance without a thought

I couldn't believe that I had let Namjoon take Dawon with him, instantly feeling a pit of regret blossoming in the bottom of my stomach.

Watching him walk out of the door with her in his arms brought a new type o pain, one that cold only be described as a mother's gut feeling. It didn't feel right but I let them leave, making Namjoon promise me that he would call me immediately if anything happened and to answer my calls.

"You're such a mum now." Hana had smiled as I still stood in the doorway, almost as if I were going to chase after the two of them and bring Dawon back into the apartment where I knew that she was safe.

I sighed in defeat and closed the door, the apartment suddenly feeling cold and empty without Dawon's things brightening up the place.

I'd made sure that Namjoon took everything she cold possibly need, leaving me with a stray blanket that had hidden itself behind that couch cushions.

"I know, I just can't help but worry that he's not ready to take care of her over night. Hell he's barely seen her  handful of times and it was only for a couple of hours!" I stressed, sitting myself on the couch and clutching Dawon's blanket in my hand. The soft fabric brushed against my skin, sending tingles up my arm.

Is that what it feels to be away from your child?

"Don't worry about it Minnie. Namjoon may not have been careful with you but I can only imagine how much care he already has for Dawon! Who couldn't love that cheeky face? If it makes it any better, I will personally drive you to Namjoon's place tomorrow morning to pick Dawon up, deal?" Hana chuckled, sticking out her pinkie finger from behind me, her hair tickling the back of my neck as she leant over so that she cold see my face.

A delighted grin spread across my face and I hooked my pinkie through hers, then rushing to get my things together so that I could leave.

The restaurant that me, Stella, Sphynx and her twin brother Yoongi had decided to eat at was just what I had needed to relax.

The soft music that was playing in the cuilding was just the right volume to be heard but not overwheling and don't even get me started on the amazing scent that was coming from the kitchen.

At one point, Sphynx had to stop Yoongi from going into the kitchen to, as he put it, 'investigate what sorcery was going on back there'. It was nice, just being able to talk with friends that I hadn't seen in a while but that didn't stop me from thinking about how Namjoon was coping with Dawon all by himself for the first time.

After excusing myself, I made my way outside of the restaurant so that I could briefly check in on Dawon and make sure that everything was going okay. I was thankful that I had had the common sense to get his phone number from Hana's phone in case I'd ever need it.

After a few seconds of the phone connecting the call to Namjoon, an unfamiliar voice answered the call in a chirpy tone.

"Hi! This is Namjoon's phone, may I ask who's calling?" The man asked curiously, shuffling in the background telling me that he was moving around wherever he was.

"Uh, this is Minerva speaking. May I speak to Namjoon-ah please?" I asked hesitantly, suddenly feeling bashful as I bit my bottom lip anxiously.

The man on the other end of the call made a sound of realisation before he suddenly shouted, causing me to quickly move the phone away from my ear due to the volume of his shocked scream.

"I'm so sorry about that, hold on a second I'll get him. JOONIE HYUNG! IT'S MINERVA!" The man called, seeming to be getting up as even more rustling sounds were heard.

The sudden bang of a door opening and slamming against the wall surprised me but I was more than surprised by the fact that I couldn't hear Dawon crying as I had expected her to be.

There were muffled voices on the other end of the line that I couldn't really decipher but I waited patiently for someone to remember that I was there.

"Hey Minnie, sorry about that. Is everything okay?" Namjoon's smooth voice suddenly said through the phone a couple moments later, sounding genuinely curious.

To be honest, I wasn't really okay. It was cold in the streets and he had had me waiting whilst arguing with whoever he was with. I also had a pretty clear image of who was on the other end of the call and it bothered me that Namjoon had him around our daughter.

"Whatever, is Dawon okay? She hasn't been too much trouble and if you feel like you can't cope then I'll be straight there to come get her okay? I knew this as an awful idea I-" I choked, beginning to become increasingly upset as I worried about what was happening.

It was getting late an the street I was surrounded me by was empty, the only noise coming from the restaurant behind me as I chewed on my lip.

"Stop, Minnie, listen to me when I say this to you. Dawon is just as much my responsibility as she is yours and I will never neglect that ever again. Everything is fine here, me and Tae rocked her to sleep nearly two hours ago without any complications. It was adorable seeing them together... that was weird of me to say, I shouldn't have brought him up. Are you okay with me having Taehyungie around Dawon? I probably should've asked first but it was a last minute thing." Namjoon explained, effectively calming me down and soothing my worries as he had always been able to do.

At the mention of Taehyung my heart drooped a little but I quickly pulled myself together before I let it get to me.

"I-It's fine Joon, he's your boyfriend. You deserve happiness and you found it with him, not me. Have a good night Namjoon, thank you again. Me and Hana will pick Dawon up at 10 tomorrow morning." I said as strongly as I could, cursing my vocal chords as my voice wavered slightly.

Before he had the chance to comment on it, I ended the call and took a deep breath, watching as the cold, night air turned my breath into a mournful cloud of water vapor.

Once I'd composed myself and didn't look as sorrowful s before, I made my way back into the restaurant to find Stella, Sphynx and Yoongi all beginning to gather their things.

"There you are Minnie! I was beginning to think you'd left us, was about to send Yoongi out to find you. We're all ready to go and the bill's been taken care off, don't worry. You'll be riding with Yoongi if you don't mind." Stella said sweetly as she helped me put my coat on,, patting my shoulder comfortingly as if she could hear my sadness.

I nodded and looked over at Yoongi who had a sort of lopsided smile on his face, one that could only be described as sympathy for me.

All four of us walked out of the restaurant together, Stella and Sphynx's arms intertwined as they giggled and whispered things into each others ears.

They were forming a special type of bond right before my very eyes and it was a heart warming experience to witness.

Before splitting ways, Stella and Sphynx hugged me goodbye and Sphynx told Yoongi to text her once he was safe and at home before hugging him. With that, we sperated into or respective cars and began our journeys home.

"I an sense your sadness from here an even though I may not know you too well, I can tell that you're strong enough to get through it. Please don't think I'm strange by coming out with this, I could tell that whatever happened whilst you were outside had upset you." Yoongi said whilst looking straight ahead once we made it to my apartment, not even blinking as I stared at his side profile with a soft blush on my cheeks.

"Thank you for that Yoongi, have a good night." I replied, leaning over to kiss his cheek before quickly getting out of the car and rushing into the apartment, needing to get into bed as fast as I could so that the time to get Dawon would come sooner.

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