Chapter 5 - Run

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Taehyung sat on the black sofa in his dressing room located on the fifth floor of the Mirage Headquarters building, his face hidden in his hands. His body was tensed and still, the only movement being that of his chest which rose and fell periodically as he took in shaky breaths and then exhaled.

He had changed his attire, and was now wearing a new designer suit which was black with white stripes on it and a number of blue and pink flowers were attached to it at the shoulders. He looked stunning in it, but he appeared to have participated in some sort of fight after putting it on. He looked messy – the suit was a little crumpled, the first few buttons of the white shirt he was wearing were undone and the simple black tie completing the look was pulled loose so that it was hanging at a crooked angle.

Taehyung's dark brown hair was heavily ruffled and individual strands of hair were sticking out at odd angles, making it clear that he had been running his hands through it and pulling at it just moments before.

I still don't get why you're so upset with me.

"I want to strangle you," Taehyung hissed through clenched teeth, speaking aloud to someone who wasn't even in the room with him. He heaved a sigh and finally moved a little, rubbing his face with his hands. "I'm not upset, I'm angry—there's a difference. Goddamnit ... I wish you were a real person so I could beat the sh*t out of you. But no. You're just a voice in my head that won't go away no matter how much I tell you to leave."

I'm a part of you, Taehyung, we've been through this already. Countless times, actually. I can't just leave you – I AM you! How do you expect me to leave?

"I don't know!" Taehyung cried throwing his hands away from his face in frustration before allowed himself to flop backwards and lie comfortably on the sofa. He raised his eyes to the ceiling and sighed again. "I don't know, alright? I don't know how to make you leave. But you're a real nuisance, you know that? You're so— ... Whatever. I've decided I'm getting rid of you."

Funny that. You said the same thing—what—three years ago? Four? Something like that. And guess what? I'm still here. You aren't really doing a good job of getting rid of me, are you?

Taehyung didn't answer, simply tracing the details on the ceiling with his eyes as he tried to calm himself down. He sat like that for a little while before he spoke again. "Why did you do it?"

Hmm? What did I do?

"You know very well what you did," Taehyung muttered in annoyance.

Do I? Which thing exactly are we talking about, hmm? Is it this?

An image of Vera being pulled against the side of the car surfaced in Taehyung's mind, her innocent-looking eyes looking up at him.

"V, don't," Taehyung said quietly, internally groaning as he knew what V was getting up to.

No wait, that isn't it, is it? Is it this, then?

Another image surfaced Taehyung's mind, this time of him caging Vera in, his body close to hers, his hands on either side of her, his face right in front of hers. And still, those dark blue innocent-looking eyes stared right at him.

"V," Taehyung groaned, "I thought I told you to sto—"

No, no, no—wait—I've got it. It's this, isn't it?

Instead of an image, this time it was as if Taehyung was replaying a video in his mind. He was leaning closer towards Vera, his vision shifting between her eyes and her lips which were quickly getting closer and closer.

Fallen Star || A Kim Taehyung Actor/CEO AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now