Chapter 15 - Two Theories

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"Please take a seat," Taehyung said as he entered his office with Officer Wang following closely behind him. He gestured over to the leather chairs standing in front of his desk, inviting the officer to take a seat. As Officer Wang sat down, Taehyung asked, "Would you like some coffee? Tea? Water?"

"No, thank you," Officer Wang rejected politely, relaxing into the seat and looking around the office briefly.

"Very well," Taehyung responded as he walked around his desk and settled down into his usual seat. He gave the officer a moment to finish his brief inspection of the office before coughing lightly and attracting the officer's attention back to himself. "So, you mentioned that you have found some information about Miss Lyrae that you wanted to relay to me?"

"Ah, well," Officer Wang sat up straight in his seat and leaned closer to Taehyung's desk, "The thing is, the information that we have found out about her ... is that there is no information about her."

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed. "Excuse me if I come across as rude," He said, his tone flat, "But what are you doing here if you haven't found out anything about her? Shouldn't you be doing a better job at searching for information rather than coming to me to report this?"

Officer Wang sighed. "I'm afraid that you misunderstood me, Mr Kim."

"What is there to misunderstand?"

"It isn't that I can't do my job properly," Officer Wang explained, giving Taehyung a pointed look as if daring him to disagree. "I can assure you that I am very good at what I do."

"And yet you have found absolutely no information about a suspicious individual," Taehyung muttered in response, eyeing the officer sceptically. It was clear that he was already regretting giving up his precious time to listen to the officer from the way that he was glancing at his watch every now and then, counting up how many minutes he was wasting.

"There is no information about her," Officer Wang repeated, putting more emphasis into his words this time in an attempt to get the message across. "None. No countries have any records of her. There is no birth certificate, no passport, no records of her appearing anywhere in the world, or of her ever existing in the first place."

Taehyung's frown deepened. " ... What?"

"That exact same question has been running around through my mind for the past few days," Officer Wand admitted, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Unfortunately, I don't have an answer that will satisfy either yourself or myself. As much as my team and I have tried, we can't dig up anything regarding Miss Lyra, her past, or her origin. This could be good news as it would appear that she doesn't have any link to anything in this world, and therefore the likelihood of her playing a part in the conspiracy against your company is very slim. However, we can't claim that she is 100% innocent either as it is very suspicious that no information about her can be found. Are you still with me?"

Taehyung looked absolutely lost, blinking at the officer opposite him blankly. "No, I can't say that I am," He responded truthfully, shaking his head lightly.

Officer Wang let out a sigh. "Alright, then I will try to explain in basic terms." He thought for a moment, formulating his thoughts before he attempted to explain again. "Miss Lyra is neither innocent nor guilty. Considering that there are no traces of her left in any country of the world, Miss Lyrae is still counted as a suspicious figure, and therefore I am going to have to ask you to keep an eye on her for a little longer while we try to figure out which one of our two theories is correct."

Slowly nodding, Taehyung remained silent for a moment as he tried to wrap his head around the new information he had been told. "Hold on," He said, "Did you just say 'two theories'?"

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