Chapter 16 - Plot Twist

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The two Kim brothers entered their home late that day, whining to one another about how much work each of them had to do that day as they kicked off their shoes and hung up their coats. As they turned around, preparing to walk down the corridor towards the stairs, both of them froze in place. Their eyes focused straight ahead of them at the figure of white standing in the middle of the corridor, arms folded over her chest. Vera's face was unusually blank as she gazed at the two males regarding her with wide eyes.

Seeing her without a smile on her face was something new, and for some reason it unsettled Taehyung. He swallowed thickly, Samuel's incredulous exclamation of 'you snuck out?!' from earlier ringing through his head. He let out a nervous chuckle before saying, "We're home ... "

"I can see that," Vera replied.

The Kim brothers exchanged nervous glances. As much as her voice held no notions of her being angry or upset, she didn't sound particularly happy to see them either. Her face relayed no emotion and her deep blue eyes that usually glittered with awe were dull, drilling into both of the male's souls as her gaze flickered between them.

Samuel leant closer to Taehyung and whispered under his breath, "I told you that you shouldn't have snuck out. Now you have to get ready to receive your punishment."

Taehyung shot him a look out of the corner of his eyes. "You better shut up before you end up being punished in my place," He hissed back.

"I mean, not like I would mind that," Samuel whispered back, looking over at Vera with a smirk appearing on his face as his eyes scanned over her.

Before Taehyung had the chance to scold him, Vera interrupted them. "What are the two of you whispering about?" She asked, her tone still devoid of emotion. She slowly began to walk closer to the two with her arms still crossed over her chest. "I wish to join in too."

"You're screwed," Samuel whispered, eyes growing wide as he took a step backwards, moving closer to the door. "We're screwed. Do something, brother ... "

Clearing his throat, Taehyung straightened up and puffed out his chest, trying to appear intimidating. "Now, Miss Lyrae," He said, trying not to let his voice waver, "I would like to remind you that I am the one in charge here—"

"I never said you were not," Vera cut in, coming closer still. Her expression remained blank and unchanging, her eyes fixated on the elder male.

Taehyung deflated a little under the pressure of her gaze, the confidence in his voice deteriorating as his posture slackened and he curled in on himself. "And I, uh—" He stammered, "I'm the one with the authority here—"

"I am aware."

Taehyung shrunk away from her as she continued to advance towards him, his voice gradually becoming quieter as he mumbled, "Yeah, right, so uh—so you shouldn't ... I mean, you can't ... or—or don't? Um ... no, uh ... " Taehyung swallowed the lump in his throat as Vera came to a stop in front of him, his eyes flickering over her face as he waited for her to say or do something. When she didn't do anything, only scanned him from head to toe silently, he frowned and asked, "What ... what are you doing?"

"Are you feeling alright?"

"P-pardon?" Taehyung stammered out, confusion replacing the mild fear that had been on his face just seconds ago. He had been expecting many things, but that question wasn't one of them.

"Are you feeling alright?" Vera repeated, scanning him from head to toe once more but more thoroughly this time.

"Biggest plot twist of the century," Samuel muttered under his breath.

Vera didn't pay attention to his remark as she continued to speak to Taehyung. "You left early this morning, and I did not have time to check whether you were feeling better or not. You went to work without telling me anything, and now you have come back home at such a late hour. So, are you alright? How are you feeling? Are you fixed?"

Baffled by the combination of her blank expression and the worried tone of her voice, Taehyung slowly nodded as he struggled to make sense of how to react and what he should respond with. "I—uh—yes, I'm fine," He stuttered out eventually, "I'm perfectly okay, so ... "

Vera finally smiled, her lips curving upwards and her deep blue eyes sparkling as she said, "I am very glad to hear it." She turned around on her heel and disappeared down the corridor and into the kitchen.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Taehyung's posture relaxed and he placed his briefcase on the floor beside his shoes. Glancing over at his brother, he found Samuel snickering at him after having enjoyed watching Taehyung cower in the corner of the corridor under Vera's steely gaze. Taehyung raised his arm, getting ready to hit his brother, but Vera's voice made him flinch and lower his arm.

"Come on in," Vera called from the kitchen, "Your friend came by and made uh ... what was it? Dinner, I believe he called it."

"Friend?" Taehyung echoed, placing a hand on Samuel's shoulder and then pushing the younger male down the corridor so that he was walking in front of him, using him as a shield just in case. "Whose friend?"

"Yours," Vera answered, giving the Kim brothers another smile as the two entered the kitchen, Samuel stumbling in rather ungracefully before turning to glare at his brother who had pushed him. When the both of them turned to her, Vera gestured to the table.

"My friend?" Taehyung said thoughtfully as he looked at the food laid out for them, a frown resting on his face.

"Who cares whose friend it was?" Samuel asked, taking a seat at the table quickly and sniffing the freshly prepared meals before letting out a hum of satisfaction. "Let's just sit down and eat this before it gets cold, alright?"

"Yah," Taehyung smacked his younger brother upside the head, "Don't just eat anything you get offered without knowing who prepared it and what their intentions are." He then turned to Vera and asked, "Was it a male or female? The friend that came by, I mean."

"Male," Vera answered.

"Did he say what his name was?"

Vera thought for a moment before shaking her head. "No, he did not. He did, however, have the key to your house, and so I think that he must be very close to you."

"Ah," Taehyung uttered, his frown dispelling. "It must have been Jin hyung. Was he, like, this tall?" He asked, signalling the height of his friend by waving his hand in the air a little above his head. "Broad shoulders? Brown hair? Constantly makes lame jokes and then laughs at them on his own?"

Vera nodded. "Yes, that sounds like the person that came by."

"Jin hyung," Taehyung confirmed with a nod, his gaze turning to the food and a hunger appearing in his eyes that wasn't there before. He licked his lips and slid into the seat beside Samuel, picking up his chopsticks and glancing around at all of the dishes as he struggled to pick where to start.

"Jin hyung?" Vera repeated after him, tilting her head to the side. "Is that his name?"

"Ah, well, his name is Kim Seokjin," Taehyung responded without looking at her, concentrating on piling bits of meat into his bowl of rice, "But he prefers to be known as 'Jin', so I call him Jin hyung."

Vera nodded thoughtfully. "Jin hyung ... I will remember that."

The Kim brothers by now were paying little attention to her, both of them digging into their meal and letting out hums of satisfaction as the heavenly taste of the food took over them. 

*     *     *


It's been a while since I updated, whoops? I'm sorry, you know the reason as to why I'm not online so much if you read my A/N on the last chapter.

I hope you enjoy this update, and I'll try to publish the next one ASAP.

Thank you for reading and staying with me despite my semi-hiatus! I love you lots, my lil stars <3


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