Chapter 18 - Miss Me?

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The following morning, Taehyung paced outside of Vera's bedroom door for ages before he decided to knock. He had plans for the day and some of those included the white-haired girl on the other side of the door, but Taehyung realised that it was very early in the morning and he wasn't sure whether she would be awake or not. He didn't want to disturb her if she was resting, but he didn't want to have to re-schedule everything he had planned either.

Half a minute hadn't even passed since Taehyung's knock when Vera opened the door slightly and peered out into the corridor. The curious look on her face turned into a bright smile as her eyes settled on Taehyung. "Tae!" She exclaimed, opening the door wider to reveal more of herself. 

She was wearing what appeared to be one of Taehyung's old white shirts though on her it was more of a dress - the neckline exposed her collarbones and one of her shoulders, her hands were fully hidden by the sleeves that were way too long for her arms, and the end of the shirt reached down to just above her knees. 

Seeing her dressed like this made Taehyung's heart flutter. I get why guys love to see their girlfriend wearing their clothes now, Taehyung thought as his eyes trailed over Vera's figure briefly. It's cute. Very cute. Almost too cute ...

NO—no no no, Taehyung interrupted his previous trail of thought with a new one. I shouldn't be thinking that—I have Jiwon. She's my girlfriend, she's the one that looks good in my clothes, she's the one that's cute. Not this ... this ... well, not Vera. 

Shaking his head slightly to clear his head, Taehyung snapped his eyes back up to Vera's. He cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows slightly. "That was quick," He commented, trying to focus on the speed at which she answered the door instead of her attire. "I wasn't expecting you to be up so early."

Overlooking his comment, Vera asked, "Is there something you need? I was talking with Sprout."

"Sprout?" Taehyung echoed, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. He glanced over Vera's head into the room, looking over at the plant in question standing in the far corner of the room before looking back at Vera.

Vera nodded. "Yes, Sprout. He is rather talkative." A smile appeared on her face as she said, "He told me to thank you on his behalf for letting me live in this room—he said that he had been lonely here all by himself, and that he is enjoying my company."

Taehyung stared at her blankly for a minute, his brain struggling to find a way to respond. After a short pause, he slowly nodded. "Right," He muttered, glancing at the plant again. Deciding not to clutter his mind with useless questions and suspicions, he moved the conversation along by asking, "Are you busy right now?"

"As I have said, I am talking with Sprout," Vera answered before slightly tilting her head to the side. "Why? Is there something you need me to do for you?"

"Well, not exactly ... " Taehyung trailed off, wondering how to phrase it. He settled with, "I want to take you out. Out as in, uh, take you to work with me. To meet someone."

"Oh," Vera uttered, feeling pleasantly surprised. She stepped outside of her room and closed the door behind her before turning back to Taehyung and smiling. "We should get going, then."

Taehyung blinked. "You'll go? Just like that?" Taehyung asked. He was both impressed and concerned about the young woman's easy-going attitude towards everything.

Vera nodded and hummed. "Of course."

There was a pause as Taehyung simply stared at the white-haired girl in front of him in silence for a moment, his mind blank. He eventually managed to come up with a response. "Why?" He asked her.

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