Chapter 17 - Dinner With The Kims

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Vera stood by the dining table, her gaze fixed on the Kim brothers who were focused on their dinner, eating as much as they could and complimenting the food by letting out satisfied hums every now and then. She eyed the dishes laid out on the table curiously, but she didn't dare to sit down and try the food herself. It was only when Samuel caught her staring at him that she was acknowledged again.

"Hey, Miss Vera, sit down," Samuel said as he motioned to the empty chairs on the other side of the table with his chopsticks. He grinned at her and then motioned with his chopsticks to the food as he said, "Eat with us."

Vera bowed her head to him and carried out his first request, taking a seat at the table opposite Taehyung. She didn't move to eat just yet, however. Her eyes scanned over every plate curiously, but she didn't move. Her chopsticks remained untouched and her hands remained resting in her lap all while the Kim brothers continued to devour the food prepared specially for them by the eldest brother's friend.

"Hey, why aren't you eating?" Samuel asked Vera, his words coming out a little muffled as he was speaking through a mouthful of food.

Taehyung smacked him upside the head again and shot him a look. "First of all, don't talk with your mouth full, that's disrespectful," He scolded. "Second of all, don't address her as 'hey', she's probably older than you." He turned to look at Vera as he asked, "Am I right?"

Vera frowned lightly at the question. She had been taught that humans live for only a short while compared to stars, and she had thought that humans would know this fact. She nodded and answered, "Of course", in a tone that indicated the answer being obvious.

"See?" Taehyung said, turning back to his brother who was massaging the back of his head. "She's older than you, so you should be respectful when speaking to her. And ... what number was I on? Oh, yeah—and third of all, if she doesn't want to eat, then don't force her to."

"Gosh," Samuel huffed, "I asked one question and I got a ten-minute long lecture for it!"

"Would you rather I skip the lecture and ban you from the table instead?" Taehyung asked, raising an eyebrow.

Samuel instantly shook his head and shut up, shovelling food into his mouth and keeping his eyes on his plate without daring to look up again.

"I thought so," Taehyung scoffed triumphantly. He turned back and ate silently for a minute or so before his gaze moved to a still motionless Vera who was looking down at the food on the table with a conflicted look on her face.

The second theory is that Miss Lyrae is innocent and a victim of kidnapping at birth, Officer Wang's voice flitted through Taehyung's head in that moment. No records of her ... traumatic experience ....held hostage ...

Swallowing his food, Taehyung tilted his head as he tried to catch sight of Vera's face. His attempts were successful as she noticed and looked up at him, a small smile replacing the conflicted look on her face.

"Are you alright?" Taehyung asked her. "You seem kind of off today."

"Off?" Vera echoed, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "But I am not a light switch, how can I be off?"

Samuel laughed at that, but Taehyung shut him up quickly by kicking the younger's leg under the table and shooting him a warning glance.

"No—not that kind of 'off'—'off' as in different," Taehyung explained, turning to look at Vera again, "And strange—not like your usual self. That kind of 'off'."

"Oh," Vera uttered, her confused expression disappearing. She thought for a moment before smiling and nodding. "I understand now."

"So ... is something bothering you?" Taehyung asked.

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