Old Fox Style!! // Uesugi-Takeda Forces

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** If you don't know the songs, Old Town Road, What Does the Fox Say and Gangnam Style, please either skip this chapter or have a listen on YouTube. This is kinda crack... I felt like writing this so I did. It's a joke so don't take it seriously but I do hope you enjoy something different!***

No words could describe the look in her eyes, but if it had to be described... fierce and confident with a hint of goofiness would do it. Smiling like she would most likely regret her next move, she placed her hands on her knees. Anyway, anyhow, she would be happy doing whatever she wanted to do, whenever she wanted to and no one, not even Kenshin would tell her otherwise. After all, it was Kenshin who told her to "live the life you want to live."

Her mouth formed into the small shape of a circle as she began whistling, gaining the attention of one man in particular.

"I'm gonna take my horse to the old Town Road, I'm gonna riiide till I can't no more," she quietly sang, inaudible to most everyone, but the words on her lips played in his head while she looked into his eyes like a snake ready to strike. "I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna... riiide till I can't no more."

"I got the horses in the back. Horse tack is attached, hat is matte black, got the boots that's black to maaatch," the young ninjas shouted, standing as they scream sang in each other's faces, one foot in the air pointing at their feet.

"Boots?" Yukimura asked himself.

There bodies were close as they began shuffling from foot to foot while pretending to ride a horse. They spun in a circle while pretending they had boots on their feet, kicking up dirt in the process.

Kenshin had his hand on his sword, confused and concerned for the two young ninjas in front of him. It couldn't be they are drunk when we have a battle to fight?

Meanwhile Shingen and Yoshimoto were wide-eyed. Were they planning on taking their horses to this... Old what? what's a road?

"Riding on a HORSE, HA! You can't whip your Porsche, NO. I BEEN IN THE VALLEY YOU AIN'T BEEN UP OFF THAT PORCH NAW," they screamed.

At this point, half the vassals were staring at the two ninja, usually pretty stern faced and serious, now dancing and singing in the most inappropriate time.

"Can't nobody tell me nothing. You can't tell me nothing," when Suki pointed at Kenshin with both index fingers, he placed a hand on his swords handle, taking her words as a threat, but her loose expression proved she wasn't planning on fighting.

"Can't nobody tell me nothaan. You can't tell me nothaaan," Susuke and Suki collapsed in each other's arms and onto the grass from laughter.

Time froze for a moment and it was just the two best friends giggling as they laid on the battlefield. Fortunate for them, no one has said anything about the outburst, not that anyone doubted the two to stir up craziness at odd times.

"But if you meeeet a friendly hoooorse," Sasuke had gotten started on something he would regret. But he was having too much fun to stop so he dragged it on ignoring Kenshin that was yelling at him out of embarrassment.

Sasuke was beaming so bright, showing his white teeth off perfectly. Kenshin's mouth dropped open, miscolored eyes embarrassed. But most of the warlord's and their vassals stared intently with smiles on their faces as Sasuke and Suki jumped up and ontop their tall horses.

"Will you communicate by mo-o-o-o-orse, mo-o-o-o-orse, mo-o-o-o-orse."

"How will you speak to that ho-o-o-o-orse, ho-o-o-o-orse ho-o-o-o-orse?

"WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY!" The young souls startled their horses as they jumped off their backs, and onto their feet, soon joining each other again in a foreign dance.

Shingen started walking away from his beloved Suki, embarrassed as well to be witnessing this, however Yukimura stayed and laughed only because his two best friends were having the time of their lives, enjoying something only they know.

"CHACHA CHACHA CHACHA CHOW!" They both interlaced their arms and kicked their legs like cheerleaders.

They began laughing again before enlacing their fingers, coming so close to each other's faces, Yuki thought they would kiss and nearly fell off his own ho-o-o-orse."

"The secret of the foox, ancient mystery. Somewhere   deep   in   the   woods."

"I know you're hiding."

"What is you're sound? Will we ever know," they harmonized perfectly.

"Will it always be a mystery?"

"What do you saaaaaaaaaaaay?" Sasuke lifted Suki's small body above his head.

"You're my guardian angel."

"Hiding in the woods. What is your sooooouuuund."

When he brought her feet down to the ground again, he took her hands and began spinning her around in a circle as fast as he could.

When they both went flying backwards, crashing into the earth, they were both out of breath. But Suki knew it was her song choice this time, and by the looks on Kenshin's vassals faces, she had better make it a good one they will remember forever.

Suki began speaking a foreign language to the men whole walking about, seductively. The first thing running through their minds was how great she looked all the sudden in her right black clothes, and their second was about how Suki was fluent in three languages.

Yoshimoto covered his eyes, peaking through the crack in his fingers.

"Jiguembuteo gal dakkaji gabolkkaaaa!" her hands were on in the air before landing on her hips.

Suki flashed the most innocent smile to the crowd "Opan Gangnam Style!" placing both fists in front of her, she began shuffling again, in a more prestige way than before.

"Gangnam Style."

"Op-Op-Op-Oppan Gangnam style."

"Eeeeeeey sexy lady!" Sasuke and Yuki were trying to do the knee pop along with Suki, stunning the crowd as they burst into tearful laugher.

Kenshin grabbed Suki by her shoulders, spinning her around while Sasuke continued with the confusing lyrics. After seeing how his men were looking at him in an admiring way, he only pushed for more laughter.

"What are you doing? These words... whatever you're doing with your feet, it's strange and you're making me-"

"Eh eh eh eh eh eh!" Suki poked Kenshin's hard chest with every syllable, turning away and sliding between Yuki and Sasuke.

"Eeeeeeey sexy lady!"

Jumping up and down, shuffling her feet and yelling along with the two men beside her, she began to laugh with the crown. Towards the last lyrics, she swayed her hips as she pranced away throwing her hand up in the sky.

"Oopan Gangnam Style! Yuh..."

Yoshimoto, eyes still covered asks. "Are they done yet?"

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