Save it for Me // Ieyasu Tokugawa

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*** Ieyasu getting uncomfortable when you show him affection in front of other warlords.***

• So tense.
• His muscles tighten as he feels your small, cold hands crawling their way around his waist, tugging on the fabric around his stomach. He made a mental note not to act like he was enjoying it.
• His eyes meet Nobunaga's before he looks down at the pink fabric covering your pale arms. Ieyasu didn't dare look into your eager eyes for a second.
• But Ieyasu's gaze falls back on his Lord, blinking at him for a few seconds trying to read past his blank expression. Is he going to say something in front of everyone?
• When the Devil King smirks at her small form wrapped around his larger one, he feels a dangerous swarm of emotions threatening to break the surface.
• Ieyasu immediately moves out of your reach, walking towards the front of the room.
• He didn't want to hurt your feelings but he couldn't imagine being touchy in front of all his fellow warlords.
• He turns around, halfway to the from of the room, glancing back at you, a special kind of yearning in his beautiful emerald orbs.
• He found himself stopping in the middle of the room, staring at you, hoping you'd follow him. Eventually you did, and he stood there waiting.
• He's a blushing mess when you're fingers intertwine with his. He knows you're upset he brushed your affection off.
• Then Hideyoshi frieny greeting you from across the room, ignoring the fact your hand was attached to his friend's, he felt giddy and trapped.
• "y/n I'm glad you could make it. I missed seeing you everyday."
• Hideyoshi frowns sincerely.
• "I missed you more Hideyoshi. Not having my best friend was heartbreaking. I'm glad it was only three days."
• During your discussion with Hideyoshi, Ieyasu noticed Masamune at the front of the room laughing at his uncomfortable expression.
• "I feel confident enough to say that you are my best friend and I worry about you when I'm not around to protect you."
• Before you could even comprehend what Hideyoshi was saying, Ieyasu snapped at his friend.
• "The only person that needs to protect her is me. Have you forgotten, I'm her boyfriend, not you."
• Hideyoshi glared at Ieyasu. Even you had to admit, Ieyasu was not kind toward your best friend. Maybe it was jelousy?
"No, of course not. Why do you take everything I say the wrong way?"
• Ieyasu just rolled his eyes at Hideyoshi, pretending the conversation was already over.
• "Hey, Mister Jealous. What's wrong?"
• You give your boyfriend the biggest most purest smile ever, not fully understanding why he was outwardly mad at everyone.
• You wrapped your needy fingers around his forearm, leaning your weight onto him.
• "Baby, I've missed you."
• You hadn't seen him in three days, In fact, you haven't seen anyone in three days. But it seemed like three weeks. The time you spent alone without your friend's and your boyfriend was the worst days in the Sengoku period.
• "I was so sad without you guys."
• Ieyasu gave you a surprised look, as if he'd never seen this sad expression on your face before.
• "Everyone seems to really miss you too."
• But that's not the answer you were anticipating. You didn't expect him to outwardly express he missed you equally as much, or even at all, but it still stung.
• "I'm sure many of your friends would like to sit with you. Probably even Nobunaga. You should go ask him, I bet he'd allow you to sit on his lap without even asking."
• He turned the other cheek, clearly acting like he wouldn't care if you walked away and sat with anyone else but him. But you know him better. He stood there, arms crossed looking like a sad puppy.
• "Yes, I'm sure they would all love to sit by me. But there is only one man I want to sit by."
• Ieyasu didn't budge. His gaze was in the complete opposite direction. Stubborn was his middle name, and he thought he was making a clear point.
• You understood something was definitely different than when the two of you had departed, but the picture he was painting was upside down.
• When morning came, you saw his things beside the bed and on the desks and that's how you knew he had returned from his distant journey.
• But he didn't wake you when he got home like he always does. Maybe it wasn't you that was causing such altercations in his mood.
• But it didn't matter how upset he was, you planned on bringing back that handsome smile of his.
• The only way you could think of doing so, was by showing him yours.
• As effortlessly as it was for you, you forced your finger under his chin and swept his chin in your direction.
• His eyes were waiting for you to make your second move. He was anticipate your next words.
• You praised him in a caring, gentle smile, only for him. Only to him. He saw it and discarded it.
• He was not smiling back, his mind drifted off in another world. And that was okay, but you needed to know that where he was, wherever in his mind he had drifted off, that it was a safe and comforting place.
• You stood on your trip toes carelessly and brushed your nose against his, forgetting about where you were or what eyes might be capturing the scene, unable to ever forget.
• All you wanted him to see, for the moment, was you. You alone. Only you. Don't feel any other emotion, don't see any other dream or think of anything other than you.
• "You're my everything. I adore you, even when you push me away."
• He frowned, feeling guilty. His cheeks glowed a tint of light pink, showing emotion in the moment, unintentionally, quickly hiding it away again.
• "I never intended to push you away, I just...."
• He paused for a few moments thinking of something he couldn't ever say outloud. He looks confused and sad, it broke your heart to see him feeling so alone.
• In his hesitation, you leaned and kisses the edge of his mouth, leaving him and a few other men breathless with your actions.
• A few men chuckled and whispered. This caught Ieyasu's attention, but you didn't care, you said what you needed to.
• "I love you, and I'm here when you're ready to talk."
• You leaned back, adjusting your kimono. Pushing your hair back, you scanned the quiet room. Everyone pretended like they weren't just watching you. Except for a few vassals that looked starstruck and of course, Mitsuhide was smirking as always.
• Meeting Ieyasu's eyes again you were also caught in his blissful smile. He didn't care who was watching anymore, because now his mind was only on you and that kiss that almost left him meeting your maroon lips.
• Just like you had hoped, he leaned in and grabbed both sides of your face and rubbed your noses together before pecking your lips.
• "God, your are so annoying."
• He pecked your lips again.
• "There are you happy?"
• But before you could answer, he pulled you by the shoulder into a tight embrace, engulfing you in his warm grip. The smell of cured leaves enter your senses, richer than tea itself.
• He burrys his cold nose within your tangled hair and it pokes your neck. He left a small kiss on your neck before placing his brows against yours, his eyes closed, breathing you in through his nose.
• His eyes shot open, eyes dialated, revealing his raw emotions through his gaze, loud and clear as if he were speaking his feelings, they flooded from his eyes like a waterfall.
•"I missed you too, okay. But next time, save this beautiful smile and this pink blush for me, okay?"
• His eyes still lingered on you as his hands found their place at his side again. He turned around and took at his seat at the front of the room along with the other line of men already seated. Nobunaga glanced down at them from the dias.
• It was your turn to sit at the very end of the line, seeing as you're the lowest ranking person present.
• Once he was comfortably seated in between two other warlords, he searched out your orbs again, winking at you. His eyes were just as green, smile just as bright, his cheeks brighter red than ever.
• No matter how hard you tried to focus on what Nobunaga and the rest of your friends were reporting, your mind kept wandering back to him, begging him to look back at you, and every so often, he would.

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