Bad Kind Of Butterflies // Hideyoshi Toyotomi

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"What do I do when I love you and want somebody else? What do I loose if I don't choose and keep it to myself?"

His voice was booming, ignoring the dozens of Japan's best warlords passing them and entering the hall behind them.

She stood there, under his harsh gaze, holding back her tears while one of these greatest warlords yelled in her face.

"Tell me the truth!"

Looking down the hall at the stream of men that seemed to finally slow down, she sighed deeply, holding onto herself.

"What is there to say? I love you, but I also think I might like him..." she whispered the last part, fearing he might do something he would regret.

"You said you were just friends!"

I can't help who my stupid heart likes, damnit!

He nearly jumped on her, he loved her so much he couldn't stand the thought of another man touching her, holding her, protecting her like it was their job because it wasn't. It was his.

"And when I said that, I meant it! But... somewhere between now and then... I don't know. I guess it changed... sightly?

"You guess it changed? What changed? You're feelings for him? Or me?"

"No, Hideyoshi! It's just-"

"I should have never let him around you," he balled his perfect hands into fists.

She stared up at him in awe. He was a blushing mess, hardly containing his anger. Meanwhile, a war council was just about to start behind him. He didn't seem to care about anyone else here but her.

He was a mess for her, nobody else. Hideyoshi was speechless, maybe a bit heartbroken, holding onto nothing but the words leaving his girlfriend's lips.

Looking for something to say, y/n kept her gaze low as she thought of anything that might ease his mood before she released him into the room of armed men.

"Look, I'm sorry for everything," he spoke first.

"What? What do you have to be sorry for?"

"Going off to war for months at a time, spending more time with Lord Nobunaga, forgetting about your birthday! I haven't been the best man I could be."

The girl was silent, she noticed the lack of effort recently, which was why she turned to her best friend, but it was never her intentions to catch feelings like she did.

"So who do you want? Are you going to leave me?"

Y/n held onto her stomach, feeling nauseous all the sudden. The halls were hot and the sweat dripped off her forehead. Leave you?

"Honestly... I wish you would have kept him away from me too.. he's just so sweet, you know that... and it's just that he was there for me when you weren't. I wish I didn't like him."

Hideyoshi stopped scowling and gave her a slight smile, "yeah I guess. He's always been very attentive to you.."

He wasn't sure what else he should say, until y/n spoke up.

"But I loved you first, so screw him! I want you," the sentence was spoken with pure confidence, yet tears still rolled down her pink tinted cheeks.

"Oh thank Lord Nobunaga!"

He wasted not another second before connecting their lips, hungrily kissing her like never before. She held onto him like tightly while he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Finally they became breathless and pulled away, begging their heartbeats to calm.

"Umm... look, I have a council to attend, but as soon as I finish, I'll come find you. Wait for me, okay?"

"I will," she held onto his hand until they had both outstretched arms. Their fingertips gently glazed against each other's and then he was out of sight.

She knew it would be evening of waiting and an even longer night of loving.

Song: Bad Kind of Butterflies - Camila Cabello

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