Ch.1 The Mission

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Naruto's POV:

I was just called into the Hokage's Office. It's 6 A.M so I'm curious to know what she wants, but it's not like she woke me. I've been awake since 4. Not for any specific reason, I just usually wake up reaaaaaallllly early.

No one was up yet-well except for a few villagers who had to open up shops. As I walked by they gave me disgusted looks but didn't say anything directly to me because they knew they would get in deep trouble. They usually did graffiti on my door, or carve words into it sometimes but I usually get rid of it before anyone notices.

It didn't matter to them that I was actually a hero. They wanted to kill the Kyuubi, the 9 tailed fox, but he was inside of me. So instead they tortured me-not to the point I die but to the point I wish I was. The good thing was they only did it at least 12 times a year.

When they get very stressed (which is usually like once or twice a month) And on my birthday. The Kyuubi Festival. I'm about halfway to her office. I thought walking in my orange jumpsuit.

I don't mind my outfit, I mean sure it's the only thing they will sell me and yeah I would prefer something in red or even blue but the jumpsuit is comfortable and very flexible- easy to fix to. Although, it's only going to be in use until I wash the blood from my other one, I would rather have something durable then something flashy.

Finally here. I thought as I made my way to Lady Hoka- I mean Granny Tsunade's office. I have to wear my mask now. I thought annoyed at the fact that I have to act like a stupid brat in front of everyone, when in reality I'm quiet and focused.

I bursted into her office shouting the first thing that came to mind other than when can I go home.

"Hey Granny Tsunade! Whatcha need me for!" I said it as loud as I could so she wouldn't be suspicious, lately I've been slipping on my mask. I've been lost in thought...

"Sigh... Naruto this is important! Can you please not be so loud!" Tsunade said angrily.

"Team seven is being assigned a new mission. Go to the Hidden sand and find this man- she showed him a picture of him- and kill him. He is a mad scientist who is working on an S-rank jutsu. We don't know anything about it so be careful. The rest of Team 7 is getting ready." She continued.

"Pack for a month's trip and meet them at the gates at 8:00 a.m." so I replied with "hai!" And left her office through the window. I ran on the roof tops to try and avoid getting beat up before the mission. As soon as I reached my house and went through a broken window I slammed into the wall but quickly regained my balance.

I quickly got a scroll from under my dirty torn up mattress and sealed its contents. More scrolls. I knew what each scroll held so I simply unseal the one with my bag and stuffed the rest in my bag. But not before unsealing some instant Ramen and putting it at the top to hide the scrolls.

I quickly scrubbed the dried blood off my outfit and decided to let it dry in my bag. I put it in an old grocery bag and dumped it into my bag, carefully closing the bag as I walked out of the door and locked it behind me.

At around 7:13 I left my house and walked to the Hokage Monument. When I got there I jumped to the Third Hokage's head. "I miss you jiji..." I said sadly as I closed my eyes, relaxing in the little comfort I had.

Soon enough I heard a squeal signaling its time for me to go so I shunshined (?) near the village gates then ran the rest of the way, smiling as wide as I could.

"HEY GUYS!!!" I yelled obnoxiously as Sakura glared at me while Sasuke hned. As usual, Sakura hit me, I yelled, Kakashi-sensei appeared and we were on our way.

⏰Time Skip⏰

It's been a week since we arrived at the hidden sand village and we've just found where he's hidden. The only issue is it's packed with guards.

"I can take 'em all out! Believe it!" I state loudly, letting my mask do all the work. "SHHHHH" Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi said at the same time. I looked over the sand mound we were hiding behind to see a guard looking back at me. Then I looked at them sheepishly as we sneakily hid behind a different sand pile. Suddenly we all froze, and looked behind us to find a sand nin, the same guard we were trying to avoid.

Sasuke, the other impulsive brat on the team, immediately took action and got into position with a kunai in his hand. I, who wanted to just get this over with, took a kunai and threw it at him before I made a shadow clone and created a rasengan.

I quickly shot towards him but was genuinely shocked when I went right through him. Then everything went black.

Kakashi's POV:

When Naruto ran towards the sand ninja, I realized he was an S-ranked ninja that I had fought once before. But it was too late when I called out to warn him. The ninja dodged and hit him in the back of the neck, knocking him unconscious and rendering him helpless to whatever the guard wanted to do to him.

He decided to grab Naruto and vanish. I didn't even get to move a muscle before he left. On the other hand Sasuke growled at the outcome of not getting to fight while Sakura screamed Naruto's name.

"Welp, guess it's time for plan B." I stated, gritting my teeth.

1027 words

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