Ch.11 Past and Future pt. 2

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*Still in Flashback*

As he watched Jiraiya leave he decided to instead be hiding somewhere until it was time for him to get back and make an excuse.

To bad the villagers were smart. Just as he started running away, bombs started to go off. Seals. Naruto thought.

Naruto began to panic as specs of villagers started trickling from the far side of the village, all coming towards him. Jirayah was seen very, very far off running toward him to see what was wrong but was then stopped by a group of young women.

They planned it all out in the day we've been here... I should have guessed. He could have screamed for Jirayah to come help him, but then he would have to explain why the villagers here hated him.

He knew Jirayah knew about the Kyuubi, but he didn't want to worry him. Besides, he would just tell Tsunade-san and she would tell his comrades and everything would fall apart.

So he was left with two options.

1. Let the villagers do what they want and lie to Jirayah about it later

2. RUN!!!

Naruto sprinted off in the opposite direction of Jirayah. He planned on getting to him the long way, so  the villagers wouldn't know that that was his goal. He ran as fast as he could and a few of the slower ones had been left behind.

But there where still about 50 people on his tail. Next he decided to make a shadow clone. The shadow clone went left on the next trail and so did half of the people. He was hoping it would last a while longer...

The villagers were ruthless and plan carefully, but they are not as smart as the ones at Kohona. He sent another clone out and this time, he went left.

Only a handful of people remained. Only two more lefts to make.

He was getting tired but adrenaline was keeping him from slowing down. Worst come to worst, he can ask Kurama for extra help.

He was losing ideas to lose them. Eventually the two clones will pop. And if he creates any more, he isn't going to have enough strength to run. He refused to harm Kohona people so it was out of the question.

He was sure, anyone who moved to the village has heard of him, so he wouldn't be able to tell who was who either way. If they wanted to, they could kill him. It wouldn't really work though, as he has Kurama healing him constantly.

Speaking of which, Kurama! Are you awake? We have a problem here!!! I see that Kit. Why not just teleport? I haven't learned that yet! Then just make more clones. UUgh! Naruto gave up trying.

He ran a little slower as he tried to make it to the next left. He then dispersed the last two clones and made one last one. Both jumped on a roof  and headed opposite paths, one left and one right.

Kurama! Fine I'll help you out a bit. I will try restoring some of your energy using chakra. I'm not sure if that will work but we can try. Thanks.

Naruto could feel chakra surround him. He heard the villagers shouting things that were already shown on his skin.

He started feeling even more tired. Oops. What now?!? I healed your old wounds instead of your low energy on accident. But don't worry, it was only a few so I still have more than enough to restore you.

Naruto was feeling exhausted and the villagers could tell. He suddenly regretted training every day with little to no breaks. His body was on fire but he didn't feel tired anymore.

He was in so much pain he cried out as he crumpled into a ball. Slowly, he rolled off the roof with a huge thud as he landed. Kurama stopped. Kit?!? Are you ok?!? I didn't think it would hurt that bad! "K-kurama..." I said quietly as the pain in my body went numb.

There were about ten villagers left. The rest seemed to have been permanently lost. Even if Pervy-Sage did get past the women, he wouldn't find me. I'm on the other side of the village. It would take him at least a few hours to find my location and get here.

The villagers tied me up and took me to a nearby ally to get "the job" done quick.

(I'm not going to disturb anyone with mental images so I'll leave it up to your imagination what happened. If you want you can comment it here for others to see. ๑╹ω╹๑ )

It hurts.... so bad..... Due to Kurama healing his fatigue, he was wide awake and in lots of pain.

Kurama was very tired as he had healed much of Naruto's energy and old scars. The villagers were quite pleased with Naruto's scars so they went easy on him, he was thankful.

Naruto slowly got up as the sun set. Kurama passed out from exhaustion. Naruto smiles slightly as he limped to the hotel they were staying at. It was dark by the time he got there.

He opened the door to his room and was met with a serious looking Jirayah. "What happened to you!?! You disappeared by the time I was back!" Jirayah said worriedly. "Hehe... sorry I was trying to make a bigger rasengan but it blew up and blasted me away. By the time I woke up it was getting dark." Naruto said rubbing the back of his neck. Jirayah sigh and simply told him to "be more careful." They both went to sleep with different thoughts....

End of flashback!

Naruto had thought it was a dream, and that he infact, had been traveling to meet Gaara. But now he knew the truth.

"Thanks Kurama..." Naruto said as Kurama finished his explanation. Naruto then stood up and started walking back to the place Kurama said he was staying.

They can't know a thing.

Yay! I made it to my goal! Next chapter will be focused around Kakashi and co. So be prepared for that to happen! See ya next time, Bye!

1037 words

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