Ch.4 The Orphanage

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Naruto's POV:

I trust Kurama-nii. So I listened to Kurama-nii. Simple right? After learning about Jiji, I thought I would die! But then he saved me. He's my hero!

That's why I "summoned" him. I think Hat-Kakashi-kun is mad though. He kept panicking then yelling at me then got yelled at by Kurama-nii.

Kurama-nii was tiny compared to what he was in my mind. When he poofed into existence, I couldn't help but play with him. He didn't seem to mind, so I played with his tails as they swished around.

It reminded me of when Jiji played with me... Kura-nii stopped playing with me and stood up. He walked around me for a while before laying down and wrapping his tails around me.

I think he can read my mind.

I'm in your mind... -_-

"Not anymore."

"True. But I can still communicate through telepathy."

"Ooo. What's that?" I asked as I moved into a more comfortable position, placing tiny Kura-nii in my lap.

"Ugh I forgot, your mind is still too young to understand."

"Oh. Ok. What did you want to tell me? Why did you want me to summon you?"

"Oh, yes that's right. I wanted to warn you about the future before you mess up anything else. I asked you to summon me because I didn't want them to think you were crazy, or be scared of me."

"No one could be scared of you! You're so nice!" I looked around and noticed that Sasuke-kun and Sakura-Chan had left already, and Kakashi-San was nowhere in sight.

I have a feeling someone's watching.

There is. I can sense them too. Don't talk! We don't want them to know we know. Just stay quiet and go to sleep or something.

"Hmm. *Yawns.*" I pick up Kura-nii and put him on the floor so I don't squish him.

"Where do we sleep?" I ask looking around curiously.

"I don't know. I'm going to sleep."

"Hmph. Figures." I stated as the fox curled into a ball and slept. I wonder... What's it like sleeping on a carpet? I've always slept on a broken mattress or dirt from a forest floor.

I put my hand on the carpet and moved it around. "Woah... it's so soft! I wonder how they make stuff like this..." I said as I got up and sat next to kura-nii. My head was leaning against an arm of a nearby chair and I curled up into a ball, like normal when I want to sleep fast and not be recognized.

I thought about today. This has been really weird. I've been putting off questions and just going with whatever they wanted but now I can't see how not to question this.

From what I've gathered, it's like everyone was put in some kind of Jutsu to make everyone older, and Jiji..........or I was put under a Jutsu. It seems more likely. If I was then it makes sense, I can't say nor talk about certain things, Everyone is older and there is a new hokage, I strangely feel very trusting with strangers and Kura-nii. It may have something to do with my feelings in the future... I wonder what Jutsu was casted.

I can't remember being attacked before I got here so either it's a surprise attack or it happened to my older me. I unconsciously started tracing scars on my body as I drifted off to sleep.

My dreams were always full of nightmares. I rarely got sleep because of it but tonight was one of the worst- no it was the worst nightmare I had. I don't want to go into detail. Let's just say, Jiji and....death.

I woke up with three Anbu surrounding me and Kakashi-San shaking me. Kura-nii was beside me still sleeping. I was crying and shaking, confused about what was happening.

Kakashi-San asked me what happened. I couldn't answer though. All I did was hug him as I cried. He sat down from the crouching position he was in and rocked me, telling me it was ok and I needed to tell them what happened.

Eventually I did. I don't know when but it was early in the morning, as the sun had risen. The Anbu left once they thought I wasn't a threat and Kakashi-San stayed back to ask questions.

I couldn't answer them though because I cried every time he asked. Kura-nii came to the rescue and told him what was going on in my head.

"Listen kit. I won't be here for much longer. I originally came so they would trust you but now that they have an idea of me I gotta go back."

"Oh..." was all I could say. it isn't like I'll never see him. He disappeared with a poof and then a knock sounded on the door.

Kakashi-San got up to open the door while I went exploring. While on my adventure, I found a mirror, but when I looked in it I saw me with whiskers. I freaked out a little then remembered. The day before all of this happened...

I don't want to go into detail. But if you looked closely you could tell they were cuts.

No one can know you got abused. Your older self kept it a secret he acted happy as to not worry others.

"Wouldn't they be sad if I didn't tell them?"

"What are you not telling?" Kakashi-San said from behind me. "Ah! Oh it's just you. I'm not supposed to-" STOP IT!!! "Owe. Sorry Kakashi-San. I'm not allowed to say."

"Hmm, I see. Well I have a mission to go on so we will be taking you to the orphanage for the day. Don't worry, they have strict orders not to lose sight of you and they won't let you get adopted." Kakashi said standing from the crouching position he was in.

Shiitake mushrooms...this isn't good...

Apparently he could practically see the fear radiating off me because next thing I knew he was walking with me to a new place. Scratch that, it's the orphanage. I guess they re-built it. I don't like the look of this place though. It brings back...memories.

1057 words

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