Ch.8 Realization

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3rd POV:

Naruto had fallen asleep. (there's your recap)

As the stars faded and the moon left, a colorful sky took its place and the glowing sun hid behind the trees in the forest.

One by one, eventually everyone but Naruto woke up.

"I-I'll go wake up Naruto..." Hinata said as they all started packing up again. Everyone just nodded or ignored her and kept working. Hinata started walking to Naruto's tent and knocked on the tent door. Tap tap tap "Naruto? Are you still asleep?" Hinata said gently.

After hearing no reply she decided he was and entered the tent, only to see nothing. "Ahhh!" Everyone immediately stopped packing and ran to Naruto's tent to find out why Hinata squealed.

"Hinata! What's-" Sakura started but stopped when she noticed the lack of Naruto in the tent. "HOLY- HE'S MISSING AGAIN?!?" After hearing this, everyone started panicking and looking for him. (Except Kakashi and Sasuke, who were looking for him calmly.)

Soon enough, Sasuke found what he thought was an 8 year-old Naruto behind Sakura and Kakashi's tents. "Oi! I found the dobe."

One by one they all came behind the tents to find Naruto lying on the grass sound asleep. He looked peaceful, he was even smiling a bit. "Well what are we doing watching him?!? Why don't we ask why he is like 10 years older than yesterday?!?" Kiba said loudly.

Glares from everyone (but Sasuke and Kakashi) were instantly on him. The once peacefully sleeping Naruto was now turned away from Kiba and the group whimpering as he covered his ears.

"Grr! If I weren't worried about waking Naruto up, you would be dead!" Sakura whispered. "He is right though. Why is Naruto now much older than before?" Kurenai pitched in, having felt forgotten since she hasn't been mentioned since introductions. (Sorry)

"It was an experiment. The jutsu wasn't perfect, so this must be the early development." Kakashi said. Naruto, who had been awake since Kiba's outburst, started thinking about what he said as he faked being asleep.

"That's true. I remember reading about that in the file we got! It said that it was a Jutsu that was meant to bring the person back to the worst day of their lives. The person is the age that they were right after it happened!" Sakura said as she recalled the memory. "Not to loud Sakura!" Hinata said quietly. Sakura.. so either I have been forwarded in time or I have been aged far back.

I assume the second option is correct since they know stuff about what jutsu was used... I wonder if I keep up the act of stupidity in the future... one way to find out. Naruto thought as he rolled around a little to get everyone's attention. (It didn't work) time for plan B.

A loud yawn was heard and everyone looked in Naruto's direction to find him in a sitting position and arms wide. Naruto rubbed his eyes and looked around. He was a little surprised to see everyone grownup. It was evident as his once bright, big eyes were dull and shocked for a second before he regained composure and was back to normal.

A second was all they needed...

"Woah! You look just like Sakura-Chan! And you look like Hinata! And Uch-Sasuke to! How come you're all so big?" Naruto said standing up and jumping around.

"Hehe.. well, you see.. uh... you were placed under a Jutsu that made you younger." Sakura said hesitantly. Will he even understand? Sakura thought.

So I was right. Naruto thought. "Huh? So I'm in the future? Cool!" Naruto said excitedly. Moment of truth... everyone looked at each other weirdly. Maybe they already know... no one spoke.

Am I that bad at acting? "Dobe." Sasuke said. Naruto seemed to glow like the sun as he smiled, even though on the inside, he was only glad they bought it. He wasn't new to his mask, so he was sure he wouldn't mess up. But there was a chance the future Naruto blew it. After all, he can't keep it up forever.

"We will be back in a minute. Can you try taking that orange tent down and packing it in that bag?" Kakashi said calmly as he pointed to the bag near the tent.

Naruto remembered that bag. It was the one he bought on the first day of school! I guess I never got a new one... he thought as he nodded and left.

Kakashi and the rest talked about current events and discussed theories about what was going on with him. 42 minutes later, Naruto was done and they had to finish packing and leave quickly before they were late to Suna.

"So, Naruto... how old are you?" Sakura asked. "13!" Naruto answered happily. "I have a question." Shino stared. "What happened before you got here?"

"Huh? Oh. That's easy! When I woke up I went to the place Kakashi-sensei told my team to meet for this thing called the bell test. He said not to eat, so I didn't. But I was really hungry 'cuz I didn't eat the night before either. When I got there Sakura was obsessing over Sasuke so I just went and said hi, but because of that, I made Sakura-chan mad... so then Kakashi came and we started the test. Everyone split up.

In the end, hunger got the best of me so we failed and I got tied to a post. Sasuke and Sakura were nice enough to feed me though, so we passed! Then Kakashi-sensei, Sakura and Sasuke went to go get ramen to celebrate. That's when a villiger came and saw that I was still tied up, he-" Naruto stopped as he remembered what happened next. He then realized everyone staring at him and quickly started walking again, smiled and continued.

"He untied me then talked to me for a while. When he was done I fell asleep and woke up here." Everyone knew he was lying. Everyone saw the far off look in his eyes when he stopped. They saw the pain, saddeness and hurt his eyes held.

How could I not realize this before?

1040 words

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