Ch.13 For The Mission... or Love...

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3rd POV: back to the conversation

"No Kurenai-sensei! Your right... we've just been so ignorant that we couldn't see it..."

"Going back to the last time he aged... he told us what happened before he got here. Maybe there is something there that could tell us what made that one of the worst day's of that year. Then, next time we see him we can ask him the same thing about the day of the test, only in the future this time!"-Kiba

The sun started rising.

"Wow so you do have a brain after all..."

"Last time I checked I didn't leave my teammate to be tied to a pole to go eat his favorite food!"-Dog man

Sakura visibly tensed, so did the other two present members of team 7. Before they could continue, they heard the door open and close.

Thinking fast, Kakashi used the Jutsu from the forest to camouflage the large group. One by one he led everyone to the wall and put a finger to his mouth, signaling them to shut up.

They watched at Naruto walked in. He took of his shoes carefully and set them on the mat. He had planned on telling anyone who asked that he just went for a morning stroll.

On the other hand, Kakashi was staring intently at what was happening. He noted everything he could, the way Naruto seemed to be looking very determined for some reason, or how he seemed to be acting normal.

He looked around and noticed someone's door open. He signaled them to go to their room and come back. Once they had reached past their door, the jutsu couldn't effect them and so they became visible.

Suddenly, Hinata got the idea.

She opened the door wider and appeared to look sleepy. Everyone who was hidden was amazed at her acting skills.

Suddenly she gasped and looked surprised, quickly changing that look to confusion.
"N-Naruto! W-What are you doing up?" Hinata said half genuinely.

"Hinata?!? Eh- I mean Hinata?!?" Naruto said yelling at first but then quickly changed to whispering.

"N-no need to whisper... everyone left a few minutes ago." Hinata said.

"Where'd they go?" Naruto said, now talking normally. He walked closer to Hinata. Suddenly he felt awkward so he settled for sitting on the couch in between them.

"Well, Kakashi-sensei, Sakura and Sasuke left to go see the Kazekage and Kurenai-sensei, Shino and Kiba left to go shopping. They left me to take care of you." Hinata said. She moved next to the arm of the couch as she smiled softly at him.

Naruto then jumped on top of the arm of the chair, inches away from Hinata's face.
"Speaking of which, how come I'm here and not with Pervy-Sage?" Naruto asked. He realized how close they were and let go of the chair, allowing him to fall backwards onto the chair, and away from The now tomato red Hinata.

"It's just- last time I remembered being with Pervy-Sage, going to sleep in a hotel room. Now, I'm in the middle of Suna, which was very far from where I once was. Did I dream the whole thing? No... I still would be with
Pervy-Sage then... maybe I'm dreaming right now..." Naruto said thinking out loud.

Hinata, who forgot the others present in the room existed, (and now was not a cherry) went behind the couch and leaned over it to face Naruto. Well, kind of.

She put her head on her hands, her elbows on the couch and smiled sweetly at Naruto.
"Your not dreaming Naruto... I'll explain everything to you, but before I do I have a question."

"Shoot." Naruto said simply, blushing a bit. "Do you remember when you first became a gennin? Could you tell me what happened after the test Kakashi-sensei made you guys take?" Hinata replied innocently.

"Sure Hinata-Chan! Let's see... well, after the test we went to go get ramen. The only issue was, they forgot about me being tied up. After struggling to get out for a couple hours, a group of villagers found me. After some arguing to let me down, they did. I went home and ate, then went to sleep." Naruto said partly telling the truth.

He was a little mad at himself for telling Hinata that, but he just could bring himself to full on lie to her. He liked her, he knew that. Because of that, he felt obligated to tell her everything. But he couldn't do it now... not until he was respected by everyone. Not until he knew that everything would be ok. For him, and her.

"Ok, well I-I guess I have to keep up my end of the deal huh?" She said as she walked back around the couch and sat down next to him. Naruto sat up and moved over.

As she moved, she remembered the rest of the group. As she became red, she tried to signal them to leave then come back in a few minutes. They complied.

Quietly they made their way to the door while Hinata explained what was going on in the most simple way possible.

So simple, I can't even say it the way she did. Anywho,

Soon the group had a problem. How would they open and close the door without a sound? Sakura panicked and slammed the door open, making a very loud but quick screech.

"What was that?!?" Everyone rushed outside as fast as they could. "I-It was nothing! I didn't hear anything? Did you? No? Thatswhatithought!" Hinata yelled nervously as she grabbed Naruto's face to look at her and not the door, where the now visible ninja's were running, one by one, out as fast as possible.

Naruto gently took her hands off his face as he attempted to look behind him but Hinata just put her hands back, this time staring at him intently, trying to think of something fast.

Naruto tried again, this time faster, only for Hinata-The door slammed shut.

But that wasn't on Naruto's mind. He couldn't move, he couldn't breathe. Hinata had done something that surprised both of them.

She kissed him.

1044 words

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