Ch.18 (The "Ending" Ending)

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Naruto's POV:

It's been a few months since that fateful day... the day we got home. By then I was 15 the same thing repeating.. Only this time seemed to confirm to them what was actually happening. Let me explain, I have plenty of time now...

+3 months ago+

It was just like every other time. I woke up in a tent, this time wondering how I got there when I was passed out in an ally last night. And just like every other time Kurama explained what was happening. I decided to stop trying to break the jutsu since I only had a day left assumably.

The sky was a multi-colored assortment of reds, pinks, purples and oranges. As I slowly sat back up from behind my tent, I processed what was going on.
I could hear the slight movements in the other tents, probably the others sleeping.

I wonder how much different everyone looks.

I took a deep breath, preparing to try and throw everyone off of my track. I slowly stood up, looking at my surroundings, wondering if I should make breakfast or go back to my tent to pretend to sleep.

Unlike the past me's, I am a lot smarter now. I've learned to control my emotions, mask them, and tuck them away for a while. Nothing will figure me out.

You won't be saying that a year from now.

Shut it kurama....


I slowly walked back around to the entrance of my tent and crawled into the safety of the cloth walls that surrounds me, carful not to make to much noise.

Not even an hour later and the others were up and out of their tents, packing them and securing them in their respective bags.

After debating whether to "wake up" or stay "asleep" I decided to get up out of curiosity of what they would do.

As I slowly sat up, I rubbed my eyes out of habit and peeked out of my tent to see the majority of them by a fire in the middle making breakfast, the others were finishing their tents.

As they were cooking, Sakura started the conversation. "Should I wake Naruto up? He's been asleep longer than he usually is..."

"No, leave him be. I heard him about an hour or two ago walking to his tent, he must have not gotten a lot of sleep last night." Kiba said grabbing a cup of instant ramen that he got from the store back in Suna.

You'd be surprised.... that's the best sleep I've had in a very long time....

Kiba poured the boiling water from the pot they had over the fire into the cup and sat it next to him.
Kakashi just sighed, as Sakura and Hinanta glanced worriedly back at his tent, not noticing that it had suddenly closed when they did.

Guess it's now or never.

I shuffled my way out of my tent, faking that I was sleepy as I yawned. Everyone but stone cold Sasuke looked towards me in shock. Probably wondering if I heard them. "What? Do I got something on my face?" I asked jokingly, but they didn't laugh. I walked over to them and sat near Hinata and Sakura, who both smiled and went back to what they were doing.

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