Ch.5 On Our Way!

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Naruto's POV:

Suddenly a very old woman came outside grumpily. I recognize her... she was here before too. She was the one... no nononononononononononononononononononononono. I'm not going. No. They can't make me. No. Not happening. I want Jiji! You can- oh wait. I remember now... he's dead.

"Go on now Naruto. Go play with the other kids." Kakashi-San said, pushing me a little. "No! No no nononononononono nononononononononono not again! No I'm not! Don't leave me here! You can't make me! I don't wanna!" I screamed. I was crying as panic rose inside me.

Her eyes bore into mine as she stared at me sweetly. But I knew better. The second he leaves, so does her sweet personality. She's evil. I'm not going.

"Naruto calm down. It's ok-" Kakashi-San started but I couldn't let him finish. "No! Please! Take me with you! I won't be a bother! I promise! I always keep my promises! Just please don't go!" I could hear the desperation in my voice. It kind of surprised me how I could sound that desperate.

Kakashi-San was surprised to. It was seen in his face. I think he got the idea and gave the evil lady a mean look. "I swear whatever you did to this child will be reported to the hokage soon."

She was shookethed. "I-I whatever do you mean? I've never seen this child!" She spoke sweetly but I could hear the venom in her voice.

"Hmm. Just in case I will take him with me." He said, giving her an unsure look. At least I'm not staying. I looked at Kakashi-San as he picked me up and ran on the rooftops back to his house.

"What are we doing?" I asked. "Packing for a small S-Rank mission. The hokage is letting us team up with Team 8 to go somewhere special. I was going to put you with other kids your age to see how you reacted before the mission but seeing as that failed we have extra time to pack."

"So I was always going to go on a mission?" I asked, confused. "Correct. You see, the hokage wants you to be able to trust other people than me, so if I get called away on a big mission, you won't have to worry. For now we are meeting with people you will know in the future."

"I think I understand. Where are we going?" I asked again. "*sigh* well seeing as you feel uncomfortable in the village we are going to Suna for a few days then coming back. It's kind of like a portable camping trip. We will be away for at least 6 days and we will be constantly moving so be prepared."

"So my older self. Did he have any supplies? Or bags?"

"Yes actually. I think I put your stuff in the closet." He replied pointing to a door next to other doors. I ran to the door and opened it. There on the floor was a medium size, orange bag that seemed to be full of ramen.

After shuffling around I found scrolls with labels and stuff on them. It's a blood seal. Whenever you need something, just find the scroll and bite your thumb. Wipe the blood on the black seal and it will appear...

He then took five minutes explaining everything I needed to know about the seal. As he was doing that, I sealed the ramen in another scroll labeled ramen and started trying to carry the bag. The weight wasn't really a problem as it was just scrolls. There weren't a whole lot of scrolls either. Here were all of the scrolls:



Fire starting equipment plus kettle

Pot and pan

Utensils and plate

Cup and bowl


Spare clothes



Medical stuff

I guess I am always prepared when I'm older. That's a good habit. Anyway, the problem was the straps on the bag were too big for me so it kept sliding on the floor. Luckily I figured out how to tighten them so it just looked like I was carrying a big bag of stuff.

I went to the living room to wait for

Kakashi-San since he said he had to go somewhere private for a few minutes. I would never go outside without someone with me. Mainly because of the...

He came back an hour later to my surprise. "Why did you take so long?" I asked innocently. "A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way." He replied. "Ooooh. That makes sense. Wouldn't want bad luck on a mission!" I said happily. That's a first.

Finally we were on our way to the gates! I found that the spare clothes were really just 2 pairs of old clothes that were to big for me and a big cloak to help not get noticed so I wore that as we went through town.

Kakashi-San seemed confused but didn't ask. When we got there I took off the cloak and hid it in my bag. As we got closer I saw Sakura-Chan and Sasuke-kun. I also saw a really big lady, a weird dog guy, another weird detective guy and a really pretty shy looking girl.

I felt really nervous when we got close enough for them to see and talk to us so I hid behind Kakashi-San.

"Is it really true? Did the brat really turn four?" The lady asked, trying to peer behind my human shield. "First of all yes, second of all he is 3." Kakashi-San said, stepping away from me.

I tried to reach for him but ended up falling and hurting my knee. "Ow." I said quietly as I bent my knee back and forth, seeing how bad it was.

"Here let me help!" Sakura-Chan said worried as she ran up to me. "No need! You don't need to waste supplies on me." I said watching as the small cut on my knee was healing. "Kura-nii always tries to heal me when I'm hurt. All though I didn't know it was him until yesterday..."I said getting up.

I was getting used to the bag being big and all. It seemed a little empty though. I scanned over the people around me and noticed three things,

1.everyone was looking at me

2. There was a villager in the distance staring at me

And 3. A scroll fell out of my bag.

"While I would love to meet you all, I feel like it's best to leave for now." I said as I took off my giant bag, put the scroll back and put it back on. They looked at me funny so I frowned and looked away at the villager again.

The villager seemed to recognize me because he screamed and went to find some other people. Probably to...attack me.

"C-Cmon! L-l-l-lets go!" I said, pulling on Kakashi-San's arm. He looked at me sadly then picked me up and started running towards the woods. Everyone else followed behind.

1193 words

His Secret. A Naruto Fan Fic. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now