Ch.2 Baby Trouble

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Naruto's POV:

I woke up expecting the worst. But I was surprised when I found I was in a cell chained up. The chains were a little too big for me so I slipped out without another thought.

Suddenly a sand ninja came. He was huge! All I could do was stand there in shock as he read on a clipboard next to my jail cell and glanced at me with a shocked expression too.

So many signals were going off in my head, I didn't know what to listen to. Why isn't he attacking? Where am I? Why was I in here? Is he ok? Where is Jiji? Did they finally ship me off?

I felt tears come to my eyes as he opened the cell. "No! Please! I didn't do anything! I swear!" I screamed hoping he wouldn't hurt me. He came inside the cell. I panicked and backed into the corner, crying, praying to kami it'll be over soon. "P-Please... I don't want it! Don't hurt me!" I yelled through tears.

Then he did something that surprised me.

"Who." He asked "W-What?" "Who hurt you." "Th-th- they did..." I said shyly, knowing what would come if I told him. "Who are they." He replied looking at me with no emotion. "I-I-I-I can't tell you..." I said, wiping my tears. "I'm sorry!" I said quickly.

He stood back up from the crouching position he was in, patted me on the head and walked out the door. He turned around and locked the door as he mumbled. "Who would do this to a three year old..." he was nice... right as he walked away there was a loud bam and a... a boom!

Three people rushed to my cell. I was still in the corner, with my knees to my chest, almost crying again. I looked up at them with horror as I saw the leaf Shinobi headband.

They looked at me surprised as I cried and hid myself deeper in my knees. I also noticed the new shirt and shorts I had on. I guess I was too busy to notice...

They quickly broke the door and I jumped at the quick action and pure strength of the girl on the team, but that just made me cry more. The guy with white hair approached me slowly as I tried to back away in fear.

When he was close enough to go past my comfort zone I screamed, "Please! Don't hurt me! I didn't do anything! I don't wanna go back! I want Jiji!" The two shinobi's in the back looked horrified, the girl even crying, but the white haired shinobi just calmly kept coming closer.

He looked like he was in pain, and I couldn't help but stop crying, unwrapping myself and asking him, "Are you ok?" He looks nice. So I should be nice to him... This time they all stopped. The man look at me like i had grown another head while the other two looked at me confused.

"IM SORRY! I-you just looked in pain and I didn't want you to hurt yourself over me..." I said in a rush. The man visibly relaxed and the other two just stared at me. I stared back, curiously.

The man approached me yet again but this time I didn't fight back. I feel oddly trusting with him... I feel like I would trust him with my life. "W-Who are you?" I asked as he stopped in front of me. He sat down and in return I crawled into his lap and huddled with him in case the other two attacked me.

He looked surprised at first but gently wrapped his arms around me in a comforting way, and replied, " My name is Kakashi Hatake. I am a jonin of the leaf village. Do you know what a Jonin is?"

I looked at him and said, "Yes! I know what a Jonin is sir! Jiji taught me that last month!" I smiled at the thought of Jiji. Hatake-San looked sad. "Good. This is Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha. They are genins. I assume you know what that is?" Hatake-San said. "That's Haruno and Uchiha!?! B-but they were only this big- *puts hand over head*- when I last saw them!" I whisper-yelled to Hatake-San as not to be rude. I think they heard.

"Yes Naruto. That is Sakura and Sasuke." He said while Haruno-San giggled lightly behind her hand while wiping tears. I got up and so did Hatake-San. I started to go forwards to them but stopped, remembering how last week they didn't help me when a rock was thrown towards me.

I instead went side to side examining them carefully but not wanting to get any closer incase they attacked. Haruno-San stepped closer and extended her hand. "Ah!" I yelled, zipping over to Hatake-San. I was visibly shaking as Haruno-San looked at me shocked.

"I guess he still isn't used to you guys..." Hatake-San said. He then bent down and reached out to me. I recall Jiji doing this when he wants to pick me up so I do what I usually do and lift up my arms. Hatake-San picks me up and I snuggle closer to him so I can be more protected from the outside world.

(No this is not Kakashi x Naruto.)

"Let's go, Sand Anbu should be here by now." Hatake-San said as he walked out of the cell. I kind of liked that place... it was so quiet before the hidden leaf reappeared. As we walked through the corridors I saw things that seemed familiar but I couldn't place a finger on where I've seen them.

When we stepped outside, a bunch of people were there but the only person I focused on was the nice man from before. I gasped and tried to get down. Hatake-San let me down but followed close behind me.

I made a beeline for the nice man. I could see weird stares from the people nearby but I was use to it so I don't care. "It's you again!" I said as I reached him. The Anbu flinched toward him when he knelt down to my level but stopped when they thought it was fine. Probably because of the restraints on his hands.

"What are you doing here? You should be going back home." He said. It was kinda monotonous. "I'm leaving now apparently, Where are you going?" I asked curiously. " I'm going to a place I deserve to be in. It's called jail." He said a little amused.

"Did you do a bad thing? Or are you like me? Are you repenting there?" I asked even more curious now. I felt proud remembering how last week jiji taught me what the word repent meant and how I used the word by myself.

"Yes I did do something bad and I'm going to repent for it." He said. "Oh ok then be good so you can do lots of things when you get out!" I said, patting his head in a mimicking action to earlier.

"Will do..." he said with a smirk as he got up and followed Anbu. After a while of staring at his shrinking figure, I mumbled "he was nice..." and turned around. Hatake-San picked me up while Haruno-San looked shocked and Uchiha-sama looked a little in disbelief.

They seem to look like that often...

"Now to go back to Konoha." Hatake-San said. I then zoned out as fear had taken me into a deep sleep and a regular nightmare.

1284 words

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