Ch.3 Kurama-nii!

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Kakashi's POV:

As we were on the path towards Konoha we were all thinking about our predicament. Right before we left Naruto had fallen asleep and we went to the Kazekage's office to get information and go. Gaara was shocked to say the least but knew of the situation and gave us a proper explanation.

"I can't believe this is real..." Sakura said sadly.

"I can't believe this either honestly... Who would've thought that this type of Jutsu could be created..." Sasuke replied stoically.

Naruto squirmed in my arms and started silently crying. "Who would have thought this was the worst year of his life..." I replied thoughtfully.

"Who did this to him!?!"Sakura cried.

"You will find out soon enough. Right now our mission is to report back." I said stoically. It's going to be ok Naruto just wait..

Timeskip no Jutsu!

When we reached the hokage tower Naruto was already awake due to the trip taking two days. "Jiji!" Naruto cheered. My heart sank a little. "Now Naruto, before you go in we need to talk to the hokage about mission details. I need you to stay out here with... Sakura. Ok?"


I opened the door just wide enough to let both me and Sasuke in and shut the door behind us.

"Where is Naruto and Sakura? Are they ok?" Lady Hokage asked. "Well it's complicated... Naruto was hit with an Age Reversal Jutsu and was brought to the age where he was in the most trauma. Currently he has no memory of anything after that year. Not even us. He seems to trust me though and is very persistent in seeing the 3rd hokage." I said stoically waiting for a reaction.

She looked devastated. Worse than I thought. "H-How old i-is h-h-he..." she asked cautiously. "Three..." I said looking down. "Well we can't just leave him in the dark about The 3rds...demise." She replied. "Please let him down gently, he is only three and has been thro-'' I was cut off by her. "I know! Do you think I can't handle a child! Bring him in here!" Well she isn't the best but here's to hoping...

I went back to Sakura and told her to come with him. Naruto jumped up with a big bright smile and ran to the door, knocking on it and waiting. "Come in." Lady Hokage said. Naruto looked puzzled and slowly opened the door.

"Hello Naruto. I am Tsunade. The fifth Hokage." She said stoically as she looked at Naruto. I could tell she was about ready to jump over the table and pinch his cheeks but she held herself together.

"W-W-W-Where is...where is J-Jiji?" Naruto ask reaching for me, tears in his eyes. "I-Uh well... um he is..........IN A BEtter place! Yeah! He-um is not in the village... anymore..." Lady Tsunade stuttered.

"Oh." He said he stared at the ground for a while before I decided to pick him up. "I think we should get Naruto home." I said looking at the visibly trembling child in my arms.

"I agree. He will stay with you, Kakashi for now. Until we decide what to do. You are dismissed."

We all headed toward my house. Naruto was still trembling just now more violently and started crying quietly. "Why does he trust you so much Sensei?" Sakura asked. I assume to take our minds off things. "I'm not sure. It could have something to do with his feelings before he was hit." I replied.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke said interested. "For example, Naruto is close to the people who run the ramen stand, Teuchi and Ayame. Probably even more so than me. Even though they probably haven't met then, Naruto will feel just as he would if he were still 16."

"Ooooh. Then why doesn't he like us?" Sakura said. "Let's ask him when he calms down." I replied as I stopped at the door of my house.

Naruto's POV:

He's gone. He left. He's never coming back. The only one that cared. He's gone. I'll never see him. He's replaced. I'm alone. No one else. I'll die. They will kill me. I'll be with him again. I don't wanna die yet. He's not here. I'll never see him. I couldn't protect him. I wasn't here. It's my fault. Why him? It's not fair, it's not fa-

Kit. Calm down. It's ok. I am Kurama, the Nine tailed demon. I will explain everything in time just know that I am your friend and you are not alone. You are protected.

"I'm... not.... alone?"

No kit. Not anymore.

"Thank you kurama-San"

Call me Kurama and stop speaking out loud. They can hear you and find out about me.

"Sorry Kurama-nii. I don't know how not to speak out loud. Where are you?"

I'm I-"Naruto?"oh great. It's the copy-cat ninja. He's calling for you to wake up so you better leave. I'll still be in your mind so don't worry.

"Oki bye bye Kurama-nii!"












"So who were you talking to?" Haruno-San asked. "I-I was talking to my friend Haruno-San." She looked at me surprised and replied with, "Please call me Sakura."

"Who is your friend?" Uchiha-Sama said. "He said his name was Kurama... He is someone I can trust, Uchiha-sama." I replied happily.

You shouldn't tell them this...

"Why not?"

They will get scared

"Why would they be scared of you? You're nice."

*Sigh* Nevermind.

"Oki!" I was brought out of it again by Uchiha-sama telling me to call him Sasuke. "Okay Sasuke-kun!"

"What is your friend Naruto?" Hatake-San asked. "He said uhhhhhhhh.... Nine-foxes tail or something."


"Oh! Sorry! Sorry! It's Nine tailed fox." I said as I giggled at his behavior.

You have naturally big Chakra reserves so you could probably summon me if you wanted to. I could teach you about the things you need to know. And warn them...

"Whatcha mean by that Kura-nii?" I asked

Just listen to what I say and ignore the others

Kakashi's POV:

Naruto was back to talking to The Nine tailed fox while we decided to come up with a plan. Well we were going to until we heard Naruto yelp in pain. Our heads zipped so fast to him I'm surprised we didn't get whiplash.

Naruto had bit his thumb and slammed it down. "Naruto stop!" I yelled. He started yelling. "Get him before he finishes!" I shouted, springing for him. But it was too late. A poof of smoke filled the living room and before we knew it. There was Naruto playing with the Nine tails of the small fox that he summoned.

1137 words

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