Ch.9 Sun, Sand and Suna

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3rd point of view:

Everyone was watching him carefully, waiting for him to slip up again. Naruto was aware of this and made sure not to be so careless again. After about 30 minutes, they saw sand. Sakura and Hinata were a little worried Naruto wouldn't make it with how hot it was but he seemed fine. He was "normal." The bright ball of sunshine everyone grew up to know.

The sad thing is...everyone knew now that something was wrong. They weren't naive little gennins anymore, and Kakashi was more aware. Kurenai wasn't really around Naruto as much as the others, so she couldn't help not knowing.

Naruto was an expert at pretending, but he wasn't perfect. Yet. After everything seen so far, and how young he was currently, they could tell it was an act. The question was, who is he really?

It was small things at first. The way he would flinch when touched or how his smile faltered a little after about 2 hours or so. But after 4 hours in the desert it became more obvious it was an act.

At first he stopped jumping around and instead walked. Naruto thought it was fine since he was exhausted and he thought they stopped looking. Then he would get this far off look and stop smiling while still walking. Even when the others would stop. This happened because at that time, the Kyuubi, or Kurama had introduced himself to Naruto.

Since Naruto hadn't met him yet he was shocked to say the least. After a while of conversing in his mind he realized what he was doing and quickly changed back as he looked around wondering if anyone saw.

No one was looking at the time. (Or so he thought)

The last thing was the lack of speech. Everyone knew that he was a loudmouth. You could hear him from the other side of the village sometimes. So having the blonde be so quiet was different to say the least.

Once they finally arrived it was noon. Naruto was ready to pass out, Sakura, Shino and Kiba were tired and very thirsty, Kakashi, Kurenai and Sasuke seemed fine and Hinata was sweating.

When they got to the Kage's Tower they decided that Hinata was to stay with Naruto while they talked to Gaara. She was to try and find anything she could on him until they were called back. And so it began.

Let's focus on Kakashi's side first.

As everyone but Hinata and Naruto made their way inside, Gaara had put a barrier around the office so no one could hear what they say. "Where is Naruto?" Gaara asked. Strait to the point I see Kakashi thought.

"He will be here soon, but first we came to talk to you about his current situation." Kakashi said. "Go on."

Now with Naruto! (His point of view)

Hinata-Chan told me that everyone was going to talk to the Kazekage, while we did something else. "We only have about twenty minutes." She said sweetly as she bent down to my level. Darn my shortness!!! "Where do you want to go?" She asked. I would have said a Ramen place, but we weren't in Kohona so I wouldn't have enough money for it. "Let's go exploring! Maybe they have sand parks somewhere around here!" I yelled trying not to be suspicious.

She looked upset for a moment but immediately went back to happy and simply said "ok!" And started to walk in a different direction, me following close behind.

After a while of wondering- I'm not sure how long- she said we needed to head back. I followed wordlessly as we went toward the Kazekage's Tower. I felt better. No one glared down at me, I was ignored by most. It was kinda peaceful.

As we headed back I looked around. The sun was beating down on the village yet everyone seemed unaffected. Kids were running around, playing without a care in the world. If only they knew...I realized then, Hinata-Chan was trying to talk to me.

"S-So... what's up?" She sounded nervous. I feel bad for her... "The sky is. Also clouds and birds!" I yelled idiotically. She laughed it off nervously and continued. "I-I meant, how are y-you?"

How am I? That's a good question.. How am I? All this time I've never thought about it... I wonder how am I? I said. "N-Naruto? -Are you ok?" Hinata-Chan said as we made it about half way to the Tower.

"Yeah! I'm Super great!" I yelled. She looked worried. I continued looking the streets. Adults were walking around buying food, walking their animals, talking, laughing, enjoying their lives to the fullest. It was sandy, and not many things seemed to grow here, but it was nice.

The merchants were smiling while a team of shinobi left from the tower for seemingly just returning from a mission. The team consisted of three smaller people, two guys and a girl with their senses already much ahead of them. The only person I could get a good look at was the girl as the others rushed after their Sansei aswell.

She had black raven hair that was set in a neat ponytail, onyx eyes that looked cold and unforgiving. She was wearing a crop top and jeans from the looks of it and she was wearing ninja shoes. I wonder if this is what a mission is like... We finally made it there.

As we walked to the Kage's room I noticed how similar it was to the Hokage's tower at home. Well, not home... Not until I am Hokage and I get the respect I desire will that be my home.

We walked in front of the maroonish brown door and Hinata-Chan knocked three times, getting the attention of whoever was inside. I felt a familiar presence inside so I entered as soon as we heard a "Come in."

When I walked in I saw everyone there and another person. The Kazekage. "Aren't you a little young to be a Kazekage? Aren't they supposed to be really old?" I asked trying to be rude, but not to rude.

"I am Gaara, the 5th Kazekage of Sand. You do not know me now, but in the future we become very good friends. I'm sure that with time you will learn though. From now until sunrise you will be staying here with your friends." Gaara said stoically.



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