Ch.15 How?!?

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Naruto's POV:
"So your awake, huh?" A raspy voice said loudly. I stayed quiet as I attempted to leak some chakra into the room I was in. I couldn't see anything due to the blindfold on my face, but that wasn't going to stop me from checking my surroundings.

Although, I guess I had it coming. I'm surprised I wasn't kidnapped sooner.

3rd POV:

Kakashi stared at the crystal in shock. He knew about the Jinchuriki thing. But he NEVER thought it was this bad... he felt horrible... but he didn't have much time to sulk because he suddenly found himself holding back a furious Sasuke.

"How?!? HOW COULD HE NOT TELL US?!! WHO DID THIS TO HIM?!? It was those b****** people who experimented on him wasn't it!?! I'll kill the d*** Dobe for not telling us!" Were some of the many, many things heard from him.

"Sasuke calm down. There must be a reason he didn't tell us." Kakashi said calmly as he easily held the furious Uchiha.

"We are his comrades! No, we're his teammates. Basically family! He should of told us!"

Naruto was shown fully dressed again, reading a book of basic academy Jutsu's.

"Think about it though. He was being tortured by the rouge ninja's and experimented on. We found him at three, horrified of us. It's obviously because he thought we were one of the rouge ninja! He probably didn't show us out of fear of what we would do... after he aged, we could assume he is confused as to how he got his scars. We should go talk to him to ease his mind." Sakura said wiping tears away.

Kakashi And Sasuke thought it over and nodded. At first Kakashi assumed it was the villagers fault since he is the holder of a "demon" but Sakura's opinion was valid and he had no proof other than Naruto's testimony, which he didn't have.

"Fine...lets go see what the dobe has to say..."

( ✌︎'ω')✌︎Time skip✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke all made it back with more thoughts than before.

But what surprised them the most was the fact that when the opened the door, they were immediately pulled into a quick meeting on the floor- minus Hinata,who still wouldn't leave her room.

"So what the heck did you see in Naruto's room? Did he say anything important?"-Kiba the impatient

"We couldn't hear him moron!"-Sakura

"We did find out something important though." -Kakashi

"The Dobe has scars... a lot of them..." -Sasuke said seething in anger.

"I say we just knock him out and tie him up. Get some answers!" -Kiba

"Are you insane?!?" -Sakura

"It isn't like he will remember! Besides, we aren't going to torture him, just ask some questions." -Kiba

"Hmm..." most of the group thought about it.

"You can't seriously be-"

1 hour later and they were ready.

The plan was to "borrow" him when he falls asleep. Then, take him to this garage-like place where a friend of Kakashi's is waiting. They will blindfold him and have the friend talk to Naruto just in case this time was different or he kept his memory.

They would simply interrogate him until they were done, then wait for him to go back to sleep. After that, it will be like it never even happened!

It was already midnight so they got to work.
Kakashi and Sasuke left to prepare some stuff at the garage, Sakura and Shino were going to get Naruto, and Kiba was left to do literally anything else.

Hinata refused to participate so Kurenai spent her time talking Hinata into doing it.

1:00 A.M
Naruto's POV:

I woke up feeling uneasy, a familiar dread I grew accustom to settled deep in my stomach as it quickly spread to the rest of my body. I quickly realized the severity of the situation I was in so I did what I normally did and pretended to sleep.

Or I would have if I hadn't jumped out of instinct when I heard a mans raspy voice from in front of me. "So your awake, huh?" A raspy voice said loudly. I stayed quiet as I attempted to leak some chakra into the room I was in. I couldn't see anything due to the blindfold on my face, but that wasn't going to stop me from checking my surroundings.

I sensed many others in the room. Their chakra was concealed but I could just barely tell they were there. Probably the villagers of the sand hearing gossip from the leaf...

"Do what you want. I've handled worse. I couldn't care less about your petty reasons to end my existence." I said calmly. I showed no emotion in my voice. Gritting my teeth, I prepared for the worst.

There are many thing I've learned from the "visits" the villagers give me. I know how to provoke them, how to make them happy, hurt them (though I've never tried) how to make it hurt less, how I should act and much more.

I know that this guy won't do any serious harm, the most he could do is break most of my bones. The thing I'm scared of are the ninja's that are concealing their chakra.

I can tell they are strong, they are ninja's after all. "Ok look kid, I don't want any harm. I'm not like the others. But I don't wanna stand by and watch you hurt. So just answer my questions and this will be over before you know it." The voice said almost robotically.

I heard a facepalm.

"Look Sir... I know how this goes, I'm not falling for that twice. You expect me to believe you when you tie me to a chair, blindfolded, in only kami knows where, with a bunch of trained Shinobi? Yeah, you must not be very smart because if you thought for a second I got where I am today being that dumb, well... you got another thing coming." I said grinning.

"Although I will admit, I'm surprised you haven't reacted to the way I talked to you before..." I added suddenly realizing that this may not be a set-up and he doesn't actually know anything.

"Why would I- I mean, I know your not that dumb, but if I had just went up to you and talked to you, would you have told me?" He said questionably.



"So then why did you blindfold me?"

"I don't want you to go running to the police about this and me end up in jail, I want to help you but not in risk of my life."

1114 words

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