Part 1: Ruhi

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"Come on, come on wake up now. See it is getting so late for school and I'm getting late for work Ruhi. Get up."

"Ishima, let me sleep for five more minutes please, please..."

"No Ruhi, stop behaving like a bad girl now. Get up and go brush your teeth. Get up now."

"Okay Ishima."

"Listen, I have kept your uniform on the bed and check if you have put everything in your bag before you leave."

"Yes Ishima", I try to scream with my mouth full of toothpaste.

After some time, I get ready and call out for Ishima again, "Ishima, tie!"

"Oh Ruhi. You and your tie everyday. You are getting older now, you should be learning how to do these things by yourself now. How many times have I already shown to you. You just have to make a knot here and place this here, see so simple. Offo Ruhi, you have not even tied your shoelaces till now. I told you I'm getting late for work right. Hurry up now."

"Yes Ishima, sorry, I'll be done in five minutes. I'll come in the kitchen."

"Okay make it fast. Breakfast is getting cold. Sheela, have you packed our lunches yet?"

We eat breakfast hastily and rush to the parking spot as soon as we're done. After some time we reach my school.

"Ishima, at least come and leave me near the gate. The mothers of all my friends leave them near our class Ma. Please come. I'll have the chance to introduce you to my friends as well. They always tell me they really want to meet you, please come."

"Ruhi, I am already late for work today. Some other day I surely will Ruhi. Go now otherwise you'll be late for class too."

I lean towards Ishima and leave a kiss on her cheeks. She smiles and I get off the car. As I walk towards the gate, I turn around to wave at her or see whether she will wave at me, but her car is already gone.

At sharp 3. The school bus leaves me home. Sheela didi greets me and gives me a glass of lemonade to drink.

"Ruhi baby, will you eat something, maybe your mother will be late today. Should I heat the food for you?"

"No Sheela didi. I will wait for Ishima. She went early today so she will even come early. You eat your food. I will eat when Ishima comes. Thank you for the lemonade didi. It's very tasty."

I do my homework as I wait impatiently for Ishima to come. It is already 6 o'clock and I have started to get really hungry. Sheela didi has already asked me thrice if I want to eat, but I want to wait for Ishima. I have a lot to tell her about school today.

At 6:10, the door opens and Ishima comes in. She sees me and smiles.
"Hi Ishima."

"Hi Ruhi. Did you eat something?"

"Not yet, I was waiting for ....."

"Listen Sheela. I am so tired today. There were a lot of appointments today. Please feed Ruhi something. I do not want to eat today. Just make a cup of tea and send it to my room later. Ruhi, please finish your food and  complete your homework if you have any before you come and sleep okay. And do not forget to brush. I am going now. I will wait for you in bed."

I sit silently on the table and eat my food as I see Sheela didi go leave the cup in Ishima's room. She offers to feed me but I refuse. I should really start getting used to do things all by myself as Ishima said. Even the cartoons playing on the television don't seem to be interesting today. I finish my food and go in the room to brush my teeth. Ishima is already sleeping. I wrap the bed sheet around her and get in bed next to her. And she turns around to hug me, and she whispers "sleep now you have to wake up early tomorrow" in my ears.

It's been so long since I have heard Ishima say I love you to me. Maybe it was for my birthday last year or even earlier. She seems to be getting more tired with her work everyday. She never takes any holidays. She never goes out. She never rests enough. But I understand her and I never complain.

I know how hard it must be for Ishima. She has to balance the house, the clinic and me everyday. She is very strong but I feel sad for her. She has no one to look after her the way she looks after me when I am sick. She has no one to wipe her tears off the way she does for me. She has no one to play or talk to like me. It is so difficult for Ishima to do all this alone, for so many years. I never complain to her, I never ask her any questions. Because I know she loves me so much too, but she is so busy with work and all. It is okay, I understand and I just wish I never make Ishima sad, tired or angry. I love her so much. And I know she does too, despite her not openly showing it to me or anyone. I hug her tighter as she cuddles me in her arms as we both sleep.

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