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jisung stared at the arc with the camp's name, the thirteen year old boy looked at his mother for reassurance before they sent him off.
the boy had abilities he figured out was out of the ordinary, but instead of giving him fame and glory all it brought was a pain in the ass.

the boy couldn't control every plant that grows or transform whenever he's a few feet close, after a letter of invitation from the summer camp jisung felt like if this camp could help him control or even stop these powers of his it would solve all his problems. if not, then at least he won't be spending summer being crammed in his room filled with plants he unexpectedly grew.

mom, how would i know this camp will help me control my powers? what if we flew from malaysia to here for nothing? it looks like a plain old summer camp!
he complained and his mother knelt to the boy's height with a comforting smile.

they've sent me enough messages and proof that they can help you with this.... blessing you have. kids here are about your age and are going through the same state as you jisungie. you don't have to hide yourself here, you can be yourself, i'm sure you'll be making good memories and can control your abilities at least so you won't have to worry about it in the next school year.
his mom stood up and let go of his hand. the thought made jisung hopeful, he could finally be himself without hiding or embarrassing himself trying to hide the fact that he wasn't normal, that he was weird, that he was peculiar.

instantly the grass grew around his feet and his eyes went wide trying to grow them back down. it took a few moments before the grass stopped growing halfway through jisung's height but his parents just chuckled at their son and it made him laugh too.

they walked with him through the camp until they arrived at the big house where he would get registered.
there were a bunch of families there with their kids as they fell in line. another boy probably about jisung's age nudged him with a goofy smile.
hey, i'm felix what's your name?
he asked in english and jisung grinned.
i'm peter, but uh you can call me jisung, it's my korean name and i'm thirteen.

same! you excited about camp?

i-i don't know, it's my first time here and i still feel a bit skeptical.
jisung admitted but felix just nodded his head with agreement, for a moment jisung wondered how was felix peculiar to attend this camp. looking from left to right everyone seemed normal and it made him anxious.

with those thoughts in mind the pots above the desks' shelves started to shake and vines grew out earning gasps from people in the room and their parents checking them in.
the pots were about to fall onto the person in the front desk when jisung felt time slow down and felix ran to catch the pots in lightning speed.

felix tumbled for a moment and was able to place the pots down before he ran out of control around the room.
the entire place was a ruckus and jisung panicked as felix was already wailing around trying to stop himself but he was too fast before someone could catch him.

jisung glanced at the pots on the ground which felix had placed safely and balled his fists, he took in a breath and extended his hands onto the pots and the vines grew to life again, he twisted them around and shot it out to tie felix making him stop running and up in the air upside down as jisung was losing control of the vines.

he was able to stop the vines and it dropped to the ground along with felix who ran to him for a hug.
you saved me! cool powers by the way.
felix grinned.

they apologized to everyone in the big house and went out together, waving goodbye to their parents from the hill.
they walked down together to the cabins and laughed to themselves a bit.
i really can't control my abilities. now i just made a mess at the big house good thing they cut us out some slack.

CAMP PECULIAR; stray kids ✓Where stories live. Discover now